Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today's News

Today's picture is in memory of those that lost their lives in the terror attacks of 9/11 and in the subsequent conflicts and attacks that have followed as a result of that awful day...

Never forget... RIP...

Total Diva's hits record low viewers:

The show only managed 1.0 Million this week 300,000 down from it's prior lowest score, next week will be the last episode of this season.

Steph breaks kayfabe:

Stephanie McMahon has decided to break kayfabe to pay tribute to the US military today...

''My character's antics on RAW aside...I'm just leaving @USOMetroDC. Serving those who serve, and their families. #supportourtroops''

She has also sold another 50,000 WWE shares this week.

Controversial Alberto Del Rio interview:

World Champion Alberto Del Rio has given a very outspoken interview on a number of subjects whilst promoting the upcoming Mexico tour.

In highlights, he says...

* The World Title is more important than the WWE Title, and that he feels WWE spend too much time pushing the WWE Title, and not enough on the strap he currently wears.

* He revealed he was going to quit WWE and go to CMLL because he hated being in FCW, but a meeting with Vince McMahon led to him being promoted to the main roster.

* He prefers being heel.

* The American audience hate him because they do not want to see a Mexican being successful in an American Company.

* He attacked AAA as ''A joke'' and says that is why he left.

* He never thought about joining WWE, but is glad they came in for him.

* Smarks only like heels.

* He claimed Daniel Bryan gave him his SummerSlam black eye, denying the bar fight, and contradicting the official WWE line on the story.

* He attacked Sin Cara, saying he gets hurt just by talking, and hinted that his WWE status is currently up in the air.

* He told Vince (During his brief face run) that Mexican fans don't care if Latino's are face or heel as long as they are beating the ''Gringo's''.

* He liked the Santa Claus story but it upset his Son.

* He wants to be World Champion until WrestleMania 30.

* He believes he is a future Hall Of Famer.

* He is Vince McMahon's favourite heel.

* He wants to face The Undertaker.

* He revealed he was set to face Randy Orton at Mania 28, but he was injured.

* He is very proud of his match and feud with Jack Swagger from Mania 29.

* Sheamus ''Betrayed him''. Adding that he and the Celtic Warrior both hate Twitter and they made a pact not to join but Sheamus eventually gave in and joined, leading to Stephanie McMahon forcing him to join the social media site.

* He called Christian a better wrestler than most in the company.

* He claims he has given Triple H 5 Latino wrestlers names and Hunter is currently working on signing those stars.

* He revealed that Rey Mysterio was booked to return the night after SummerSlam, but he changed his mind and went back to Mexico, adding he is disappointed that Rey is hurt.

* He fought against the split with Ricardo Rodriguez because they are legit best friends, but says WWE have big plans for him so he backed down.

* He thinks RVD is a good signing for WWE, but added that they have not gotten to know each other very well.

* He admitted to remaining hostility with WWE over the release of his cousin from FCW in 2009.

* He also claims that he decided WWE should release his Brother, saying he wasn't learning anything there.

Have lunch with Viscera:

Millennium Wrestling Federation in Boston are offering fans the chance to join Nelson Frazier for lunch, for $24.99 you can join in a Q&A and signing, a fan meet and greet and also share Viscera's favourite pizza and beverages.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Lilian Garcia sings O' Canada

* Big Show is forced to apologize for his actions on Raw

* Aksana, Alicia Fox and Layla vs Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya.

Note, WWE botched the end of this segment, so had to re-shoot.

* Vickie Guerrero cut a promo, but heat from the crowd was so loud she couldn't be heard, so this may be cut.

* Dance competition, Fandango vs Great Khali vs R-Truth vs Mizco Inferno.

* Vickie Guerrero announces that Ricardo is banned from ringside for NOC.

* Damien Sandow vs Santino Marella.

* Michael Cole interviews Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Ricardo Rodriguez.

* Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler.

* Dolph Ziggler and The Uso's vs The Shield.

* Edge ends the show talking to Daniel Bryan.

Drew McIntyre:

Drew McIntyre has told Sky Sports in the UK that he is now 100% over the wrist injury that has stalled his career with WWE recently. He, however will not be at NOC, WWE have confirmed that Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal will represent 3MB in the Pre Show Tag Team Turmoil match.

Zack Ryder too thin?:

Zack Ryder says he plans to put on 15lbs in weight by October 1st.

Santino Marella:

WWE have confirmed they held off on Santino's return to give him the best possible pop from his home town crowd.


The assault on Christian by The Shield is to write him out of the stories, he is still not over his concussion.

Foley praises WWE story:

"Like many of you, I have found myself completely caught up in the trials and tribulations of the Rhodes family. From Cody's heartfelt exit from WWE, to older brother Dustin's ability to turn back the hands of time to participate in an outstanding, emotional match with Randy Orton, to the bitter disappointment displayed with his agonizingly painful post-match walk down the hallway: this Rhodes family saga has quickly catapulted from mid-card curiosity to must-see real life drama. Congratulations to everyone involved in making this scenario so captivating."

Shaul Guerrero

Shaul will reprise her Raquel Diaz character when she rejoins NXT soon.

Dean Ambrose says he is ready to be the ''Top guy'':

"To me, anything less than being the top guy in the industry, the top villain in the industry, the WWE Champion, is a failure,. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself, but whenever I look at it realistically, that's just how it is."


What do you think of Alberto Del Rio, worthy Champion, future HOF'er or... not???

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