Sunday, June 30, 2013

Today's News

Quinton Jackson:

Bellator Chief Bjorn Rebney has contradicted the comments by the new TNA man, Jackson said he was holding his in ring wrestling career off until he retires from MMA, Rebney however says he has already begun his wrestling training.


For 4/7/2013...

* TJ perkins is given a new gimmick, ''Manic''...

* AJ Styles vs Kazarian

* Hernandez vs Jay Bradley

* Gunner & James Storm vs Jessie Godderz & Robbie E

* Jeff Hardy vs Joseph Park

* Austin Aries vs Chris Sabin vs Manic (X Division Title).

For 11/7/2013

* AJ Styles & Samoa Joe vs Jeff Hardy & Joseph Park

* Hernandez & Jay Bradley vs Magnus & Mr. Anderson

* Austin Aries & Christopher Daniels vs Bobby Roode & Kazarian

* Gauntlet Match with all the winners of those matches.

* Gail Kim vs Taryn Terrell (Ladder Match)

X-Pac is not surprised Doink is dead:

He tweeted...

"Just heard bout Matt Borne. Another one gone. Was in WWE sponsored facility with him. Saw him after we were both out. Sad. Not surprised."

Police have corrected some mis-information in the media, they say he was alive when he was found at home, and that he actually died in the Hospital.

Hall Of Famers on TV:

Roddy Piper and Ric Flair will be on celebrity wife swap tonight.

WWE wedding:

Another WWE engagement has been announced, Naomi and Jimmy Uso...

Naomi said...

"We don't know because we're so chill about it. We just want to go to the courthouse and get married. But I'm an only daughter and I'll be the first to get married on my side, so both our parents are like, have a wedding!"

Bill DeMott:

There is more heat on the NXT coach, he has been accused by former WWE stars Trent Baretta and Briley Pierce of sexually harassing the female NXT roster, especially Bayley.

Briley (Dolph Ziggler's Brother) says he threatened to have any one who complained about him fired, So they are speaking out on behalf of their former colleagues, knowing they cannot be punished that way.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Today's News

Vince down on current star:

Shawn Michaels has revealed the details of a conversation he recently had with WWE boss Vince McMahon where Vince said he thinks a current star is ''Not Money''...

"I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with the man in charge and we were talking about a certain individual and he goes, 'I just don't see money in him.' And I said, 'You said the same thing about me.' He said, 'I did not.' I said, 'Yes you did!' (laughs) I said, 'And it's okay. It's just one of those things.' I wasn't your prototypical - heck, I wasn't anybody's prototypical main event guy, and I knew that. So, you just do your absolute best. Yes, I was very scared and very worried, which had a lot to do with how bad I handled stuff. I spent a great deal of my career waiting for the other shoe to drop, because it was a very real view of me and my ability and talent. I'm a firm believer that talent does rise to the top, but you have to be patient. So, I spent a great deal of time worried, intimidated, and concerned that with each passing storyline, it might be the last one."

It was being reported by some that the star in question was Daniel Bryan, however Shawn Michaels has taken to his Twitter to deny that, saying the star he was talking about was 6'3 and 250lbs, he would not give the name of the wrestler.

Matt Borne:

Police have launched a homicide investigation into the death of WWE Alumnus Matt Borne, who was found dead at his home yesterday. They say while they believe the death was probably accidental, they must follow operational procedures.

Borne who famously worked at the very first WrestleMania in a losing effort vs Ricky Steamboat, before getting the eponymous Doink The Clown character later in his career also had spells in WCW and ECW. He was released from WWF in '94 after a number of drugs fails, and was eventually replaced as Doink by Ray Apollo, although he did return for the Raw 15th anniversary Battle Royal as his famous character.

Borne was 55 years old, his profile is now up on R.I.P Dead Wrestlers.

WWE stars punished:

Triple H has released a statement on the fines given to Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton this week (See yesterday)...

"We don't allow chair shots to the head in WWE, We understand it was in the heat of the moment but we take this very seriously and as a result, [Orton and Bryan] were fined."

Orton wouldn't say how much he was fined but said it was ''Enough''.

Titles retired:

TNA have retired their Knockouts Tag Team Championship, last held by Eric Young and ODB.

DDP on Jake The Snake:

Diamond Dallas Page says he does not believe Jake's story about falling off the wagon...

