Monday, September 2, 2013

Today's News

Mark Henry:

WWE have confirmed Mark Henry's injury, he has pulled a hamstring. They did not offer any further info regarding the severity or the time frame for a return, but did say he would undergo an MRI later this week.


Official teaser for tonight...

* What will Triple H and Daniel Bryan have in store for each other this week? 

* Will Mark Henry and Big Show make a play for the WWE Tag Team Titles? 

* What's next for AJ Lee after her pipebomb last week? 

* When will Bray Wyatt return and who will he target next? 

* Will Paul Heyman take advantage of CM Punk's rage and goad him into a trap?

Konnan reveals major WWE deal that failed:

He says he had a hand in AAA rejecting WWE buying a controlling interest in the promotion in 2007, and says as a result of the knock back WWE have almost withdrawn themselves from the Mexican market...

"I know exactly what happened because we had to live through it. We had a meeting. I've never talked about this. We had somebody from WWE actually come and having a meeting with me and Dorian, who is the son of the owner. We had a meeting with somebody from WWE and they came and offered to buy AAA. He was really cool. He was like, 'We want to buy AAA.' Dorian was like, 'We're not really for sale, but we'll listen.' They wanted to buy 51% of the company. I was like, 'Dude, do not do that because these [guys], the minute they don't like something, they're going to get rid of us.' I said why doesn't Vince just buy 50% or 49%? They said Vince doesn't like to go into partnership with anybody and doesn't want to be asking for permission for anything. I asked what would happen to us. They said, 'As you can see, we're having trouble running WWE as it is and we're trying to expand into Europe. We don't really know what we're doing in Mexico, so you guys would stay in power.' We excused ourselves to go to the bathroom and I said that's BS. The minute we do something they don't like, they're going to change it and there's nothing we can do about it. We can't give them this type of power, which he understood. He told them we wouldn't sell that much of the company."

Who is the greatest World Champion?:

WWE have listed their top 15 holders of 'Big Gold'...

15 - Goldberg

14 - Daniel Bryan

13 - Randy Orton

12 - Kane

11 - CM Punk

10 - Chris Jericho

9 - John Cena

8 - Mark Henry

7 - Rey Mysterio

6 - Sheamus

5 - King Booker

4 - The Undertaker

3 - Edge

2 - Batista

1 - Triple H


Who is the greatest World Champion???

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