Friday, July 20, 2018


Hardcore legend worries about hardcore matches:

Tommy Dreamer says...

"Light tubes are ridiculous. Here's why: inside there is cancer carcinogens inside it. So when you breathe that in, you're breathing in cancer. So that's stupid. You know what? If you look at it from a horror film perspective. There are people who like scary movies, there are people who like super scary movies, and there are people who like gore movies which are just out there for blood, guts and all that stuff. It's to each their own, but there have to be certain precautions because you have heard of -- 'oh, by the way, there's something called hepatitis.' I would be a hypocrite to say, 'oh you can go too far.' Cause I was the guy who would walk into a building and go, 'I'm either gonna get thrown off that or I'm gonna throw somebody off of that.' But we've learned different things. Chair shots to the head should never happen in professional wrestling again. No one should be having hardcore matches unless the other person that you know has a blood test. You know what I love about wrestling in Louisiana? They have a blood test. If there's going to be a commission, you should have a blood test. Because guys are bleeding."

Brainbusters heat:

Tully Blanchard has revealed he had heat with Arn Anderson after he was fired by WWE for a drugs fail, which cost him two jobs, with WWE and WCW and cost a now solo AA financially.


Rich Swann suffered a bad concussion on the indies this week.

WWE want indie closed:

Tommy Dreamer says WWE offered him a lot of money to kill his HOH promotion...

''I would not sign a contract with anyone. WWE asked me to sign a contract when I went back with The Wyatts and they offered me a lot of money to close House Of Hardcore and I refused."


Kavita Devi is the latest star in MYC. She was last seen in the pre Mania women's battle royal. Some big names have also taken spots... Mercedes Martinez, Mia Yim, Killer Kelly and Crystal.

Women's brand? / PPV? Tag straps?:

Stephanie McMahon will make a major announcement on Raw this week.

Hawkins spoils angle:

Curt Hawkins says he will end his losing streak vs Brock Lesnar this summer.

TNA Summer rematch:

AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe is reportedly booked for SummerSlam.

EE slams old boy:

Eddie Edwards has blasted Sami Callihan...

"He's most famous for being unsafe in the ring so there you go."

WTF ad:

Ryback seems to have decided to offend as many people as possible with an ad for his fat burner supplement...

Here it is, but if you are offended by intellect shaming, fat shaming, sexual exploitation, male on female violence or, worst of all, Ryback... skip this...

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