"It wasn't just two drinks. I wasn't there, but from the behavior that I heard about, it wasn't just two drinks."

And promised any further slips would have consequences...

"If there are no consequences from his actions, he'll easily slip back into his old habits. He's back on the positive trail now. He's doing 90 meetings in 90 days. He's got the goal board up and he's already marking sh-t down. Like I've said before, my house is not a rehab center. There's no f-cking discussion [if he falls again] It's like, 'go to rehab bro."

RVD starts work:

Rob Van Dam has had to cancel a comedy gig due to a WWE commitment on Tuesday.

New baby:

Ex WWE man Armando Estrada has become the Father to a baby girl.

NXT Exec quits:

Dusty Rhodes has announced Rob Naylor is leaving the WWE feeder league soon. He was hired in 2011 from DGUSA.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Today's News

Hell In A Cell landmark:

Today marks the 15th anniversary of the infamous 1998 King Of The Ring Hell In A Cell Match between Mankind and The Undertaker, WWE have spoken with many of those involved who went on to share their memories of the night, and also include some never before released backstage photo's, including one of Vince admonishing Foley for the risks he took.

The Undertaker is not involved in the interview, so I have found a 2002 TV interview where he discusses the match...

And if you have never seen the match, (What is wrong with you???), here it is in full...

John Cena:

To mark the 11th anniversary of John Cena's WWE debut, WWE.Com have listed his 50 greatest matches.

Vince McMahon congratulated him...

"On the anniversary of his 11th year with @WWE, congratulations to @JohnCena. Lots of mileage, lots of injuries, but lots of fun."

WWE wedding:

More images of this weeks staged marriage between Tyson Kidd and Natalya have been released.

This was shot for the TV show Total Diva's, they were married a few months ago real world.

Big O makes TV debut:

On TNA's Gutcheck...

Main Event Mafia:

Samoa Joe is the third member of the new MEM.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has been awarded a 2 year restraining order against his Mother, although it is thought that the Judge rejected his request that She is also banned from all WWE events.

Day in the life of a WWE star:

Natalya has discussed the hectic schedule a WWE star faces...

"What we do inside the ring sometimes is only five or 10 minutes, but we spend a good eight to 15 hours a day outside the ring at work. Whether it's catching a flight, getting a rental car, getting to our hotel, dealing with family members, boyfriends, Diva conflicts, you've got to be able to survive the pre-ring stuff before you actually deal with the drama in the ring. It's a tough balance but I think all the Divas prove in very different ways that we can make it through."

Big E. Langston:

Big E. says the reason he became a wrestler was he was inspired by a meeting with Bill Goldberg when he was 10 years old, He said Goldberg was his favourite wrestler growing up.

Jake The Snake:

Diamond Dallas Page has posted a video of Jake The Snake Roberts apologizing to him for his recent relapse...

New WWE book:

WWE are already working a 50th birthday DVD, they have now commissioned a book telling the entire history of the company to accompany the documentary, and to mark the landmark.

Ric Flair snubs HOF:

Ric Flair has withdrawn from appearing at the Tragos / Thesz HOF ceremony this year, he has accepted a paid gig, which coincides with the event.

Performance Center:

Indy wrestler Ryan ''GQ Money'' Katz has been hired by WWE to work at the new NXT training center, he started today by taking delivery of and installing 33,000 lbs of weight training gear.


XPW will return in October with a 12 man tournament to crown a new champion.

ROH stars dropped:

It seems that WWE have changed their minds on contract offers to ROH stars Adam Cole and Mike Bennett, they are not thought to be listed for the first wave of new signings coming in when the performance center opens on July 11.

Royal Rumble 2014:

In a creative leak from WWE, CM Punk is listed as the planned winner of the 2014 Royal Rumble match. This, if true, and if plans don't change in the next 7 months, would give him the chance to fulfill his dream of main eventing WrestleMania.

Not for me is wasn't:

George The Animal Steele says the WrestleMania 3 match between Macho Man Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat is not in his opinion the best match ever, because...

