Monday, September 30, 2013

Today's News

Controversial promo leaked:

Australian NXT star Matt Silva referenced the Chris Benoit murders in this skit from last months promo class...

Goldust vs Cody:

Goldust says he has lost the desire to face his younger brother Cody in a match, but would always be open to do it if the chance came up...

"It could take place in the foreseeable future or whenever, you never know what is going to happen in the WWE. But, I'll say that I don't want that anymore."

New NXT profile:

Tom Phillips.

WrestleMania 40:

Booker T says the main event of WrestleMania 40 will be Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler. He also called on WWE to induct the Ultimate Warrior into the Hall Of Fame, calling the former WWF Champ a trailblazer.


Former WWE star and Tough Enough winner Maven is now a bouncer at a sports bar in New York, although he is not happy about people drawing attention to his former WWE days, telling one fan that he ''Didn't care'' about him (The fan) saying his (Maven) elimination of The Undertaker was his favourite Royal Rumble moment.

Lex Luger drug free:

Lex Luger claims he was drug free during his WWF days in 93 - 95...

"They were pretty strict with the testing when I was in the WWF. During that period, I managed it without drugs. In regards to how often talent were drug tested then, Luger states, "It was strict. They'd sometimes test three or four nights in a row. We called the [people who administered the tests] white coats. We'd never know when they'd arrive. I was pleasantly surprised that I could maintain my physique as well as I did back then [without steroids]."

Matt Striker shoot interview:

Highlights from a discussion with RF Video...

Low Ki:

AJPW have accused former WWE man Low Ki of inventing an injury and are not thought to be willing to work with him again. Low Ki says he could not attend a show due to broken ribs.


Kane is booked to return to WWE in time for Hell In A Cell, on October 14's edition of Raw.

This is dependent on the filming of his movie ending on time.

Raw teaser:

* What turn will WWE's family drama take?

* Will Los Matadores make an immediate impact?

* Can Daniel Bryan stand Randy Orton's brutal aggression?

* How much longer can Stephanie McMahon push Big Show?

* Will CM Punk be goaded into another ambush?

Blu Ray cancelled:

Best matches of 2013 has followed Raw 20 in being pulled as a Blu Ray release, but will still be released on DVD.

NXT injury:

Scott Dawson is hurt (Knee), but should be able to continue to work.

Punk to win the Rumble?:

CM Punk will return to the WWE title stories after his current feud with Paul Heyman and Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan's rivalry comes to an end. With Orton and Daniel Bryan currently scheduled to continue through to Survivor Series, this may mean Punk is the man already selected by WWE to win the over the top rope match for 2014, and could lead to his dream of main eventing WrestleMania next year.

Fan vote ignored:

WWE polled fans at a live show this weekend on whether they would like to see Natalya and Brie Bella have a wrestling match or a dancing contest, the fans voted for a match, but WWE did the dancing angle instead.

Mr. Anderson:

Mr. Anderson says he will sign a new TNA deal within a week.

Ryback denies confrontation with CM Punk:

Rumours have been swirling that CM Punk angrily confronted Ryback after Raw last week because Ryback hurt him when he put him through a table awkwardly, Ryback says he knows nothing of the incident...

"I have not heard anything about that. No, everything was fine and I'm very happy with everything. I have not heard anything on that."

AJ Styles:

AJ Styles will release his autobiography next month.


What do you predict will be the main event of WrestleMania 40 in 2024???

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Today's News

Cat fights are in fashion?:

Cat Fight #1 Christine Vargas vs Wrestling Fans...

Christine Vargas who quit WWE earlier this week after only a month on the pay roll Has feuded with a fan who criticized her decision to leave...

"1st off it is not for free that the athletes pay!, 2nd I never told anyone it was my dream!, 3rd some of the best divas in time [Michelle McCool] for one of then was in the diva search and loved it.You always start some where! If u where in the same position you would of done it too. Stop hating!. I didn't f--k nothing up, I left becuz I was unhappy & now know what I want! If anything I gained not lost!. I don't need a short cut, the girls in development including the indie girls work there asses off ! 70 - 80 hours u can't want nothing else in life. If u do its not for u. Dedication is not my prob."

