Sunday, July 29, 2018



WWE taped the first three episodes of WWE UK last night, It did not all go to plan, Joseph Connors was legit knocked out cold during show 2.

Ronda recalls Mania:

"I think that going into any new career like wrestling or acting or anything like that, a lot of people assume you can only be really good at one thing and if you master one thing you'll never be able to master anything else as well. There's a lot of low expectations going into things and it's harder to learn with the world watching opposed to being able to learn in private. But you know, it comes with the territory. It makes things a little bit more difficult but it also I think helps me improve quicker. My first match was at WrestleMania [...] it's like yeah, I'm hitting the ground running but I have all the best tools in front of me and I'm really lucky."


Moose suffered a concussion at Slammiversary.

Owen inducted:

Owen Hart was inducted into the Tragos / Thesz HOF last night. His brothers Bruce, Keith and Ross, sister Diana and nephew DH Smith accepted on his behalf after his wife and children refused an invite. Bret Hart also missed the induction, leading to some heat, he was at a UFC show in Canada. Fans have criticised Bret for not going to the event due to his strong feelings on Owen going into the WWE HOF, with some asking if he really feels so passionately about his brothers legacy, why was he absent from his first posthumous induction into a major hall.

Nikolai Volkoff:

WWE Hall Of Famer Nikolai Volkoff is dead. He was 70. He had been in hospital for dehydration in recent days.

Alum old, but willing:

Wade Barrett says he might consider wrestling for WOS, he is the GM of the brand...

"I'm on a bit of a career sabbatical at the moment. I wrestled for 14 or 15 years. I've got a bunch of injuries, I'm tired, I'm getting old, I'm getting some grey hair now. I promise you Morgan that at some point I will be back in the ring and maybe that will take place in WOS. We'll have to see."

Slam change:

WWE are talking about factoring Drew McIntyre into the IC match at SummerSlam.

Tag champ dies:

Brian 'Grand Master Sexay' Lawler was found hanging in his prison cell last night. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and put on life support but his injuries were incompatible with life and he was not expected to recover. He passed today aged 46. He was King Jerry Lawler's son. He has not yet commented publicly.

Second times up:

Brickhouse Brown has died...again. He was 57. He made news earlier this month after B. Brian Blair announced his death prematurely.

Alexa talks toughest WWE match:

"Um, I'm not afraid of heights, but if I was I wouldn't be able to do it. It is so high up there. The thing is, you have the ladder, which is twelve to fourteen feet when you are standing on it. Plus, when you look down there are three feet from the bottom of the ring up into the ground. So you are that much higher."

Record show:

WOS was the most viewed UK wrestling show in 30 years.

Sami on sale:

Fans are selling Sami Callihan's hair on Ebay.

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