"You're talking to the wrong guy. I'll tell you why. I lived about 18 miles from the Silverdome. Do you think for one second that George "The Animal" Steele at that big event wanted to be standing in somebody's corner? No way, Jose. I wanted to be--I wanted to have a match. I didn't care with who. It could've been with Vince. I didn't care but I'd rather have been in a match than standing in a corner in my backyard. Does that make sense? So now when I watch the match. They had been talking this match for three weeks. I was sick of it. Because I don't talk matches. It was probably the greatest match of all time for the fans. The only thing I liked about the match I got to stand across the ring and look at Elizabeth. People are always asking me why I was so smitten over Elizabeth. Its very simple. I've been married to my wife for 58 years. She is a beauty and she's wonderful and she does not like to do windows. I was trying to get a window washer."

TNA stars no show event:

Velvet Sky and TNA World Champ Bully Ray no showed a live event last night.

Rich Rock:

The Rock has earned $46 Million Dollars this year.

WWE list 10 real backstage feuds:

10 - Chris Jericho vs Goldberg

Goldberg and Jericho had a taught relationship dating back to their WCW days when Y2J mocked his entrance, however it was in WWE when they came to blows, Goldberg trashed a match Jericho had been involved in, when news of this got back to Jericho's ears, he went to confront Goldberg, who grabbed Y2J by the throat, Jericho with a quick move scissored his legs and got him into a front facelock, forcing other stars to save the bigger, stronger man.

9 - Batista vs Booker T

At a SummerSlam photo shoot in 2006, Batista refused to acknowledge Booker T when he arrived, Booker T decided he needed to teach the arrogant monster a lesson in respect, so took him into a room locked the door and beat him for 5 solid minutes, it was a brutal bloody affair, and apart from a cheap shot (Batista hit him from behind while he was locking the door) Booker is said to have dominated the brawl.

8 - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon

The legendary feud between SCSA and the Boss that defined the Attitude Era became real in 2002. Austin was very disappointed by the way he was booked at WrestleMania 18, and walked out of the company later that summer, leading to Vince McMahon on Raw demanding Austin return to apologize to every WWE fan for abandoning the company.

Austin called the segment a smear against him.

The incident was resolved when Jim Ross arranged clear the air talks, and SCSA eventually returned.

7 - John Cena vs The Rock

This was never a physical fight, but the two men retracted their claws and savaged each other in the press and via social media in the build up to their first match at WrestleMania 28, Cena questioning Rock's reasons for returning and Rocky accusing Cena of not making the effort to be a wrestler, and that he only wanted the paycheck.

6 - Paul Orndorff vs Vader

This brawl happened when Vader turned up late for a WCW show, he didn't take kindly to the older star admonishing him and struck out, Orndorff responded with a flurry of punches and kicks and got the better of the younger bigger man, although Vader claims he let up because he was worried about losing his job.

As a result Vader was pulled from a PPV match, and eventually dropped by WCW, he went to WWE, debuting at the '96 Royal Rumble.

5 - Edge vs Matt Hardy:

The former best friends relationship broke down after an injury to Matt Hardy caused him to be taken off the road. Lita (At the time in a long term relationship with Hardy) began to travel with Edge (Who was married). The two became romantically involved, causing a major breakdown in their friendships. During this time Matt Hardy was released by WWE, which caused even greater hurt to Hardy, feeling he was being punished for the crimes of others. He eventually returned to WWE and the real world feud became a TV feud. Many criticized WWE at the time for exploiting the situation.

4 - Eric Bischoff vs Ric Flair

Flair says Bischoff took great joy in demeaning him, and that he felt used by the WCW boss. Eric had Flair use his ties to WWE to get many names to leave Stamford to go to Atlanta, but the more new stars joined the less respect Flair got from the office. This led to a court case when Flair missed a TV taping due to a family event, and WCW launched a lawsuit against their biggest star.

Flair took his feud with Bischoff to TV, and aired a lot of the dirty laundry between the two men.

3 - Dynamite Kid vs Jacques Rougeau

This one is one of the most famous feuds in WWE, and caused the end of the Bulldog's WWE run as a team.

Jacques Rougeau returned to the locker room to find his clothes had been damaged, deciding that famous pranksters the British Bulldogs were probably the culprits he went to talk to them, firstly seeing Dynamite he confronted him with his suspicions, but Kid denied knowledge of what happened, and becoming offended by the accusations he struck out at Rougeau whilst he was distracted playing cards.

Rougeau seethed at the cheap shot and bided his time waiting for revenge, he rolled a sock full of coins into his fist and hit Dynamite with a sucker punch of his own, knocking out four teeth, leading to a brawl, the incident was broken up by Bad News Brown.

