Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's News

McMahon's vs Rhodes:

Triple H has invited the Rhodes Family to Raw next week, and says they will be given an open forum to air their grievances.

AJ Styles to WWE?:

It is very unlikely that WWE will be waiting with a contract offer when AJ Styles leaves TNA at the end of the year. Figure Four Weekly are reporting that WWE have very little interest in the 36 year old.

WretleMania 30 plans:

WWE are working on The Rock vs Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker vs Ryback for next years Mania, however both matches have huge proviso's hanging over them. The Rock is showing very little interest in a return for the event, and WWE are very uncertain about Ryback.

Firstly if The Rock refuses a Mania 30 match, The Undertaker would be pitted against Brock Lesnar, something WWE are reluctant to do, due to Lesnar's style and Taker's injuries.

If The Rock does wrestle, then current plans have Taker vs Ryback. The story would be Paul Heyman wanting to do next year, what his man (CM Punk) could not do this year. However... WWE are not convinced by Ryback and have brought the link up with Heyman forward to evaluate how he does, if he impresses, some in WWE are calling for Ryback to be the man to end the iconic streak of the dead man, feeling that he is the only man on the roster that could conceivably do it.

There is of course a long way to go, with Sting's status obviously to become a contributing factor to the final plans for the show, when he becomes free of his TNA deal in January.

Steph to wrestle?:

WWE have a poll on who should be the next challenger for the Diva's Title, and Stephanie McMahon is currently a runaway leader.

Goldberg - WWE:

Goldberg Has shared his opinion on the upcoming WWE DVD based on his career, that he had refused to take part in, he said he found the trailer to be...

"Not bad I must admit...."

He is lightning up a lot recently on WWE, and is now a lot more open to a return than he has been at any point since he left in 2004.

Money In The Bank DVD:

Trailer released...

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee Has been Diva's Champion for 100 days.

Xavier Woods:

Has announced that he has an injured ankle.

Blu Ray pulled:

WWE have withdrawn the Raw 20th anniversary DVD in North America and Australia, but it will still be released on DVD, there is no mention of a European release though.

Mickie James:

Mickie James turned down a $60,000 contract offer to stay with TNA.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have reportedly already decided who will win the 2014 Royal Rumble.

Ezekiel Jackson:

Ezekiel Jackson is touting that he is ready for a WWE return (Photo).

Show pulled:

It seems Saturday Morning Slam has been dropped, it was due to return to TV this month, but neither WWE or CW have mentioned the show.

Kharma to WWE:

Kharma Has teased that she is in talks with and very close to a return to WWE, she urged her fans to continue taking signs to WWE events. She also commented on her weight loss, saying she is redefining herself.

Jim Ross:

More on JR's WWE departure...

Triple H has been fighting since WrestleMania to keep JR on the pay roll against the wishes of WWE chairman Vince McMahon, who grew tired of JR questioning the direction of WWE, feeling he is too outspoken. There was no indication of what happened at Mania to cause this latest falling out.

The SummerSlam games expo was the excuse Vince had been waiting for it seems, and Triple H had to give in, however he is determined to get him back for WrestleMania 30, and WWE still want to use him as a talking head on DVD's.

Jim Ross has also today tweeted to kill the TNA rumours once and for all...

"No interest whatsoever at this time. Moving on to other things."


Eugene was brought in to WWE to replace Joey Mercury, who is being brought back onto the main roster as a producer.

NXT release:

J Bronson has been released from NXT, he has been injured for over a year.

Another release Tony Dawson was dropped because of a lack of passion for the sport.

Eva Marie:

Eva Marie is a ''Star'' according to WWE, they have big plans for her.

WWE looking abroad:

WWE are tracking CMLL star Volador Jr. and NJPW stars Prince Devitt and Karl Anderson.

Also on NJPW they revealed WWE quadrupled the $100,000 a year they were paying Tensai to lure him back to the company.

Rob Van Dam punished:

Reports are RVD was buried on Raw recently because he refused to sign his next 90 day contract before leaving this time, he may continue to be buried before his current deal ends on October 1, if he does not commit.

They are also down on Dolph Ziggler, one insider saying he will never draw money.

Damien Sandow vs ?:

Damien Sandow says his dream WrestleMania opponent is Harley Race.

Sunny interview:

On Hall Of Fame...

''When I got the phone call I had no idea what was going on. I was packing for a vacation in Mexico. It was a Monday night at 9:30 and Johnny Ace called; I thought it was really odd that Johnny would call me during the show. About 15 minutes into the call, he asked me to turn on RAW; at the time, they were announcing Shawn's induction into the Hall of Fame. He then told me that he was talking to Vince and they wanted me to be the second inductee. I cried for about 3 minutes. It was January 10, 2011 that I was told I was going to be inducted. "They made me wait 2 months and told me I wasn't allowed to tell anybody. I can't keep secrets as it is. Everything that company does is a test, and I think they did it on purpose. I was the second person that they told, and I was the second to last to be announced."

On joining WWE...

"I was hired first. They hired me as Tamara Murphy doing the Live Event News. Between WWE and Smokey Mountain I had a 7 day a week job. Five months into it they pulled Chris and I into a meeting and they offered him a job, and turned my broadcasting contract into a regular talent contract and the rest is history. It was easy for us to start together on the road; we were both 21, and being together and starting out that young, it made it so much easier. Chris had so much passion for the business. He started wrestling at 9 years old; that's passion."

On current Diva's...

"With the exception of Nattie Neidhart, heart and passion for the business is missing. Nattie is in the business because she loves the business, not because she's using it as a stepping stone for something else. The others, look what happens when their contract expires: They look for work in TV. In the Divas search, they didn't even know who Kamala was. Passion and heart is missing, even from a lot of the guys. (There are very few guys with passion) Chris (Candido) had passion, CM Punk has passion, and Daniel Bryan has it too."

The Godfather:

Charles Wright has gotten the itch back, after attending fan conventions and a (Too short) WWE return at this years Royal Rumble, he has announced he is going to make a full time return to wrestling and is accepting bookings.

WWE Alum:

The newest WWE Alum is The Warlord (without his former partner The Barbarian, maybe he is next week / fortnight's inductee).


Should WWE end The Undertaker's streak, and if so is Ryback the right man to do so, if not Who should???

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