Speculation is she was the victim of some sort of hazing, she had been tweeting about being singled out a few days before announcing her choice to leave.

Cat Fight #2 Reby Sky vs Kharma...

Reby Sky is not happy that Kharma put her into the ''Ho' Bag'' (A feature on the YouShoot Show, they ask a Women's wrestler to pick their least favourite fellow lady worker and say why).

Kharma chose Reby due to her criticism of Sycho Sid who blew off an indy match he was to have vs her boyfriend Matt Hardy to appear as a guest on Raw 1000 last summer.

Reby responded...

"Lying. f--king. c--t. Oh, & lets all glorify a f--kING NO-SHOW. Brilliant ! But it's ok bc it's a "veteran", right ? LOL. I don't give a f*ck HOW many years someone has had in the business. If you're a piece of sh*t, you're a piece of sh*t. Being a "veteran" is not a magical pass to be a complete POS. Yall think imma bow down to someone just bc they got a lucky break ? LOL. Those seemingly SO concerned with "respect" should worry more about those who SH*T ON THIS BUSINESS than those callin out said culprits. I will NEVER respect a no-show; someone who scams promotors & f*cks fans & people who actually show up to work. F*ck outta here. That being said, go back to smiling to my face at shows & talkin sh*t online @kharma, you FAKEASSb---h. Btw, your GODDAUGHTER gives a big ol' F*CK YOU. Cuz that's what this is REALLY all about, right ? LOL f*ck outta here."

Cat Fight #3 Alundra Blayze vs AJ Lee

Former WWF/E Women's Champion Alundra, has launched into a ferocious assault on the current holder of WWE's Women's Title...

"AJ Never was, Never will be the WWE womens champion as long as I OFFICIALLY hold the title. b---h never beat me, b---h never will. However she does give good mike skill so lets see what she has to say now....''

AJ is also facing heat from the locker room for her Tattoo (Pic on wall). It is apparently an unwritten law of WWE that the roster must be above acting like a fan, and she is being mocked (Including on TV by Jerry Lawler and JBL) and criticized for her decision to mark her first title win with the ink, she has defended herself...

"When I was really young, my entire family was covered in tattoos, so it was okay to get one. But I knew, when I did get one, that I wanted it to be something important and special. So, at a very young age, I decided that I would get it when I won the title," said Lee. I'm not a girly girl. And I didn't want fancy script or a butterfly or anything like that on me. I wanted something surreal; something that showed time served. That's why it's in the style that it's in. [The Divas Championship is] something that I worked for and spent a great deal of my time trying to get. It's 14 years in the making. So, it's supposed to be really cold. Just a mark of an accomplishment and now I move on."

Cat Fight #4 Dana White vs Ken Shamrock...

Ken Shamrock has responded to the attack on him by UFC boss Dana White (See yesterday). Shamrock was initially talking to Tito Ortiz about the comments, when White inserted himself into the conversation. Shamrock and Ortiz were asking for the respect they feel they deserve for their time in the company, White was belligerently demanded money he says he is owed by Shamrock and was very verbally offensive in his attacks on the former WWE and current TNA men.

Shamrock also says he is ready to return to WWE, but would wait until Vince asked him.


TNA have a new character coming, named Ethan, no word yet who will be playing him.


Goldberg has wished Ryback luck in response to the WWE man saying he plans to beat him.

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker tweets are to promote a link up with Todd McFarlane, who is a comic book writer. The latest tweet said that he would give rise to an icon. Maybe a graphic novel with the dead man as the central character is coming?. It now seems however that this is not leading to a return to TV for Taker.


R.I.P Dead Wrestlers

Former WWF star Gene Petit, who was a member of Hillbilly Jim's Family in the mid 80's has died. No cause has yet been released but he had been suffering from multiple sclerosis in recent years and had lost a great deal of weight.

Question Of The Day...

What is your Favourite match or memory of Cousin Luke???