2 - ECW vs XPW

XPW, a rip off version of ECW in the California area decided to try to increase their exposure by turning up at an ECW show, things didn't go well, fans were not happy about the XPW stars sitting in the crowd drawing attention to themselves and eventually stars decided that the dis-respect they felt needed to be dealt with and the locker room evacuated and ejected the invaders personally.

1 - Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels

In 1997 Shawn Michaels made a thinly veiled accusation on Raw that Bret Hart had begun an affair with WWE Hall Of Famer Sunny, Bret was furious with the segment and despite recovering from knee surgery (Which caused him to withdraw from a match vs Shawn at King Of The Ring that year) returned to Raw and got into a fist fight with HBK in the back. Bret says he went to talk to Shawn, but he saw red when Shawn said ''Is there something you want to say to me?'' then swung a punch (Which missed), Bret swung back and connected, before friends of the two men stepped in between them.

The bad blood lasted for years, but they are on better terms now.

Matt Bourne:

There are reports flying around that WWE Alum (The Original Doink The Clown) Matt Bourne has been found dead at home, I am looking into this story and will keep you updated.

Doink The Clown's death has now been confirmed by WWE.

WWE stars punished:

Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton have both been fined for the tope into a chair on Raw this week, the amount was not disclosed.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today's News

John Morrison interview:

Highlights include being a part of Tough Enough, his frequent character name changes early in his career, and the creation of MNM, including revealing WWE did not want Joey Mercury in the team.

Rey Mysterio:

WWE say while they hope Rey Mysterio will be able to appear at SummerSlam, the chances are ''Up in the air''.


Tazz has teased he may be about to make a return to WWE. His TNA contract will expire in the next couple of weeks, some say possibly as early as this weekend and He tweeted today...

"Couple of big wrestling shows in my "hometown" of Brooklyn! #RedHookNearBarclay"

The only wrestling show in Brooklyn's Barclay Center next month is the post Money In The Bank episode of Raw. The tweets have since been deleted.

Jim Ross called one fan on Twitter Gullible for believing the hype.

Tragedy for WWE star:

R-Truth has sadly lost his Sister today to cancer, the news was broken by WWE...

"After a seven-year battle with cancer, Francetta Killings, sister of WWE Superstar Ron 'R-Truth' Killings, has passed away. WWE extends its deepest condolences to Ron and his family."

Chris Jericho:

Chris Jericho says he has no goals left in wrestling, but he is having a lot of fun. He also announced the 3rd installment of his Autobiography will be released in February 2014.

Financial issues for TNA:

The idea of going on the road for TNA may have been widely praised by the wrestling world, but it has had an effect on TNA's revenue stream, unfortunately a negative one. They have had to cut back on flying stars in for taping's around the country. The cost of hosting the shows is the main issue, but they have also lost some sponsors after leaving Florida, and have not replaced the lost revenue. They are also not drawing enough fans to the events to re - coop the money they are spending on hiring venues and staging the shows.

These are worrying times for TNA, it's roster and fans, let's hope they can arrest the situation.

WWE promote new DVD's:

Goldberg Anthology...

"Goldberg was one of the most dominant and talented individuals ever witnessed in sports entertainment, exploding onto the scene by amassing an epic win streak of 173 matches. Throughout his WCW career he defeated legends such as Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Diamond Dallas Page. As he crossed over to the WWE, this powerhouse continued his dominance taking on such Superstars as The Rock, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar among others. This 3-disc compilation features some of the biggest matches in Goldberg's impressive career and showcases why his legacy will forever be cemented in sports entertainment."

Money In The Bank Anthology...

"Hosted by The Miz, the compilation features every Money in the Bank Ladder Match in history. The match debuted at WrestleMania 21 in 2005, quickly becoming a WrestleMania tradition and in 2010 proved so popular that it was given its own annual PPV event. Several top Superstars have been Money in the Bank winners including John Cena, Kane, Edge, C.M. Punk (twice!), Rob Van Dam, and many more... Much like the Royal Rumble Match, the Money in the Bank match represents a golden opportunity for a Superstar to achieve immortality, and its entire lineage is presented here."

WWE creative shake up:

WWE have managed to get lead writer Dave Kreizman to delay his resignation until SummerSlam is past, because He has written most of the build up stories, and the shake up could have a major negative effect.

