Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Today's News

Triple H bites back:

Triple H has responded to claims he, the McMahon's and Ryback's current stories are hypocritical by portraying bullying on their programs whilst also fronting a campaign against the social problem.

He tweeted...

"OMG, someone just told me that Darth Vader is a character in a movie!!!! Silly me all this time I thought he was just a big bully #BAStar"

John Cena posts injury update:

"Gotta keep stitches in a few more days. I am beyond frustrated, but gotta do what Doc says. Adapt. Overcome''.

When did Detroit lose Mania?:

Detroit sports commissioner Dave Beachnau say's WWE informed him Detroit had been dropped from consideration to host WrestleMania 32 in June. The decision has only recently being confirmed to have been made, although WWE have not yet officially announced that the winner is Orlando in Florida, they are still debating the winner of Mania 31's host venue bid and will probably announce both at the same time.

Raw notes:

A fan in attendance at this weeks Raw has told Wrestling Inc about the fan incidents (See yesterday) as he saw them...

''When the action in the ring went outside to the announcer's right, the guys mugged for the camera a bit, which started the Ric Flair "Wooo's." When the action went back to the ring, a chant started for Hogan, to which "Hogan" responded. A security guy went over to him and asked him to sit down. The crowd then started chanting for "Savage". He responded to the crowd and the security guy went over to him. Rinse / repeat for "Jake The Snake" and "Flair," with the security guy asking them to sit down each time. The crowd went nuts for them as soon as they came down the aisle before the event began, so it really wasn't anything new for the Orton / Rhodes match. It was more of a spontaneous response to a slow starting match.''

An important segment in the Cody Rhodes story had to be scrapped due to a major production botch, Brad Maddox came to discuss the importance of the match to Cody Rhodes career before Orton entered for the bout, but somehow a TV advert for baseball caps was playing on the Tron in direct view of the camera's, so WWE decided they could not use the footage. The segment was pulled in mid flow, Cody was responding to Maddox when Referee Charles Robinson (Who must have been given a message through his earpiece) came over to Cody and explained what was wrong and took the mic from him.

In another botch the exit stories for Cody were due to start post SummerSlam but a lack of communication in creative meant they forgot about the planned angle until Cody brought it up, and they had to rush a 3 week angle into one match on Raw this week. 

Jericho almost missed his WWE return:

Chris Jericho has revealed how he almost got himself arrested during a drunken night out, just hours before he made his WWE return as a surprise guest in this years Royal Rumble match. Whilst at a music event with his friend M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold, he got a little too friendly, then a lot fighty with a friend of Shadows, here is the full story from the man himself...

"I was in Anaheim at the North American Music Merchants Convention, which is where all the bands go and do signing for whoever it is that you're endorsed by, and it's a really giant convention thing. Afterwards, it's just like a huge party. I was with M. Shadows from Avenged (Sevenfold), a really good friend of mine, and with a couple other guys from Avenged as well. We got completely plastered and loaded, and it ended up with me demanding that Matt's friend let me kiss him on the lips. I wouldn't leave the car, and finally when I did leave the car I chased him around the car and then jumped on the hood of the car and wouldn't let him leave. Then the cops were called, and they were gonna arrest me. I was like 'If I get arrested and thrown in the drunk bank tonight and miss the Royal Rumble, I'm probably gonna be in pretty big trouble.' So I stopped what I was doing, got in the car, and as we were driving away I punched him in the face as hard as I could. It was just like the worst feeling; everyone was so mad at me, and Shadows was like 'You can't punch guys in the face!' I felt awful. I woke up about an hour later and I had to go catch a flight, but I felt bad because I punched Shadows' friend in the face, so I called that guy and apologized. Then my flight was delayed. I finally landed in Phoenix, got ready in one of the crew buses, and went out and wrestled for 48 minutes. So yes, that is how Jericho rolls.''

Inspirational story about Indy wrestler:

This is a great story...

USA today have featured Ryan Hood, a Hospital Worker who spends his free time as ''The Hoodlum'' a heel wrestler on the local circuit in Denver. The piece tells the Juxtaposing stories of his real world life and his in ring persona, and also sees him take his patient to watch him wrestle for the first time (His reaction to seeing his bud getting beat up makes it worth watching this vid on it's own).

WWE injury:

Christian is out again. he suffered a concussion on Raw last week vs Randy Orton and WWE doctors have pulled him from active competition until testing can be done on the extent of the damage.

He is still having issues with dizziness and memory problems over a week after the bump to the head.

Double Edged TV's:

Edge is being advertised to appear on SmackDown as well as Raw next week.

Shane quits:

Shane McMahon has resigned from his job as CEO of You On Demand in China, handing over to a Chinese national, he will remain on the board of directors.

Matt Striker reveals WWE banned words:

"No words are banned. There are some phrases [that are] not part of the dialogue, but there are good reasons why. For example, a championship is not a belt. A belt holds up your pants. Someone that doesn't watch wrestling might ask, 'Why are they fighting over wardrobe accessories?' When you say how you're coming after me for the championship, then it adds importance."

Vince also hates the word Junior, because people used it against him as a jibe when he took over WWE from his father, and was stepping on people's toes.

WWE relationship revealed:

People magazine have revealed Titus O'Neill is dating Omarosa Manigault, Famous as the former partner of the late actor Michael Clarke Duncan (RIP Dead Legends). They started a long distance relationship online, using Skype, but they have grown much closer and now Titus flies her around the country to join him at WWE events.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The show starts with Triple H in the ring surrounded by the entire locker room.

* Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam.

* Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback.

* Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler for the US Title at Night Of Champions is announced.

* Curtis Axel vs Kofi Kingston.

* Brie Bella vs Naomi.

* Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger vs The Uso's.

* Big Show vs 3MB.

* Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins.


Former WWE star Daivari's younger brother had a try out before the show started taping.

Matt Morgan:

Former TNA star Matt Morgan has discussed his excitement at the possibility of a WWE return, and revealed the reasons he left the company...

"I think it's very possible. I think I went out and I did what I was asked [after his WWE release]. I went out and got the experience that I would need to get as far as main event experience. More importantly, I think I've matured into the, not just the character, but the man I am today. I'm about to be a first time father on top of it. When I was first in WWE, I was a functioning addict. I was a painkiller abuser. I've been sober for seven years now. It was a Godsend that I was able to leave WWE when I did because that's when I was able to go out and get myself clean. There's so many endless possibilities. That company's really cooking right now on all cylinders. Triple H done an amazing job. I just watched RAW the other night, the thing that he's got right now with Randy [Orton], as well as Daniel [Bryan], is absolutely perfect. Perfect. And all the people that are b---hing and moaning going, 'ah, they shouldn't disrespect him by calling him small and s--t like that. They ruined his moment [winning the WWE Championship at SummerSlam].' That's the whole point! That's the hook! The fans out there that think he's never going to get higher - as far as reaction - than he was at that moment, you should see the reaction he gets when he finally climbs that hill and conquers. It's going to be something that, instead of maybe for eight months of him being super duper over, it's something that they're trading for years and years and years of drawing power. As him as the top dude, the top dog. My hat's off, he's done an amazing job. Between that, the Performance Center and just the overall general direction company is going in, at the moment is very cool, very exciting. Like I said, I like the opportunity for all the fresh match ups that are out there for me. There's a brand new roster than when I was there."

Rhodes family to be involved in major story?:

WWE.Com have talked to the father and brother of Cody Rhodes about his firing, Dustin said that he doesn't think Triple H knows what is good for business, and that "he's a little bit blinded by this job and his position" and wants to make his presence felt. He then added that Cody had a bright future that was taken away due to Triple H's abuse of power. Dusty Rhodes added...

"Why would WWE be so stupid as to throw away a talented kid like this who does the right thing?. The stupidity of what went down last night, the stupidity to take a kid in his 20s, probably the hottest product that we have at this stage in our industry, and to put him in a situation like that? Cody's not gonna back down from anything... It was not good for business, Hunter. It was not good for business."

Maybe they will be involved in Cody's stories vs The McMahon's when he returns.

Bray Wyatt discusses theme song:

"As soon as I heard the bass line of this one, a spark happened. It was magic. He was able to capture a mood in a melody. The mood is very eerie. The song and Bray Wyatt come together so well because Bray is an enigma."

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair's health issues have returned, his advisors have told bookers that due to blood clots in his legs he will not be able to take long flights and can only fulfill local dates for the foreseeable future.

GM hired:

WWE have awarded the General Manager role at the WWE performance center to David Bailey.

Batista promotes Riddick movie:

Rock movie fails:

Empire State has been released direct to DVD, The Rock who usually takes pride in promoting his work has not mentioned the movie at all on his Social Media.

Santino Marella:

Santino Marella and his business partner have taken camera's around their now finished gym and wrestling / MMA school...

Mini legend announces retirement:

Short Sleeve Sampson says he will compete on a 40 date farewell to tour before moving into other forms of entertainment, he has worked for WWE and TNA over the course of his career, mainly as a parody performer.

RVD talks WWE locker room response to his return:

"The locker room is a different vibe, it's a more positive vibe, guys are not afraid for their position like they used to be. At the end (of his first run with WWE) it was really miserable. Plus, I have more leverage now. I have more seniority with guys like Rock, Hogan, Flair, DX gone. It's different how I'm being treated. I'm in a different point in my life. The travelling is not as hard as it was. I'm enjoying it now. We just had an 18-day tour and I was kind of apprehending that tour, but it wasn't like that at all, it was a pleasure and I enjoyed it a lot."

Lex Luger interview:

On his book...

"So far, so good." He had help writing the book and says that getting the right people to help him write the biography was why the release was pushed back a few times. He jokes that the delays were entirely on him but is thrilled to have it out now.''

On Sting...

"Still are best of friends...we talk all the time." Luger says he was honored to speak for Sting during his TNA Hall of Fame induction and maintains a close friendship with Steve Borden to this very day. Sting also wrote the foreward to Luger's autobiography which some say is worth the price of the book in and of itself as it is so well done.''

On WWE / Vince McMahon...

"I know he wants to come off as "Bad Boy Billionare" but he's not," said Luger. Luger elaborates saying that when he was down and out after wrestling with all the problems he faced, Vince always went out of his way to check in on him and offer help. He feels not enough people realize that Vince is a genuinely good person on top of business man. But, he says that is probably by Vince's own design.''

On Miss Elizabeth's death...

"I had a very negative influence on her at the time." (I) felt that (I) needed to acknowledge all the mistakes in the book in order to make it a complete and honest account.''

He claims he approached Elizabeth's passing with honesty and acknowledges the level of the tragedy.


Chris Jericho's matches this year have been described as some of the best of his career, What do you think of him?, is he a future Hall Of Famer, or an overrated over achiever, who doesn't know when to quit???

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