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Today's News

Bobby Lashley:

Former ECW Champion Bobby Lashley was in the front row of last night's WWE Live show in Denver.

McMahon's v Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes and Goldust have accepted Triple H's invitation to be on Raw on Monday, and they are bringing their Dad.

WWE return:


The cryptic tweets WWE have been releasing this week are for The Undertaker, The latest was 11.22.90, The day of The Undertaker's WWF debut.

No word on when the return will be.

Chris Masters on WWE return:

"You know, you can't rule anything out of course, but I mean the problem with WWE right now for me is that it seems there's no real room for opportunity. There's just so many guys that they have and I haven't watched in a while but from what I've heard they combined raw and Smackdown and if you want to just be there just treading water then yeah, but I would rather go there with the certainty that I was actually going to do something and be vital to the program. It just depends on the opportunity that's there, and it doesn't seem like there is to me.''

And on a TNA career...

"I keep an open mind about any wrestling company because it's my ultimate passion, there's really nothing else. If I had to fill out a resume, under qualifications I'd put what,standing vertical suplex and an unbreakable full nelson? I don't know where that's going to benefit me in society but one thing that I have been exploring while living in LA is different movie projects because coming out of our line of work it seems like a natural fit."

WWE wedding:

Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella have announced their engagement to be married, they hope to tie the knot post WrestleMania 30, between April and June of 2014, the engagement will be shown on an upcoming episode of Total Diva's.

Change of heart for Coach:

Jonathan Coachman who said his WWE days were behind him when he quit in 2008 now says he would like to come back for a one night appearance, if the right opportunity presented itself.

Jim Ross responds:

In response to Triple H's determination to get JR back on the WWE roster by WrestleMania 30, JR say's that it is ''Unlikely'' he will do so.

John Cena:

John Cena has invited Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake to WrestleMania to perform a song they did together, Fallon agreed, Timberlake as yet has not replied to the WWE star.

WWE top 10:

This week Randy Orton...


WWE have listed 12 possible new DVD's for 2014, and are asking their fans to vote on which they would like to see. The proposed titles are...

* Macho Man Randy Savage – Documentary plus matches

* Chris Jericho – Best Matches

* Shawn Michaels – Best Matches

* John Cena – Documentary plus matches

* Rhodes Family – Documentary plus matches

* Rob Van Dam - Best Matches

* Class of 96 – Documentary plus matches

* Batista – Best Matches

* Stone Cold Steve Austin – Austin picks his favorite WWE matches

* Daniel Bryan – Best Matches

* Best of WCW Pay-Per-Views – Best Matches

* Rey Mysterio – Best Matches

Zema Ion:

TNA star Zema Ion has revealed his ''Really dark time''. His hopes to raise $30,000 for an emergency appendectomy only managed $6,648, which he never received, meaning he has run up vast medical bills and on top of that a cancer scare left him suffering a deep depression, he however says he is feeling much better now.

How to get a WWE job by doing all the wrong things:

This is Pierre Marceau who has today been signed to a WWE developmental deal, despite this Funny, but riske performance at a promo skills assessment at the WWE Performance Center....

He is a 6'4 French former kickboxer so will probably be a big star for WWE, and I like him already. 

Dan Severn on Wrestling vs MMA:

''Mixed martial arts doesn't hold a candlestick to the wacky world of professional rasslin'. I say it like that. It's not wrestling. It's rasslin' where men in tights settle their differences in the squared circle."

Ted DiBiase interview:

On The Undertaker...

"When I introduced The Undertaker nobody knew him, at the time if you know how this works they were using my celebrity and me introducing The Undertaker was helping him get over. He wasn't 'The Phenom' then he was just a new kid on the card, this new character The Undertaker and of course he grew in to be one of the greatest attractions the WWE has ever had. At the time it wasn't a big deal to me, I was just doing my job."

On Eric Bischoff and NWO...