The shows head writers have been changed however, Ranjin Singh has been made an intermediary between Vince McMahon's office and the creative team. This has allowed Ed Koskey to switch from SmackDown to Raw, and NXT head writer Ryan Ward has been rewarded for his highly respected NXT shows and is the new lead writer at SmackDown. Other changes include, Road Dogg who has been assigned to the creative office to give a wrestlers perspective on the story line paths, and Stephanie McMahon has had her role in creative minimized to avoid conflict.

Also on Creative Mark Henry has been praised for his retirement story line, Creative came up with the idea, but after the fallout between Mark and the department Henry took the story line on himself and took it in a direction no-one saw coming.

Alberto Del Rio:

Despite some in WWE feeling the cost is not worth it, WWE plan on bringing back ADR's cars.

SummerSlam matches leaked:

Curtis Axel will defend his IC strap vs The Miz.

Dean Ambrose will defend the US Title vs Christian.

Also expect a split in the Bella Twins partnership, WWE plan on using the real life relationships between Brie and Daniel Bryan and Nikki and John Cena as a story arc, they will manage their respective beau in the SummerSlam main event.

Ex WWE star retires:

Low Ki / Kaval has retired from wrestling and has moved into voice acting. He says he will consider a return for a major promotion, but only for a major run, not for mid card obscurity. He recently priced himself out of a spell in Japan with AJPW.

Indy stars to WWE:

Jamie Noble is the man responsible for getting some of the biggest names on the Indy circuit to join WWE, he has close ties to Independent wrestling and has used those links to help convince the likes of Sami Callihan, Samuray Del Sol, El Generico, and (possibly) The Brisco's to come on board with the company.

WWE wedding:

It is being rumoured that the Summer WWE wedding which happened yesterday, taped for Total Diva's (Pics to follow), in reality happened several months ago, when Natalya and Tyson Kidd eloped and married privately, and that yesterday was done for TV rating's. There has been no conformation from those involved that that is true.


Score one for WWE.

WWE plan on making a physical WWE Hall Of Fame after all, guess where???... TNA's old home in Orlando Florida.

However TNA have scored back, they have signed ex WWE exec John ''Big'' Gaburick, he will be the new VP of TV productions. He left WWE earlier this summer.

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd will be out of action until next January, longer than first expected.

New job for Linda:

Linda McMahon has landed a job at APCO WorldWide, a PR Company.

TNA's big signing doesn't want to wrestle:

Quinton ''Rampage'' Jackson says he does not plan on wrestling until his UFC career is over...

"I've always wanted to be a pro wrestler since I was a kid, but now that I'm older and have had a lot of injuries, people don't understand the toll that wrestling takes on your body," Jackson said. "I just don't think I can do that now while I'm fighting, but when I retire from fighting and go full time into pro wrestling, then I think I can go and get more extensive with my style and my moves.''

New Alumnus:

This week's new WWE Alum is The Berzerker.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Today's News

Setback for Jake The Snake:

Diamond Dallas Page, who is currently in Scotland has posted a video update on Jake The Snake Roberts, and unfortunately it is not a good one, Jake has fallen off the wagon and has returned to drinking...

Matt Striker interview:

Matt Striker says he hopes he will be able to return to WWE in the future...

"I appreciate when people come up to me but the people who make that decision? The three main people don't feel that way. Which also leads me to believe there has to be a reason. I may have done something that I don't know about that has gotten back to the WWE and they are just trying to protect themselves and me by saying, you know what? Let's cut ties with you for a little while. I don't know. That's the big thing but again when you're a kid and your mom says you can't go out and you say why and she says because I'm your mom and I say so. And that's it."

He went on to wish his replacement on Superstars Alex Riley well...

"He's a good kid. He's a taller better looking version of Matt Striker. I believe he's a graduate from Boston College, he's well spoken, he's bright and I think it's a great opportunity for Alex Riley. To me, this is what is my saving grace, I'm gone now and then I read that it's Alex Riley that's sitting in that chair and I think about all the conversations I've had with Alex Riley. Maybe one thing I said to him he uses on the show and he's now the breath of fresh air, he's now the new guy, I don't fault anyone for that. WWE gives opportunity, they gave me an opportunity, they're giving Alex Riley an opportunity and I expect great things for Alex Riley and I'm genuinely happy for him"

On heat for his attitude when he joined WWE...

