Sunday, July 1, 2018


Heat over sex offender working event:

Kenny Omega has been trying to put out fires. He has received tons of heat for allowing a registered sex offender in the Florida area to work a show he booked and financed this weekend. He, at first, passed the blame on. He said he allowed a local wrestling school to book the first match as thanks for their help in setting the event up, it was their star that has caused the heat, but later conceded he should have known, and should have taken action before the show. He apologised for any offense or distress people suffered because of Chasyn Rance competing.


Jay Lethal won the ROH title last night.

WWE wedding:

Cedric Alexander was married this weekend.

WWE visit NJPW:

A number of WWE talent visited the NJPW dojo during the Japan tour this weekend.

Nikki talks Cena:

"It has been a super emotional roller coaster ride and I think it's hard for people to understand because we film and then things get shown a few months after and people are like, 'Are they together? Are they not?' Because I am a reality star, and I do have a reality show, I feel like I have to say what's the update on John and I, but right now we're just friends. We are both working on each other and trying to work on us. We talk everyday, he is not only my best friend, but he truly is one of the most amazing people I've ever met. He has patience with me and has really taught me a lot over over the past few months. I think one of those things is an inner-strength that I thought I had, but didn't realize how strong I had it. I don't know, I do have hope for us. ... Hopefully, one day we'll get back together, and if we don't, we just both want each other to be very, very happy."

WWE live rocked by travel issues:

A live this weekend was left with a skeleton crew after travel issues caused a number of stars to miss the event.

Alum's returning:

Kaitlyn teased coming back to WWE in an interview, but said we should not expect her best friend AJ Lee to follow her lead...

''I don't think so. But who am I to comment on that? I really don't see that happening. She's got so much other stuff that she's got going on in her life. She's an author now and I don't see that happening."

Brother Love recalls emotional backstage atmosphere at KOTR 1998:

"I'm screaming like an asshole (During HIAC) and a lunatic for Pat not knowing what had happened. I think Jerry knew I don't even know if Vince knew at that point. Just that calm comes over ya and it's a surreal feeling because all this other s--t that you think is so important becomes really unimportant and your priorities go just... it was just f--ked up. So in all of that, Pat's getting a phone call that Louie (His partner of 35 years) has passed. I'm yelling for Pat, 'where the f--k are you?' to talk me through this wrestling match and Briscoe gives me the news as cool and as calmly as somebody can do that and just looked at me and was like, 'let's just get through this' because to everybody else that didn't matter and we just got through it. Then you're looking at guys in the ring that are putting their bodies on the line and risking their life literally taking bumps and doing this crazy s--t that you wonder, wow is it all worth all that?"

Alum appears:

Ultimo Dragon made a rare US indie appearance this weekend, and brought his old WCW manager Sonny Onoo with him.

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