Thursday, September 12, 2013

Today's News

Jim Ross:

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross yesterday left WWE, ending a 20 year career with the company.

WWE initially announced that he had decided to retire, with this press statement.

However as yesterday went on the real reason for his departure has emerged. He met with Vince McMahon yesterday where he was allegedly informed that the WWE Chairman had decided to end his tenure with the company, citing the SummerSlam video games press panel event, which JR presided over and in which Ric Flair took the event hostage as the reason. McMahon felt that JR should have reigned Flair in and were furious he was allowed to get away with what he was saying by JR, a trusted WWE representative.

Vince was most angry that Flair announced that John Cena drinks a 6 pack every night, and that he put one of his Hall Of Fame rings in his son Reid's coffin (WWE gave him another to replace it, wanting to keep it secret for some reason). Vince was apparently so angry he almost fired JR on the spot after the event, but was talked out of it.

In another twist on this story, it has been alleged that WWE released the retirement story, not to allow JR to leave with his head held high, but rather that they wanted to avoid a fan backlash, and the negative PR they predicted at the firing of a long loved WWE legend, and thought by saying it was his decision that heat would not come.

Also WWE have not allowed any active stars to comment on JR leaving, bar Vince himself, who tweeted a terse one line thank you and goodbye...

"Thank you @JRsBBQ for 20 years of service with @WWE."

And Triple H, who thanked him and advised him to enjoy himself.

Some backstage and announce team members have since broken that embargo, Such as The Fink, Justin Roberts, Brooklyn Brawler and Stephanie McMahon, but there is still no word from the wrestling roster... Coincidence?, I think not.

Finally Jim Ross, Who on a speaking tour in the UK earlier this year said he would never retire from WWE because of his love for the sport and the company, has announced that this is not the last wrestling fans will see of him, teasing that the tell all book he has been considering writing for some time may now be on it's way. He has also already been offered a big money shoot interview.

His first public comments since this news broke was on his blog...

"It's been quite a day. September 11, 2013 was my last day in WWE. Its hard to believe that It was over 20 years ago when i debuted in WWE at WM9 & my first ever WWE assignment was doing play by play w/ the great, Bobby Heenan and the unpredictable Macho Man Randy Savage. Time flies when one is enjoying one 's dream job. Heck, it only took me 19 years ti make it to the NFL of sports entertainment. Overnight sensation, right? So, at the age if 61 it's time to close this chapter of my life and begin exploring new, adventures while my health is great. I wouldn't have changed a thing in WWE except I wish that I'd been able to avoid some health issues along the way. That was the hand that I was dealt and I simply refused to fold it. Other that health issues my 'run' in WWE has exceeded my wildest dreams. I was fortunate enough to have a key role in arguably one of the most interesting and compelling eras in our business's history. Hmmmm....perhaps a book is in order some day. Time will tell. Now I actually have the time to write the autobiography many have asked about over the years. For the record, I'm not purchasing a rocking chair so I'm not "going away." I have many interests & I plan on exploring them all."

Hulk Hogan on TNA's product:

"The majority of our time we stay consistent with storylines. I think we are really, really consistent with delivering the action and keeping the business in the ring as much as possible. There are certain times where you can watch a quarter hour and minute-by-minute and see where the girls are on there and doing certain things in the background, having a certain conversation. That works. We try not to go against the grain. But the majority of the time the people want the action in the ring and we try to be really consistent with that, and that's what we are trying to do."

He did, though make a crack about the TNA pay issues...

"I may have to borrow some money from you, man. Are you Uncle Sam or something, checking into my tax bracket with TNA? I'm doing okay myself, but you're acting like Uncle Sam or something, getting kinda personal with these questions, brother."

And took a shot at WWE...

"Jack Swagger, he's a great amateur wrestler, but he's a bad guy. The other guy, he's from a foreign country, so how could you be a real American if you're a bad guy from a foreign country? I think ol' Zeb Colter's up to no good, brother."

TNA approaching landmark:

The 500th Impact will be on November 7.

Darren Young:

WWE star Darren Young will appear on Ellen to discuss his decision to come out later this week.

WWE Alum works with current Diva's:

Michelle McCool has been working at the Performance Center this week, with the NXT girls.

Total Diva's:

When Total Diva's returns on November 17 it will air one hour earlier than it currently does.


The upcoming WWE tour of Mexico will have some stiff competition, CMLL have added a competing show in a town just 45 minutes from the WWE event on October 18.

Creative departure confirmed:

Dave Kreizman has now left WWE, he had delayed his departure to work through until SummerSlam, but has now gone.


Daniel Bryan is currently scripted to win the WWE Title at Night Of Champions.

ROH wedding:

Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett are currently working on their real world wedding.

NXT promotions:

In a bit of a swerve WWE are working on promoting two NXT stars you may not know that well to the main roster, Mojo Rawley and Baron Corbin. WWE have been impressed with the former football players, who started at NXT with no ring experience, and are ready to reward them.

John Cena returning to WWE:

John Cena will be back on WWE TV for the month of October, although in a non wrestling role. He is the face of a breast cancer awareness campaign and October is the official month dedicated to the issue, so WWE see having Cena on TV as a must, to raise as much awareness as possible. No word on what his role will be at this time.

Miz fail:

WWE are ready to give up on The Miz's babyface run, they feel it has been a failed ''Experiment''.

Creative fail:

Communication is so bad in the WWE creative department that some members of the team only heard that Mark Henry was cleared to return to the ring by reading online news sites. One member said...

"Communication process is the s--ts in this company."

New WWE Alum:

This time... James E. Cornette.


Was Jim Ross pushed or did he jump? What will you miss about him, what will be your favourite memory of ''Good Ol' JR''???

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