Thursday, July 26, 2018


Titus vs Hulk:

Titus O'Neil continues to rail against Hulk Hogan's WWE return...

"First of all you grew up in the 60's. I don't know any black man that would let you call him that in the 60's. You grew up in South Tampa, you went to Robinson High School. I live in Tampa, Robinson High School was not a predominantly black school in the time that he went to high school. Most of the people he wrestled with, Mike Graham -- Eddie Graham's kid -- you know Steve Keirn, these guys all went to high school with him. So don't tell me that's how you spoke in the 60's. There's no realistic way that you can even come close to telling me that was okay with any black man at that time. So again, the inconsistencies of the apology along with the lack of remorse and contrition with the apology are the reason why I felt and many others felt at that meeting that this was a complete waste of our time."

AJ talks PT champion:

"Well, you know what? I don't care what anybody says. Brock Lesnar is what we call 'a draw.' People come see Brock Lesnar and the fact he's not wrestled that's on WWE. That's on Kurt Angle and anybody else that has anything to do with it. I do what I do. I'm a fighting champion like you said. I'm going to defend my championship. I'm going to give my championship the respect that it deserves. So I can't say much about Brock Lesnar. All I can do is keep doing what I'm doing."

Rocky ring ready:

The Rock wants to wrestle at Mania 35. That will depend on his movie commitments at the time, and whether the film can get insurance for him to do it, it was insurance issues that killed his match with Ronda, HHH and Steph at this years show.

Alum calls for indie to be fired:

A PT wrestler on the indie scene has earned the ire of Shane Douglas. The guy's day job is a school teacher, and the Franchise feels it is immoral of him to continue with his real job because of his gimmick as a nazi soldier.

TD cut cast:

Alexa Bliss, Carmella and Maryse have been cut from the next season of 'Total Diva's, while Paige will return.


Carmella bust her lip on SD.

WWE want old boy back:

WWE are said to have a ''Great desire'' to sign Juice Robinson, formerly known as CJ Parker in NXT. He is currently NJPW US champion.

Gail Kim:

Gail Kim says she is happy to see what is happening for WWE women, but if she ever came out of retirement it would not be for them, she would only come back for Impact.

Goldust swears in:

Goldust was sworn in as a deputy with his local sheriff's office today.

Big 4 eyeing the door:

AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura and the Club are out of contract with WWE in January. All 4 are said to be weighing their options, but one already has an offer. Shinsuke Nakamura was told by NJPW recently that their door is open when he is ready to come home.

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