"Eric took credit for the NWO but that wasn't his idea, the NWO had already been done in Japan, so they had copied something that had already been done. It was a good idea, but originally I was supposed to be the mouth piece of the NWO and reality is I think Eric saw how it was getting over and he saw how he could put himself in the role that he had hired me for. As each week went by pretty soon Eric isn't the announcer anymore, he becomes part of the NWO and I just went to him one day and told him I'm not just going to walk out there and be Hulk Hogans' Virgil, you hired me to be the spokesperson for this, so if that's not what I'm going to do you can send me home. The reason I said that was because they had to pay me one way or the other, because I had a contract where they had to pay me for three years.''

On Ted Jr...

"He has had a couple of little injuries and he did go back on the road and wrestled at some live events but they didn't put him back on television. In the meantime he's married, he has become a father, which made me a grandfather a little over a year ago. I think that's why I never really wanted him to be a wrestler in the first place, it had nothing to do with wrestling, it had everything to do with being away from your family."

Ryback blames WWE:

Ryback says it is WWE's fault that fans chant Goldberg at him, but promised one day he will ''Beat'' the former WCW champion...

"When I first started with WWE, I did not get that right away. But then the website actually posted an article - because people that run the website aren't necessarily the ones at TV - and they wrote that I channeled Bill Goldberg before my matches, which is completely false. So whatever creative genius did that... a bunch of people read that article on the .COM, and the chants started a week after because of that brilliant article that was posted. It's something that never bothers me, but I'm a man of my own identity and eventually the people that keep chanting it, they're going to make me a ton of money because I'm going to have to beat him eventually. We'll get him back and I'll beat him."

New NXT profile added:

Kendall Skye.


Which of the above DVD's would you like to see WWE release???

Friday, September 27, 2013

Today's News

Booker T remembers the final match of WCW:

UFC Boss blasts former star:

Dana White Has furiously reacted to Tito Ortiz's plan to get former UFC stars including Rampage Jackson and Ken Shamrock to buy tickets in the front row of the next UFC PPV, which is a 20th anniversary show, they are offended they were not asked to the event, feeling they were a large part of the company's success and should be recognized despite the personal animosity they have with Mr White.

Dana responded when asked about the threatened invasion by MMA Junkie, with a tirade against the former Intercontinental Champion Ken Shamrock...

"Ken owes me $175,000, and I'm coming for it, Ken. I'm coming for the f---ing money, you piece of s--t. The guy owes me $175,000 because him and his scumbag lawyer put together some phony lawsuit that he lost, and he owes me $175,000 in attorney's fees. And he's out there talking about what he doesn't have and what guys aren't getting and all this s--t. He's trying to make himself relevant again, and if anybody can't see that, you're just f---ing stupid."

TNA SPOILERS!!! for 3/10:

* Chris Sabin & Kenny King vs Jeff Hardy & Manik

* Brooke Tessmacher vs Velvet Skye

* Magnus competes in a Gauntlet match vs Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian.

* Bully Ray vs Samoa Joe

Other notes...

Magnus was legit hurt and had to throw up the dreaded X in his match, and TNA shot what it seems was Hulk Hogan's TNA exit (More on this later), Finally Kurt Angle was confirmed to make his return on October 20 at Bound For Glory.

RVD works on video game:

Rob Van Dam may have been left out of the WWE 2K14 game, but He will appear in Saints Row, he has been doing voice work today.

Lawsuit dismissed:

The lawsuit that was stopping sales of WrestleMania 24 due to the music used for Floyd Mayweather's entrance at the event has been thrown out of court today. Anthony Dash could not prove he created the beat used, or that Mayweather and WWE benefited financially from the use of the song. Dash wanted $150,000.


Ryback has revealed that WWE have told him what he needs to do if he wants to be the top guy...

"The WWE told me if I wanted to be the best, the best bet was to stay single and not start a family. I'm a loner and that is what I've given up to be what I am. I've had girlfriends, but at this point, I have to do what I need to do."

No wonder he is so grouchy 

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan's contract expires on October 1, and the fact that TNA saw fit to film an exit story for next weeks Impact suggests they do not think he will be sticking around.

