Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Elias atacks PT wrestlers:

"To be honest with you, I'm sick of Chris Jericho. I've had enough of Chris Jericho. I've seen him on my TV far too often. I'm the guy that plays guitar and sings on Monday Night RAW, and he shows up, tries to steal my act? It was OK for a quick laugh or something like that but on a personal level, the guy's personality just rubs me the wrong way. His ego is just totally out of control, unfounded, and I can't stand people whose egos are just not deserving. That's all I can say. They can do whatever they want. If you want to consider them part-timers or once-a-year guys, or whatever it is, they can do whatever they want as long as they understand, when they're coming back to Monday Night RAW or pay-per-view or something like that, it's my show now. WWE is Elias' and as long as you accept that, you can do whatever you want but if you don't accept it then come to me because I definitely have a problem with that."

4 score:

Jessamyn Duke is a WWE star, completing the MMA 4 Horsewomen. They two new members will debut this weekend on the NXT live circuit.

Andre sets record:

Andre The Giant's HBO film was the most watched documentary in the channels history.

WWE star fired:

James Ellsworth was fired by Paige last night.


AJ Styles vs Rusev (WWE) and Carmella vs Becky Lynch (Blue Women's) are official.

HHH wants to forget Saudi special:

"Let's take the Saudi Arabia show off the table, and let's just say it never happened -- would anybody question that the women deserve this opportunity? To me, it's a ridiculous statement, the timing of it. You cannot effect change in a region that, culturally, is trying to change, you cannot help them affect that change without being there."

Slam snubs SD:

Blue shows fans are upset at the official poster for SummerSlam, as none of their roster made the cover (Photo).

HOF hypocrite:

JR has been called a hypocrite on social media. Just days after welcoming the return of Hulk Hogan to the WWE HOF he has today blasted a celeb chef for using the same word...

"Papa John, what an idiot this guy is, he has got a bad eye job. He looks like a phone guy. He has created a great brand. He loves what he has done. I love what he has done as an entrepreneur, but not what he has done as a humanitarian. You don't bounce around the n-word if you've got some character and you've got a little class. Apparently, this dude is lacking both. He's getting hammered now, so a lot of big teams, a lot of big sponsors are saying, 'adiĆ³s, Papa John's'. I will not buy their pizza either. Sorry, that's how I work. If you don't like the way somebody's doing something, instead of just getting on a platform like this or social media and b---hing and moaning, I've got a solution for me. I ain't buying no damn Papa John's pizza. How's that? Now I can hear someone from the mighty Westwood One, 'oh, J.R., we were this close to a deal with Papa John's! You killed it!' I'm sorry, I'm going to be honest here or not do it."

BC banned:

Tama Tonga was banned from Twitter after a fan complained about him.

Chris Masters reveals why he walked out of TNA:

"I like that group and I had a lot of fun there with those guys. It just came down to in the end that it wasn't really enough money once they started cutting the budget for me to really show up to work. That's all it was. I like Eli Drake but I didn't favor the way they had me booked as his cheerleader unless it turned out into something we could do with a program and work with him and it eventually led to him being a babyface and me a heel. If we would have done that, it would have worked out great but I would have also wanted to be paid adequately. It just came down to those facts and obviously I just ended up quitting. I literally just after two days at the taping, booked a flight back to Toronto and just decided I wasn't coming back. I reached out to them when I landed in Toronto and told them I wouldn't be coming into work and that was it. It was as simple as that. My 35th birthday came around and something in my head just popped in and I said I'm not going to do anything that doesn't make me feel good or that I don't want to do at this point and that was one of the starts."

WWE games:

WWE have announced a special Ric Flair edition of this years game.


Zeuxis, Isla Dawn, Lacey Lane and Karen Q have joined the MYC 2 roster.

MMA legend to WWE:

Cyborg says she would be open to a WWE match vs Ronda Rousey...

"You know some fans ask me that like, 'how crazy would it be to fight Ronda Rousey in WWE?. To watch the fight that never happened. I say maybe, you know. It's not something I have planned but if it's something the fans would like to watch. I didn't train for that, but I think it would be great."

Vince listed:

Vince McMahon made Adweek's top 100 influential CEO's for this year.

Bella split:

Nikki Bella is moving out of John Cena's house. She has started looking for a home near her sister.

Finn Balor:

Finn Balor stars in Miles Kane's new video...

Rey delay:

Rey Mysterio says he does want to retire with WWE, but is not planning to do so for 3-5 years...

"It is in my agenda. I would definitely like to close out my career with WWE. With that being said, I don't have much left on my watch. So I'm thinking anywhere from three to five years and I can really see a possible return to WWE without a doubt."

WWE going hard with new event:

Stephanie McMahon says the new female PPV is the ''WrestleMania of women's wrestling''...

"What's awesome about this pay-per-view event is that it's being treated the same as every other pay-per-view, because we believe in it so much. It has the creative writing team. It has all of our live events production, talent relations -- all of the different departments that go into making every pay-per-view a success are behind this pay-per-view. In terms of my role, I'm going to do everything I can to make it as big and as successful as it can possibly be. I'm hoping, at any rate, that this is going to be the WrestleMania of the women's division."

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