Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today's News

Night Of Champions update:

Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler IS on the NOC card, it seems someone put it on the WWE.Com card before it was officially announced on last night's SmackDown, and that is why it was taken down yesterday.

Final card...

* WWE Title - Randy Orton (C) vs Daniel Bryan

* World Heavyweight Title - Alberto Del Rio (C) vs Rob Van Dam

* WWE United States Title - Dean Ambrose (C) vs Dolph Ziggler

* WWE Divas Title - AJ Lee (C) vs Natalya vs. Naomi vs. Brie Bella 

* WWE Tag Team Title - Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs Winners Pre-show match

* Handicap Elimination Match - CM Punk vs. Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel 

* #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Pre-show Match - 3MB vs. Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro vs. The Uso's vs. Darren Young and Titus O'Neil vs. Tensai and Brodus Clay.

And Don't forget, as always We will be having a live commentary over on our other page Shaggy's Wrestling Page So come and join us for a live chat during the show.

Jerry Lawler reveals possible cause of his heart attack:

He told Stone Cold Steve Austin on his podcast that his Doctors told him that the multiple elbow drops performed on him by Dolph Ziggler probably knocked his heart out of rhythm, adding that Dolph was dropping all of his weight onto his chest and that he thought at the time...

"Jeez, this guy's trying to kill me."

Lawler returned to commentary, then he says woke up two days later, this is what is doctor told him...

"Honestly, and I talked to my cardiologist about it, and he said, 'absolutely, the trauma to my chest from those elbows could have been hard enough to knock your heart out of rhythm. It would start slowly, and then get more and more and more out of rhythm until it just seized up."

The Hall Of Famer went on to say he is talking to Vince McMahon about getting back in the ring for a Raw match.

Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Steve Austin has appeared as a judge on a pilot for a new TV talent show...

Part 1...

Part 2...

WWE Top 10:

Crowd Reactions...

The Major Brothers... Collide:

At a live event last night real life best friends Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins wrestled against each other for the first time in their careers, Ryder won.

The Miz:

The Miz and his fiancee Maryse have taken part in a charity poker tournament.


Who will have the best match at Night Of Champions tomorrow???

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