Saturday, July 21, 2018



Brickhouse Brown died of cancer yesterday, aged 57. He had been found to have prostate cancer, but could not afford treatment, by the time he asked for help it was too late. It had spread to his brain, affecting his eye sight in recent months.

Any other wrestlers that need help, or if you would like to support yourself, please contact the CAC.


Undertaker has been offered a WrestleMania rematch vs John Cena for next months Slam, no word on his decision as yet.

Mania match killed World title chance:

Marc Mero says Vince McMahon wanted to make him WWF World champion, but after he took his wife's finisher at Mania 14, many top male stars refused to work with him...

"I have no regrets I mean, people say I ended my career when I allowed her to Sable Bomb me, the powerbomb, in one of our disagreements we had in the ring. I understood a lot of guys wouldn't work with me after that because they said I allowed a girl to beat me up on national TV. But, again, remember, we were a married couple. We realized that this was only going to be a short part of our lives and we would be able to live the rest of our lives financially secure, so, at that time, you don't think about maybe the other side, the detrimental effects. I mean, somebody could look at that later in life and not understand how someone could think like that. That I could certainly understand and respect it. But I would not change anything. I couldn't be happier in my own life now." 

NXT warning:

Kassius Ohno is warning of a fake booking in his name for an indie in Alabama. He says he reached out to correct their booking and they called him a fake and started trolling him on Twitter.

ROH reach out:

ROH hope CM Punk will work their MSG show next April. They have contacted him to gauge interest.

Heat on Titus:

Titus O'Neill is embroiled in a storm of abuse and heat over his reaction to Hulk Hogan's WWE return, one person saying he was racist against racists, others accusing him of turning his back on the history of WWE, and dis-respecting those that went before.

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