The two sides are talking, and it may not be used if they can come to terms before next Thursday, but they decided the chances of that are so small that they needed to shoot the scene in case.


The exit story is Dixie Carter demanded that Hulk Hogan joined her in her campaign against AJ Styles, Hogan refused and quit, he then left the ring. Dixie chased him dropped to her knees in front of him and begged him to stay, he didn't, she pitched a fit as the show ended.


WWE have appointed an attorney that once kept Vince McMahon out of jail.

Laura Brevetti successfully defended McMahon in 1994 on federal charges of conspiring to deal drugs to his employees.

Triple H remembers joining WCW:

Taken from his new DVD...


WWE are today asking which member of The Shield will win the World or WWE Title first, Roman Reigns is dominating their poll.

Who do you think will be the first to get a chance at the top...

* Dean Ambrose

* Roman Reigns

* Seth Rollins

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today's News

McMahon's vs Rhodes:

Triple H has invited the Rhodes Family to Raw next week, and says they will be given an open forum to air their grievances.

AJ Styles to WWE?:

It is very unlikely that WWE will be waiting with a contract offer when AJ Styles leaves TNA at the end of the year. Figure Four Weekly are reporting that WWE have very little interest in the 36 year old.

WretleMania 30 plans:

WWE are working on The Rock vs Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker vs Ryback for next years Mania, however both matches have huge proviso's hanging over them. The Rock is showing very little interest in a return for the event, and WWE are very uncertain about Ryback.

Firstly if The Rock refuses a Mania 30 match, The Undertaker would be pitted against Brock Lesnar, something WWE are reluctant to do, due to Lesnar's style and Taker's injuries.

If The Rock does wrestle, then current plans have Taker vs Ryback. The story would be Paul Heyman wanting to do next year, what his man (CM Punk) could not do this year. However... WWE are not convinced by Ryback and have brought the link up with Heyman forward to evaluate how he does, if he impresses, some in WWE are calling for Ryback to be the man to end the iconic streak of the dead man, feeling that he is the only man on the roster that could conceivably do it.

There is of course a long way to go, with Sting's status obviously to become a contributing factor to the final plans for the show, when he becomes free of his TNA deal in January.

Steph to wrestle?:

WWE have a poll on who should be the next challenger for the Diva's Title, and Stephanie McMahon is currently a runaway leader.

Goldberg - WWE:

Goldberg Has shared his opinion on the upcoming WWE DVD based on his career, that he had refused to take part in, he said he found the trailer to be...

"Not bad I must admit...."

He is lightning up a lot recently on WWE, and is now a lot more open to a return than he has been at any point since he left in 2004.

Money In The Bank DVD:

Trailer released...

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee Has been Diva's Champion for 100 days.

Xavier Woods:

Has announced that he has an injured ankle.

Blu Ray pulled:

WWE have withdrawn the Raw 20th anniversary DVD in North America and Australia, but it will still be released on DVD, there is no mention of a European release though.

Mickie James:

Mickie James turned down a $60,000 contract offer to stay with TNA.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have reportedly already decided who will win the 2014 Royal Rumble.

Ezekiel Jackson:

Ezekiel Jackson is touting that he is ready for a WWE return (Photo).

Show pulled:

It seems Saturday Morning Slam has been dropped, it was due to return to TV this month, but neither WWE or CW have mentioned the show.

Kharma to WWE:

Kharma Has teased that she is in talks with and very close to a return to WWE, she urged her fans to continue taking signs to WWE events. She also commented on her weight loss, saying she is redefining herself.

Jim Ross:

More on JR's WWE departure...

Triple H has been fighting since WrestleMania to keep JR on the pay roll against the wishes of WWE chairman Vince McMahon, who grew tired of JR questioning the direction of WWE, feeling he is too outspoken. There was no indication of what happened at Mania to cause this latest falling out.

The SummerSlam games expo was the excuse Vince had been waiting for it seems, and Triple H had to give in, however he is determined to get him back for WrestleMania 30, and WWE still want to use him as a talking head on DVD's.