"When I first came to the WWE, I did not wear humility well. I think people mistook my New York-ness and my excitement for arrogance and I am glad that it happened, I'm glad that some of these battle tested veterans sat me down in their way and said, 'hey man, I slept in a car, wrestled for $5 and did all these things so that a kid like you could walk in here right now.' Once I started to realize that, I began to adopt the same theories and mentality."

On his feud with Jerry Lawler...

Apparently it is well known that Lawler did not like working with Striker, Matt says Lawler felt he was too fact heavy, talking about stars of the past etc, and that he was too long winded sometimes, but after a talk Lawler gave him some great advice, which he went on to use...

"A lot of that stuff was my fault because I was like a 9 year old kid with an open microphone. All Jerry wanted to do was help me, there wasn't any animosity in the back, it was like a father sitting down his teenage son who doesn't wanna hear anything, saying this is how it's got to be."

The Rock:

The Rock has acknowledged being on the cover of the next WWE video game...

"I am exceptionally grateful to be chosen for the cover of WWE 2K14 and serve as the first cover Superstar under 2K's leadership. I want the cover of WWE 2K14 to electrify the people. I want the artwork to stand out and set a new standard for all WWE video games from 2K, both today and in the future."

Orton dig at WWE:

Randy Orton has retweeted a message from a fan, critical of the banning of his finisher the Punt Kick...

"@Randyorton so @WWE ban your punt kick but let @VivaDelRio kick people in the head? whats the difference? Bring back the Punt Kick!!!!!"

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Damien Sandow vs Sheamus

* AJ Lee vs Natalya

* Kane vs Randy Orton

* Justin Gabriel vs Ryback

* Christian & The Uso's vs The Shield

Tebow to WWE:

Jim Ross has again updated the status of the Tim Tebow to WWE rumours, He says they have had no recent contact...

"I have not. He's got a job at the moment and seems to be busy."

Zack Ryder buried again:

George Steele remembers Randy Savage:

"Another night in Detroit, Vince McMahon asked me to grab Miss Elizabeth by the ankle. You guessed it, Randy went R.P. McMurphy crazy. We were not flying over the cuckoo's nest; we were living in it. Every night it was something different. Randy's jealousy was driving him crazy. There were times when he would lock her in the dressing room. Randy was always screaming at somebody."

Money In The Bank:

The second MITB match has been confirmed...

* Antonio Cesaro

* Cody Rhodes

* Damien Sandow

* Dean Ambrose

* Fandango

* Jack Swagger

* Wade Barrett

The winner will earn a World Title shot.

Jack Swagger:

Now the court case is over more details of Jack Swagger's drugs arrest have been made available...

* Swagger was stopped by Police on Feb 19, he told Police he had showered stopped at a local fast food joint and was beat up following a SmackDown taping, and that he was wanting to get to his hotel to rest.

* The officer noted he was driving 10MPH too fast and the car smelt of marijuana, he also saw marijuana on the stars lap.

* Swagger admitted his error of judgement to the Police.

* Swagger was praised for his attitude by the arresting officer, who said he was a gentleman, but that he was very nervous, confused and talkative.

* The officer asked for his drivers licence, but Swagger gave him his credit card.

* A video was played in court of Swagger undergoing a field sobriety test, the officer said it was the worst performance in one of those tests he had ever done.

* Swagger may have further punishment, he could lose his drivers licence for a year, but he has the chance to cut that to 90 days if he undergoes a safe driving course.

The Brisco's:

ROH have written the Brisco Brothers out of their stories, freeing them to join WWE.

CM Punk:

CM Punk has reportedly taken out a restraining order against his Mother, after growing tired of constant requests for money and threatening, and abusive harassment from Her. He has been trying to take this action for over a year, and the case is finally being heard today.

He has given his Mother $100,000 to help her, as She suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder, but even that didn't stop the torrent of hate from her, so He eventually decided to give up and cut her off, this escalated the abuse to a new level. He says She threatened to kill herself 4 times last year, threatened to release embarrassing info about him to the press, forcing Punk to reveal his arrests during his school career and much more.

Punk's Mother allegedly said to Punk...

"You don't give a s**t about us. You just care about your money and money hungry/fame hungry friends. You would sell us for a nickel."

