Monday, September 30, 2013

Today's News

Controversial promo leaked:

Australian NXT star Matt Silva referenced the Chris Benoit murders in this skit from last months promo class...

Goldust vs Cody:

Goldust says he has lost the desire to face his younger brother Cody in a match, but would always be open to do it if the chance came up...

"It could take place in the foreseeable future or whenever, you never know what is going to happen in the WWE. But, I'll say that I don't want that anymore."

New NXT profile:

Tom Phillips.

WrestleMania 40:

Booker T says the main event of WrestleMania 40 will be Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler. He also called on WWE to induct the Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame, calling the former WWF Champ a trailblazer.


Former WWE star and Tough Enough winner Maven is now a bouncer at a sports bar in New York, although he is not happy about people drawing attention to his former WWE days, telling one fan that he ''Didn't care'' about him (The fan) saying his (Maven) elimination of The Undertaker was his favourite Royal Rumble moment.

Lex Luger drug free:

Lex Luger claims he was drug free during his WWF days in 93 - 95...

"They were pretty strict with the testing when I was in the WWF. During that period, I managed it without drugs. In regards to how often talent were drug tested then, Luger states, "It was strict. They'd sometimes test three or four nights in a row. We called the [people who administered the tests] white coats. We'd never know when they'd arrive. I was pleasantly surprised that I could maintain my physique as well as I did back then [without steroids]."

Matt Striker shoot interview:

Highlights from a discussion with RF Video...

Low Ki:

AJPW have accused former WWE man Low Ki of inventing an injury and are not thought to be willing to work with him again. Low Ki says he could not attend a show due to broken ribs.


Kane is booked to return to WWE in time for Hell In A Cell, on October 14's edition of Raw.

This is dependent on the filming of his movie ending on time.

Raw teaser:

* What turn will WWE's family drama take?

* Will Los Matadores make an immediate impact?

* Can Daniel Bryan stand Randy Orton's brutal aggression?

* How much longer can Stephanie McMahon push Big Show?

* Will CM Punk be goaded into another ambush?

Blu Ray cancelled:

Best matches of 2013 has followed Raw 20 in being pulled as a Blu Ray release, but will still be released on DVD.

NXT injury:

Scott Dawson is hurt (Knee), but should be able to continue to work.

Punk to win the Rumble?:

CM Punk will return to the WWE title stories after his current feud with Paul Heyman and Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan's rivalry comes to an end. With Orton and Daniel Bryan currently scheduled to continue through to Survivor Series, this may mean Punk is the man already selected by WWE to win the over the top rope match for 2014, and could lead to his dream of main eventing WrestleMania next year.

Fan vote ignored:

WWE polled fans at a live show this weekend on whether they would like to see Natalya and Brie Bella have a wrestling match or a dancing contest, the fans voted for a match, but WWE did the dancing angle instead.

Mr. Anderson:

Mr. Anderson says he will sign a new TNA deal within a week.

Ryback denies confrontation with CM Punk:

Rumours have been swirling that CM Punk angrily confronted Ryback after Raw last week because Ryback hurt him when he put him through a table awkwardly, Ryback says he knows nothing of the incident...

"I have not heard anything about that. No, everything was fine and I'm very happy with everything. I have not heard anything on that."

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles will release his autobiography next month.


What do you predict will be the main event of WrestleMania 40 in 2024???

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