Saturday, July 28, 2018


Lashley talks pre return meeting with HHH:

"When Triple H saw me he was like, "damn, you look almost better than you did when you were here before. He said there's a tremendous amount of money to be made and we'd love to see you come back."

Champ attacks Neville:

Cedric Alexander was not impressed at being asked about Neville on social media, replying to a question on whether he would like to see ''The king'' return...

"You spelled quitter wrong."

Alum attacks WWE:

Tommy Dreamer has attacked WWE for ruining hardcore...

"The word hardcore has been bastardized by WWE. People think about blood, or tables, or chairs. To me, hardcore is a work ethic. You know it became hardcore was WWE's version was early ECW and in ECW we did every single thing we could to put on a great performance for the fans. In Impact, I want to say every single wrestler could be hardcore. Becuase everybody goes out there an busts their butts to entertain the fans. No matter what situation they have been in."


World Of Sport finally debuted on ITV today. New Tag Team and Women's titles were announced, Grado dropped the WOS title to Rampage, Will Ospreay and DH Smith stole the show (But the match was cut to shreds for TV), Wade Barrett played the GM and So Cal Val took JR's job on the comms desk.

WWE interested in LU star:

WWE are watching the situation regarding Angelico, who walked from LU in April.


WWE are taping their first UK shows this weekend in Cambridge.

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