Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Clock complaint:

Both Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins were heard complaining about the clock during their Extreme Rules match, but only after it was taken down. This was because of the fan reaction to it.

HOF tribute:

Sami Callihan has named his new finisher the Cactus driver in honour of Mick Foley.


Brock Lesnat vs Roman Reigns or Bobby Lashley will headline next months PPV. Alexa Bliss vs Ronda Rousey for the red Women's is also booked.

WWE pull shirt:

WWE have removed a Corey Graves tee from their store after complaints over the words ''Shut Up'' on the front.


Raw was dedicated to Masa Saito last night (Photo).

Henry offers to help Hogan:

"I was very optimistic after talking to him. He's like, 'Mark I'll do whatever. Because I want people to see my heart not what I said anymore. It's an embarrassing thing. I go places and I see people giving me a look I'm not used to getting and it's been that way since that time.' He said, 'I can't live with it like that. I gotta fix it.' And I was like, 'great, you're willing to fix it? I'm willing to help.'"

SD tease:

  • Shinsuke Nakamura defends the U.S. Title against Jeff Hardy
  • What's next for AJ Styles?
  • How will Asuka react to her loss to Carmella?
  • Will Daniel Bryan bounce back from Team Hell No's defeat?

HOF'er at PC:

DDP is working at the PC this week. Impact old boy Braxton Sutter is also coaching there this week.

HOF'er remembers wrestler murder:

Tony Atlas has recalled the locker room murder of Bruiser Brody, 30 years later...

"Brody turned around -- he still had his bag in his hand. He turned around and stepped one foot in the shower and then the other foot in the shower. As soon as the second foot hit the shower I hear this sound, 'oooowa! ooooowa!" just like that. The second time he did it, he bent over and I looked up. The first time he did it I thought he got punched. I thought, 'damn Jose hit hard, they're fighting.' "So when he bent over Jose lifted the knife in the air and I saw the knife and the blood dripping off it. So I jump up and grab Brody and pull him away -- the knife came down and cut Brody's ponytail off. That's how sharp the knife was. Brody had no idea anything was wrong and his guard was down completely. Atlas continued describing the events right before Brody's murder as he went from admiring a drawing of the Youngbloods to being stabbed in the shower. He had no idea, he didn't even put his bag down. He had his wrestling bag and he just carried a little pouch with his money and everything in it and he was looking at me drawing. It was the last thing on his mind. Then he reached into his pouch to get a picture of his son. He reached to give the picture to me and I reached to get the picture and before I could do that Jose said, 'can I talk to you?' Brody turned so I never got the picture. He walked into the shower with his pouch in one hand and a picture of his son in the other hand. He kept that picture of his son in his hand all the way through his surgeries. During the stabbing incident, Carlos Colon ran past and shoved Gonzalez up against the wall telling him, "no" but it was too late. Brody looked up at him and said, "brother I'm hurt, don't let them hurt me anymore. Due to congested traffic because of the wrestling show, it took the ambulance forty-five minutes to arrive for Brody. Atlas said everyone else in the locker room was getting dressed for their match like it was another day at work. The emergency workers were too weak to lift Brody so I volunteered to carry him the into the ambulance. When I came back to the dressing room the blood hadn't dried on the floor yet. I hear laughing and joking and everybody's bragging about their match. Police later spoke to me asking "did you get a good look at the wrestling fan that did this?" He replied saying it wasn't a fan and pointed to Gonzalez while saying it was him. "You mean Invader?" the police officer asked. The last image I got of Brody was him laying down, holding his intestines in with one hand. The other hand he was holding onto a picture of his son. That's how the man left this world. Holding his intestines and his son... that's how he left this world."

He later claimed WWE Alum Savio Vega warned him to get out of the country, as he was making too much noise about the incident, and felt his life was in jeopardy too.

WWE Christmas:

WWE are not holding a live TV taping this year, on new years day, they will tape it instead.

McIntyre talks NXT:

Drew McIntyre has discussed his reasons for joining NXT, rather than Raw or SD...

"NXT was what I wanted. I told my wife in the beginning when NXT really started catching fire, 'You know what babe, ideal when I go back there first, if I do my thing here and I get a reputation in the independent scene, then I believe I can get an angle to NXT because it's such a passionate fan base. I think that would be the place for me to go to really show what I can do. And then when the time is right, because the transition is so much smoother from NXT to RAW and SmackDown because it moves so fast. RAW and Smackdown, there's so many hours of unique TV every single week all year round.'

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