Jim Ross has also today tweeted to kill the TNA rumours once and for all...

"No interest whatsoever at this time. Moving on to other things."


Eugene was brought in to WWE to replace Joey Mercury, who is being brought back onto the main roster as a producer.

NXT release:

J Bronson has been released from NXT, he has been injured for over a year.

Another release Tony Dawson was dropped because of a lack of passion for the sport.

Eva Marie:

Eva Marie is a ''Star'' according to WWE, they have big plans for her.

WWE looking abroad:

WWE are tracking CMLL star Volador Jr. and NJPW stars Prince Devitt and Karl Anderson.

Also on NJPW they revealed WWE quadrupled the $100,000 a year they were paying Tensai to lure him back to the company.

Rob Van Dam punished:

Reports are RVD was buried on Raw recently because he refused to sign his next 90 day contract before leaving this time, he may continue to be buried before his current deal ends on October 1, if he does not commit.

They are also down on Dolph Ziggler, one insider saying he will never draw money.

Damien Sandow vs ?:

Damien Sandow says his dream WrestleMania opponent is Harley Race.

Sunny interview:

On Hall Of Fame...

''When I got the phone call I had no idea what was going on. I was packing for a vacation in Mexico. It was a Monday night at 9:30 and Johnny Ace called; I thought it was really odd that Johnny would call me during the show. About 15 minutes into the call, he asked me to turn on RAW; at the time, they were announcing Shawn's induction into the Hall of Fame. He then told me that he was talking to Vince and they wanted me to be the second inductee. I cried for about 3 minutes. It was January 10, 2011 that I was told I was going to be inducted. "They made me wait 2 months and told me I wasn't allowed to tell anybody. I can't keep secrets as it is. Everything that company does is a test, and I think they did it on purpose. I was the second person that they told, and I was the second to last to be announced."

On joining WWE...

"I was hired first. They hired me as Tamara Murphy doing the Live Event News. Between WWE and Smokey Mountain I had a 7 day a week job. Five months into it they pulled Chris and I into a meeting and they offered him a job, and turned my broadcasting contract into a regular talent contract and the rest is history. It was easy for us to start together on the road; we were both 21, and being together and starting out that young, it made it so much easier. Chris had so much passion for the business. He started wrestling at 9 years old; that's passion."

On current Diva's...

"With the exception of Nattie Neidhart, heart and passion for the business is missing. Nattie is in the business because she loves the business, not because she's using it as a stepping stone for something else. The others, look what happens when their contract expires: They look for work in TV. In the Divas search, they didn't even know who Kamala was. Passion and heart is missing, even from a lot of the guys. (There are very few guys with passion) Chris (Candido) had passion, CM Punk has passion, and Daniel Bryan has it too."

The Godfather:

Charles Wright has gotten the itch back, after attending fan conventions and a (Too short) WWE return at this years Royal Rumble, he has announced he is going to make a full time return to wrestling and is accepting bookings.

WWE Alum:

The newest WWE Alum is The Warlord (without his former partner The Barbarian, maybe he is next week / fortnight's inductee).


Should WWE end The Undertaker's streak, and if so is Ryback the right man to do so, if not Who should???

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Today's News

Jim Ross:

In conversation with Stone Cold Steve Austin, for his highly rated podcast show, JR said of his future plans...

"I'm not going to buy a rocking chair, I'm not going to sit on the porch watching the world go by. I'd like to tell you that 61 is the new 41. I'm feeling good, I'm healthy, I'm going to be doing some other things without question. I'm not going to go away, I'm just not going to be in WWE any longer."

He also said he has one goal left in wrestling, to call The Undertaker's last match, whether he and WWE can come to terms on the deal, is another matter of course.

Finally he has today slammed reports and said that he is not about to make a wrestling return for another company any time soon...

"Rumor mill working OT today. I'm not looking 4 work. It's @OU_Football season & I'm going to enjoy it. Working in wrestling not an option."

Matt Morgan defends TNA:

Matt Morgan has asked his fans to stop attacking TNA for letting him leave...

