Monday, September 16, 2013

Today's News

Night Of Champions news and notes:


Pre Show tag Team Turmoil...

* Tons Of Funk bt 3MB

* Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger bt Tons Of Funk

* Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger bt The Uso's

* Prime Time Playaz bt Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger

* The Show proper started with a long promo by HHH leading to him booking an IC title match between Curtis Axel and Kofi Kingston, Axel retained.

* AJ bt Natalya, Brie Bella and Naomi to retain the Diva's Title.

* Alberto Del Rio took a shortcut to retain the World Title, he got himself Disqualified against Rob van Dam.

* The Miz bt Fandango in an extra match added to the card on the night.

* CM Punk bt Curtis Axel to earn a 1 on 1 match vs Paul Heyman.

* Paul Heyman bt CM Punk after interference by Ryback.

* Dean Ambrose bt Dolph Ziggler to retain the US Title.

* The Shield retained the Tag gold vs Prime Time Playaz.

* Daniel Bryan became the new WWE Champion beating Randy Orton.


The event was not a sell out, many empty seats were tarped off.

A fan dressed as Randy Savage got a Macho Man chant going at one point.

TNA stars Sting and Hulk Hogan won polls during the show, leading to speculation of them joining WWE soon.

The Reddit user that has been revealing WWE PPV results got one wrong, he said ADR would beat RVD clean, however Van Dam won by DQ, he went on to claim that the result was changed during the match to discredit him...

"Alberto Del Rio was the loser. There is no justifying that selection. My source was wrong. He believes it was changed on a fly during the match and only a handful of individuals knew about it. In other words, WWE has done its job.''

Damien Sandow was teasing cashing in his case during the ADR vs RVD match.

Finally the referee in the main event delivered a blatant fast count, WWE ordered their announce team not to mention it on air, but they will deal with it tonight on Raw.

Booker T slams MMA stars:

In reference to Quinton Jackson and Tito Ortiz joining TNA...

"Those guys are just coming in to get a paycheque. They're not coming in to be in the main event at WrestleMania or to make the fans feel like they got the best form of entertainment. They're not going to go out there and do Shakespeare and Romeo And Juliet, like we do. Most of those guys are in it for the paycheque. So more power to them (laughs)."

John Cena:

John Cena says he has no intention of coming back to WWE until he is fit to wrestle...

''I am NOT returning 2 b a mouthpiece. I WILL return 2 b a CHAMPION''

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan has been involved in another accident on his boat, he and a doctor friend were left bloodied when a windshield shattered due to the speed of the boat and adverse weather conditions.

Raw official teaser:

* Will Triple H test WWE Champion Daniel Bryan? 

* Can Dusty Rhodes revive his son's career? 

* Is Ryback the newest "Paul Heyman guy"? 

* Does Rob Van Dam have Alberto Del Rio's number? 

* Who can stop The Shield?


Paige will be paired with AJ Lee upon her WWE main roster debut it seems, she was tweeting that AJ could use a partner during last night's PPV.

Boxer to wrestle:

Riddick Bowe has signed to have his debut wrestling match with Preston City Wrestling in England on March 14.

Rey to return:

Rey Mysterio is advertised to appear at this weekends live events.

Chris Jericho:

Y2J has revealed that Vince McMahon killed an angle he came up with for his feud with CM Punk...

"He [Vince] also said, he's [Punk] already got so many tattoos, what's one more going to do? I said, 'you don't understand, a tattoo is a personal choice.' It's like a girl that has a lascivious lifestyle and has sex every night, that's her choice... but if someone rapes her, that's wrong. Same with tattooing, I tattoo my initials on him, he's got a thousand, but he's still going to always see that in the mirror. Vince didn't like it, so we kind of had to sit down and literally right before the show where we were going to do the tattooing, we kind of went into the whole Punk's dad is an alcoholic issue."

Mickie James quits TNA:

Mickie James' contract ran out today and she has refused an offer to re-sign, she is now a free agent. She held the Knockouts title as recently as last week.

NXT releases:

WWE have today dropped 3 NXT stars...

* Jake Carter, Son of WWE Alum Vader...

* Luther Ward, Irish Wrestler and friend of Sheamus who only joined up with WWE in the past month.

* Malik Omari, African born British national.

Daniel Bryan on Cena:

Daniel Bryan has been doing tons of media today, following his title win last night, he may be in trouble for one or two of his answers though. For example saying that the WWE is better off right now because John Cena is not around...

"I think right now it's a great thing because it gives other guys an opportunity to step up and fill that spot that Cena's been in for years. When Cena's on the roster it's X amount of time every show is devoted to John Cena, now it's being given to other guys who have the opportunity to shine and that's better for when John Cena comes back because now we have John Cena, we have me, we have other guys who are stepping up and becoming stars. And that's what happened in the Attitude Era with Steve Austin and The Rock, that a lot of guys left and created a lot of spots for a lot of guys to come in and be like 'hey, we're the new stars' and that's what's going to happen now."

He also said he does not watch Total Diva's.

TNA may also be upset with him, he says wrestlers can earn more on the indy's than they can working for TNA...

"TNA probably doesn't want me saying this but I would make more money wrestling on the independents than I would wrestling for TNA. And it's a more free schedule and you're not under anybody's contract, you can go do what you want."

WWE Alum arrested:

Mike (Duke The Dumpster) Droese, who now works as a special needs teacher has been arrested for selling drugs (Morphine) to undercover police officers in Tennessee.


Is the WWE better or worse off without John Cena???

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