Thursday, July 12, 2018


Coach sealed deal:

Jonathan Coachman says WWE's new TV deal with Fox is thanks to his work with ESPN, by giving the company a legitimacy it had not had before.

Title change:

Undisputed Era have officially recaptured the NXT Tag gold.

WWE shop:

WWE have launched plus sized clothing for women, via their site. They have also launched a new brand called Top Rope.

Old boy at Raw:

Chris Nowinski was backstage at Raw this week.

Booker talks Cass release:

"There are so many rumors flying around as far as his release," Booker T said. "The story is bigger than Big Cass. For instance, back in the day, you didn't tell anyone who you voted for, you know what I mean? It was a secret. You don't bring that stuff up together because we have to be friends. That is something that you have to deal with inside yourself. I'm not homophobic or anything like that, but when gay people come out it's like, you didn't have to tell me that because I'm still going to still give you a hug. It's not my business so when people do certain things they literally become vulnerable and not keep their eyes on the prize as far as what is really at stake here... my livelihood. At the end of the day, it is about taking care of your family. Going out and doing the job like Stevie Ray would say, to the best of your ability until something better comes along. I say that because it's very simple; we are all in the entertainment business. If you want to be running a publication get another job, but Twitter can ruin one's life. Going on Twitter and saying something. I personally liked the guy. I didn't know about his personal beliefs about voting for Donald Trump. Maybe that was part of it, but my thing is this; I've been one of the boys, I had to work in that locker room, I may have had heat with some of the boys in certain times throughout my career but if I went out and performed in the ring all of that overshadowed and trumped everything, which is with your performance. If you are on time; if you are ready to go as far as people needing you for a promo set and not looking all throughout the building for you. Everything comes into play as far as being around or not. Being a General or being a Private. I want to be a General so I am always going to be on time and had my shoes spit shined. All of my medals are going to be straight. The bed, everything is tucked. If you don't take care of your business this is what is going to happen to you. The thing is, it can be a bunch of things. My point is this; when it gets to that point, it isn't something that everybody else is doing, it is something that you are doing. I have been in the business for many years, I knew as long as I went out and performed and thought about that -- look here, being married to Sharmell was in the twilight of my career. I was around 40. Sharmell was the first woman that I thought about talking to, and if you listen to Sharmell she thought I hated her the first time we met because I was always all business. When I was in my twenties and in my thirties I was thinking about making my mark and I have to do it now. I couldn't think about getting married to slow me down, especially with the women I work with. I knew where it was going to lead. I was always thinking about going out there and performing and that only. I think these young guys it is easy to get caught up. It is easy access. When you lose focus and your train of thought. When you take those blinders off anything can happen. When you start thinking it is a party instead of putting your suit and tie on and getting your job done and handling your business, you are thinking about the wrong thing. Big ups to Big Cass. Hopefully he finds something. There is a lot of work out there on the independent scene and in Japan. Whatever he did he definitely lost out on this deal because I thought he was going to be one of the next greatest big men in the sport."

Juice apology:

Juice Robinson has explained the incident that hurt Jim Ross for NJPW...

"I thought it was squashed after the show. Obviously, it wasn't our intention to hurt JR. I think he knew that, because why would we want to take the attention off the match? Nobody wants to hurt anybody, especially a 70-year-old guy. We apologized because it's just a bummer that it happened. We're in the wrong at the end of the day. I thought the guardrails were gonna be locked, I went out there earlier in the day because I knew we were gonna be hitting the fences pretty hard so I wanted to make sure they were interlocked. The guys on the floor at 4pm told me they were going to be so I thought it would be okay."

Rock ready:

Rock says he is looking forward to getting back in a WWE ring...

"I can't wait to get back to a WWE ring. People always ask me 'what's it like being in a WWE ring?' I always tell them there's nothing like it. There's nothing like inside a WWE ring because there's a certain live crowd acumen that is second to none. That was always and will always be the best part of my job when it comes to wrestling. Whether I'm wresting a match or just giving a promo. That connection with the audience, there's nothing like it."


Rhea Ripley has taken spot 2 in this years MYC.

Magnus slams WWE:

"If I had a dollar for every time I was asked why I'm not in the WWE, I'd never have to wrestle again. For different bulls--t political reasons and for different personal reasons, they won't give me an opportunity there."

Martha bites back:

Martha Hart, wife of Owen, has reacted to Bret Hart accusing her of erasing Owen's memory...

''The suggestion by Bret Hart that I am "erasing" the memory of my late husband, Owen Hart, is reckless, irresponsible, and clearly untrue. Bret's comments are rooted in the fact that I have steadfastly refused to work with the WWE to exploit Owen's image for commercial gain. Owen was an incredible entertainer and I know that his many fans around the world enjoyed his wrestling career immensely. I encourage them to continue to do so. But I am firm in my belief that the WWE was responsible for Owen's death. As a result, I cannot and will not support any efforts by the WWE to profit from Owen's memory. Instead, I, my son Oje and daughter Athena have worked tirelessly to honor Owen through the good works of The Owen Hart Foundation, which has exceeded $4 million in gift giving and contributions toward scholarships, homeowner bursaries, and other special projects that have greatly improved the lives of so many in Canada and around the world. We have always believed that this is the most fitting public tribute to a man of profound integrity; a wonderful human being who just happened to wrestle. I know that Owen would be very proud of the tremendous accomplishments the Foundation has achieved in his name. Bret Hart's comments are disrespectful and cruel. It is disappointing that so many in the media have chosen to report them without seeking my perspective. Whatever Bret may believe, the fact is that, far from "erasing" Owen's memory, I have devoted the last 20 years to celebrating his life in a very public way. I can think of very few people who have been remembered so glowingly by their spouse.''

Rey delay:

Rey Mysterio is dragging his feet on signing for WWE because they want him to snub Cody's show and drop a title he holds in Mexico without going there to do it in the ring.

Maria celebrates:

Maria Kanellis is 1 year sober.

MSG snub WWE:

MSG WILL host an ROH show, along with NJPW next April. This despite WWE trying to strong arm the venue to stay exclusive to them.

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