''If TNA wanted to, they could have made me sit at home all the way until when my contract expired, which would have been next July. That would have been another year, miss a year in my prime doing nothing. A lot of companies have done that in the past. That's a business decision, and nobody can be mad at a company for doing it. They could have easily done that in keeping a 7-foot, 300-pound giant on their roster that they don't have. They didn't. My hats off to them for letting me move on with no strings attached and being able to put my family in a better situation."

TV ad:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have appeared in an ad for Milk...

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Alberto Del Rio vs R-Truth

* Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger vs Prime Time Playaz

* Dean Ambrose vs Dolph Ziggler (US Title)

* Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston & Rob Van Dam vs The Shield.

* AJ Lee vs Cameron

* Heath Slater vs Santino Marella

* The Miz vs Randy Orton

Congratulations Curtis:

Curtis Axel has been Intercontinental Champion for 100 days.

CM Punk, Hometown Hero?:

CM Punk had an interesting interaction with fans in Chicago after Raw went off the air this week. A fan threw him a White Sox hoodie, Punk shook his head and threw it right back, a second fan then threw a Blackhawks Jersey, this time he kept the item.

Daniel Bryan:

No word on why, but Daniel Bryan no showed last night's TV taping's.

Trish Stratus:

Trish Stratus says she is now overdue to give birth to her baby boy Maximus.

Goldberg DVD:

Official trailer released:

Kelly Kelly:

Kelly Kelly Has started work on a movie today, entitled ''Angel Investors''. (Photo).

Backstage WWE notes:

WWE plan on bringing Sheamus back heel next year.

Xavier Woods was pulled from an autograph signing over the weekend, WWE say he is injured, but did not say what the issue was.


Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam for the World Title will be a hardcore match.

McMahon' vs Rhodes':

Triple H says he has got a proposition to make to the Rhodes Family, and will do so on WWE.Com later today.

Here it is.

James Cornette slams TNA:

"Oh my God! If she [Dixie Carter] called and asked me to take this place over, I would hang up quickly and take three Xanax. As one top star that shall remain nameless who worked for the WWE for many years and is now semi-retired, I'm not going to say you're never going to see him in public again but he is not out there every week said: "If I go to TNA, it's a cry to be euthanized".

Is he talking about Jim Ross??? Hmmm...

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry has revealed being a victim of JBL bullying early in his career, Defended WWE of racist accusations over the lack of Black champions, and revealed How much wrestlers are fined for ''Touching'' fans ($70,000) amongst other subjects in a recent interview.


Should WWE allow JR a one off return for The Undertaker's last match, or is his time over and done???

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today's News

Lex Luger:

The release of Lex Luger's Biog is today, entitled ''Wrestling With The Devil''.

WWE 2K14:

The full roster reveal has now been made...

AJ Lee
Brodus Clay
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Dean Ambrose
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jinder Mahal
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Mr. McMahon
Rey Mysterio
Roman Reigns
Santino Marella
Seth Rollins
Sin Cara
Stephanie McMahon
The Great Khali
Titus O'Neil
Wade Barrett
Zack Ryder
The Rock
Ultimate Warrior
Big Show (Retro)
CM Punk
Sgt. Slaughter
The Undertaker
King Kong Bundy
Brock Lesnar
Chris Jericho (Retro)
Andre the Giant
Alberto Del Rio
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
John Cena (Retro)
Shawn Michaels
Ricky Steamboat
Triple H (Retro)
Big John Studd
Ric Flair (Retro)
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Hulk Hogan (Retro)
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan
Kane (Retro)
Randy Orton
The Undertaker (Retro)
Shawn Michaels (Retro)
Razor Ramon
Big Show
Triple H
Brock Lesnar (Retro)
Bret "Hit Man" Hart
Chris Jericho
The Rock (Retro)
Mick Foley
The Miz
John Cena
"Macho Man" Randy Savage
Ric Flair

Not everyone will be happy, a few WWE TV regulars have not made it onto the game, including...