CM Punk who is in court today regarding this said...

"I wish for the harassment to stop and am requesting the assistance of the court in this regards."

He was awarded a temporary ruling on June 10, but wants it extending for several years.

Big O:

TNA feature the best bud of WWE star Zack Ryder, Adam ''The Big O'' Ohriner, who will be on Gutcheck tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today's News

Video game contest:

To coincide with the official release of the new WWE video game cover art and trailer (On Wall), 2K sports have announced a competition for artistic types, they want fans to design a unique cover for the game featuring their favourite WWE stars or Diva's.

The winning design will be inside the game boxes, on the reverse of the official cover.

To enter go to.

SummerSlam match leaked:

A potential match for SummerSlam has been leaked from WWE creative...

Triple H & Stephanie McMahon vs Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman.

However with Heyman managing both Punk and Lesnar for the event, the match may end up being HHH vs Axel 1 on 1.

WWE Alum attacks current product:

Brutus The Barber Beefcake is not a fan of the modern way of doing promo's...

"Now, all the wrestler interviews are scripted by writers from L.A. What do they know about psychology in the wrestling business? Nothing whatsoever."

Beans to WWE:

Hall Of Famer Bret Hitman Hart's Daughter Beans has expressed a desire to make it to WWE in the future.

Iron Sheik profiled:

Yahoo have profiled WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik today, they discuss his career, his addictions, his health issues and more.


Alex Riley has replaced Matt Striker as the play by play man on Superstars, Striker was released from the company last week.

Money In The Bank:

More matches have been added to the next WWE PPV card, John Cena vs Mark Henry was already confirmed, the new matches are...

* Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler (World Title)

* The Shield vs The Uso's (Tag Titles)

* Money In The Bank match featuring...

- Christian

- CM Punk

- Daniel Bryan

- Kane

- Randy Orton

- Rob Van Dam (Making his WWE return)

- Sheamus

The winner will get a shot at the WWE title.

* Chris Jericho vs Ryback

In an ad for MITB WWE have accidentally released a spoiler. The ad features The Shield, hinting they will be in the other MITB match. That means the Tag Champs would be pulling double duty, the details will probably be announced at tonight's taping's.

Derek Foore attacks WWE:

Ex NXT star Derek Foore has again attacked his former employers...

On Bill DeMott's controversial training methods...

"If you messed up on a spot, he would break a yard stick over your back."

Derek then talked about John Cena's personal trainer Rob MacIntyre being blamed for all the injuries in NXT but he says in actuality it was DeMott who injured the wrestlers with his high intense level of training. He also added that DeMott was a bad influence on the youngsters because Bill would tell stories about the amount of drugs he did back in the day. 

On promotion to the main roster...

''Everyone who is making it on the road looks like a freak show, the freakier you look pretty much the better and that's what is going to get you to the top. They aren't going for that pretty boy muscle look anymore as a lot of the guys have flabby bodies.''

On main rostered stars stealing from NXT talent...

Foore went on to talk about his tag team partner Chase Donovan and himself turning in 13 pitches and even making their own vignettes but the office didn't want to use any of their ideas. However a couple of weeks later the Prime Time Players and Team Hell No were using their ideas on Monday Night Raw, He says they stole some of their stuff.

He gave a couple of examples...

* Their manager started using the whistle.

* Team Hell stole the Doctor, the hugging and using the word nerds.

Jack Swagger:

Jack Swagger's court trial was today, He was fined $500, told he must pay all court costs, and placed on probation for 6 months. However he had his 2 days in jail suspended.

Smart move for new signing:

Samuray Del Sol who has reportedly signed with WWE has decided to Trade Mark his name before he joins up with NXT. Many stars have lost their gimmicks after leaving WWE because WWE are fierce about protecting their copyrights. He has followed the path Beth Phoenix took before She joined WWE.

Rock's movie or Mania choice:

The Rock has confirmed he is in talks for a role in Terminator 5, however the filming of the movie will clash with WrestleMania 30 next year, so if he accepts the role, it will a big hint that he considers his wrestling / WWE career to be over.

Bad behaviour from HOF'er:

Ric Flair was said to be badly behaved at this past weekend's House Of Hardcore event, he was paid for a meet and greet and autograph session, but he showed no interest in the fans and refused to sign mail order merch as he had been asked to do, he eventually grew bored and left the event before the first match had even started.