Rob Van Dam

The Bella Twins


The Uso's

The Wyatt Family

Curtis Axel.

And the reason Rowdy Roddy Piper is not in the game has been announced, WWE wanted to have the WrestleMania 1 main event on, but Mr T. and WWE did not come to terms on a financial package for the likeness rights in time, meaning there was no need to include Piper, Paul Orndorff, Bob Orton Jr or Superfly Jimmy Snuka, and the decision was made to pull them all as characters.

Finally the WrestleMania 30 Mode ''Universe Era'' matches have been announced...

* WrestleMania 25: Edge (c) vs. John Cena vs. Big Show

* WrestleMania 25: Triple H (c) vs. Randy Orton

* WrestleMania 26: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge

* WrestleMania 26: Batista (c) vs. John Cena

* WrestleMania 26: The Undertaker vs. HBK

* WrestleMania 27: Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio

* WrestleMania 27: The Miz (c) vs. John Cena

* WrestleMania 28: The Undertaker vs. Triple H

* WrestleMania 28: CM Punk vs. Jericho

* WrestleMania 28: The Rock vs. John Cena

* WrestleMania 29: Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

* WrestleMania 29: CM Punk vs. Undertaker

* WrestleMania 29: The Rock vs. John Cena 2

Chris Jericho:

Y2J reveals why he first left WWE and his current relationship with Vince McMahon...

"I left in '05 because I was burnt out and I felt like I was treading water. I felt like the company was taking me for granted and I was starting to lose a lot of my powers. I was still friends with him - I could talk to him on the phone or in the office - but it wasn't until [I returned in] '08 where I could go in there with a legitimate idea and he would listen to it. From the Shawn [Michaels] thing, we went right into the [Rey] Mysterio thing, which was a massively successful angle that I wrote the whole f-cking thing. Then we went into the 7 on 7 NXT vs. the WWE thing, which I had a lot of influence in. Then we went into the whole CM Punk thing last year."

He also revealed that DX ''Hated'' him when he debuted in 1999.

Rhodes' vs McMahon's:

Cody and Goldust made their TV returns last night attacking The Shield.

The McMahon's current stories will end on November 4, they are not booked on any shows after that.

Los Matadores:

Primo and Epico will debut their new gimmick's next week on Raw.


CM Punk vs Ryback has been confirmed for the next WWE PPV.

TNA releases confirmed?:

Mr. Anderson and Mickie James have had their profiles deleted from TNA's website, probably meaning the contract talks they were having with the promotion have fallen through.


WWE are reporting injuries to CM Punk (Back) and The Miz (Jaw) following last night's Raw. However Nikki Bella returned from her injury (Shin).

Ex WWE star Victoria was a backstage guest (Photo).

Controversial story at Indy show:

Matt Striker vs Jerry Lawler in New York last night saw a heel Striker promise to deliver a heart punch to the King, and that afterwards he would take Lawler's job on WWE TV.

Lawler Won.

WWE remember legend:

WWE aired this tribute for Angelo Savoldi on Raw last night, he died last week from an infection...

WWE announcer released:

WWE have released Tony Dawson.

Stone Cold Steve Austin on ring return:

"On one hand, it may be fun to do, but on the other hand, what's on the other side of that? It took me three years to get the business out of my system. Withdrawal would be a good way to put it. I got through those three years, and hell, it's been eleven years since I've been in the ring. I know a lot of fans want to see that But what if it's not what it could have been or should have been? I don't want to go out there and do 90% of 'Stone Cold,' that's not who and what I am. It would take three or four months of a UFC-type came to pull it off... then what next? I was there, I did it at a high level, I had a great time. I took the business to a height that it's never been before. Hopefully someday someone will come on now that I'm done and take it to an even higher level. John Cena has done a wonderful job doing what he's done. Man, I'd say the chances are pretty damn slim, to be frank about it."

WWE sign new deal:

WWE have paired up with American Greetings to create a line of greeting's cards and party games.


So the full WWE 2K14 roster is now out there, but Who have they missed that you are not happy about, Who would you add to the roster (Stars past or current)???