Raven and Scott Steiner will both undergo Shoulder surgery this week.

Brisco's to WWE:

ROH say The Brisco's have worked their last ROH show, and that they are moving on to greener pastures (Hinting at WWE). Jay is the current champion there so that could be an issue, but ROH feel the relationship between the Brisco's and themselves is coming to an end.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Today's News

John Cena:

WWE World Champion John Cena has signed a new endorsement deal today, with Kraft foods for their Capri Sun Juice Drink brand.

Jim Ross on Stone Cold having one more match:

"Tired topic. Times running out. I'd guess less than 50/50. Simply not likely"

Trish Stratus:

Trish Stratus says She has mentored current WWE Diva Natalya, and that She talked her through a rough phase in her career (Farting Natalya).

She went on to list her top 3 future Hall Of Famers...

* Luna Vachon

* Macho Man Randy Savage

* Miss Elizabeth

She also thanked and dedicated her own HOF induction to the women she worked with, namely...

* Ivory

* Jacqueline

* Lita

* Victoria

* Molly Holly

* Mickie James

And said She hopes that all the above Women are also recognized in the same way in the future.

Mick Foley reveals HOF disappointment:

He says his idea for his Hall Of Fame speech were shot down by Vince McMahon...

"I pointed out to Vince that I'd never had any pyrotechnics during the entirety of my career. I thought it might be special if at the end of my speech at the Hall of Fame I could somehow ascend into the rafters on a slay with Santa Claus. Vince looked at me like I was just out of my mind and let me know in no uncertain terms that was not going to happen."

Raw teaser:

* What does the future hold for CM Punk and Paul Heyman?

* Can Randy Orton prove that Daniel Bryan really is a weak link?

* What destruction does Mark Henry have planned for John Cena?

* Will Dolph Ziggler be healthy enough to address his loss?

* Will Vickie Guerrero be forced to punish The Shield?

* Total Diva's will also be featured.

Dolph Ziggler:

The former World Champion worked face this weekend on the live show circuit.

Legend Dies (R.I.P Dead Wrestlers):

Henry Faggart, better known as Jackie Fargo died today from Congenital Heart issues, he has been in hospital for over a week in a critical condition.

His protege Jerry The King Lawler remembered the man he called a Father figure...

''Without the Fabulous Jackie Fargo, there would never have been a King Jerry Lawler. RIP Jackie.''

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Today's News

Matt Striker:

Matt Striker has given an emotional interview following his release from WWE earlier this week, He was at his first Indy booking just 1 day after being cut...

WWE top 10:

This week Top 10; Attitude Era catchphrases...

British Bulldog to HOF:

The widow of Davey Boy Smith, Diana Hart has added her voice to calls for the former Intercontinental Champion to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"I guess time will tell; hopefully. Vince appreciated Davey's ability and liked him so we'll see..."

Rob Van Dam vs TNA:

RVD continues to attack his former employers, tweeting today, in response to the question... ''Why did you leave TNA'''...

''Contract expired. So did professionalism, courtesy and respect.''

Michael Tarver talks joining WWE:

"When I signed the contract I was homeless. I literally was homeless. I had just come out of a very rough situation personally. I was working three jobs around the clock and training, body-building and wrestling. Traveling two days a week. I wasn't sleeping. I had to choose between saving money and getting an apartment or paying child support to take care of my children. I chose the latter of the two. I would drive to Philly (an eight hour drive from OH) just to get a shot to work with PWX. So when I got that contract, I cried. It was surreal. I never thought anything like that could happen to me in my life. I was literally sleeping in my truck or on a friend's couch. The contract became effective two days before my birthday in 2008. I moved from OH to Tampa FL that month and it happened to be the week of Wrestlemania 28. When I got that I found myself on with. the Big Show. I literally went from being homeless to being on WrestleMania. I didn't expect it. I was feeling something big was coming because things were starting to go right but I never would have thought in a million years it would be WWE. I was very, very thankful for it. And every year I was on WWE I made it my goal to work arder than everyone else and not let it ever be said anyone worked harder than me. I'd stay after practice sometimes. Sometimes turn the lights off. I worked hard to keep this opportunity to take care of my children that I would never ever thought I'd get."

He went on to put TNA over, and said he would be open to working there.