Friday, July 6, 2018

6/7/2018 **

Bischoff slates WWE title:

"I'm ambivalent about it. I don't understand it. And I like Brock Lesnar. I think he's an amazing performer, he's an amazing character. As an athlete, I don't think there's anybody, other than perhaps Kurt Angle, that's anywhere near his stratosphere. So there's a lot of things I like about Brock Lesnar, but his presence in WWE to me is almost a non-issue. I hate to say irrelevant, but the title doesn't really mean all that much. Brock's character, the way it is being positioned, doesn't really mean anything to me as a fan or a viewer. I don't feel like there's any real focus on him or his title. So, it seems to be a convenient afterthought more than anything else."

Rey deal:

Rey Mysterio has not signed for WWE. He is delaying his decision until after Cody's All In show.

Bryan tells WWE he wants less work:

Daniel Bryan has given WWE a glint of hope in keeping him on their books, but, he does not want to be on the road / live tour...

"I miss my baby so much, yeah, she's a year old. I missed her first birthday. She said, 'dada' for the first time, which I saw on FaceTime, but I still have not seen, like, in person yet. And so, now, when I FaceTime her and Brie, she's like, 'dada, dada' and it's so stinking cute. But I haven't seen it in person! I just see, like, a screen! Actually, the biggest thing is that I don't want to be on the road as much. Like, that's one of the big things, you don't realize how long you're away until you're away because we never had to think about it before. Like, when I was gone before or when Brie was gone before, I'd miss her, but we can FaceTime and we can talk, so it's nice. But when you're away from your baby, it's a completely different thing and it hurts your heart. And she… so I will be home for a span of three days out of a month because it was like 10 days for the Saudi trip, 18 days in Europe, and only home three days, so that's 31 days and I'm home for three-and-a-half days. A baby grows a lot in a month. Like, she'll do things when I get back that she wasn't doing when I left. And some things that she was doing, she'll no longer be doing. And that kind of stuff makes me sad."

He said ideally he wants to work 75-100 matches per year.

WWE induction:

Ronda Rousey has become the first female inductee into the UFC HOF.

WWE to dish dirt:

WWE will discuss the CM Punk court case on the Brother Love podcast next week.

Heat on Kane:

Kane's political opponent has criticised him for his wrestling career...

"I was really stunned to find out he was still pursuing it. I thought it was in the past. I thought in this crucial time he'd want to be here and be with the people. Being an entertainer doesn't make you a political figure. It may get you some votes, but I believe people want someone with common sense and who is ready to lead."

Kane retorted...

"After I am elected Mayor, I'll be Mayor. I'm sure some people will say that I'm not focused and some others will say that's the coolest thing ever. Again, you can't make everyone happy. You just do what you can and that's it… you're always going to catch criticism no matter what you do. I may still do a few special things if elected. I've done it for 23 years now and have quite a history, it'll always be part of my life. I think the question is if I am taking running seriously, and of course I am. I wouldn't be running if not."

Lethal investigation:

ROH have promised to investigate the claims made against their champion Jay Lethal yesterday, and to take action if proof of truth is found...

"We were troubled to hear the allegations that surfaced last night on Twitter. We take these matters very seriously and will be investigating this situation thoroughly, reviewing all evidence related to the matter. Ring of Honor strives to provide an environment and workplace where male and female wrestlers are free from any misconduct or abuse. We will take appropriate action upon the conclusion of our findings."

Bret Hart slams WWE HOF:

"You look at some of the people in the Hall Of Fame and some of these celebrities in there and Owen to me personally not being in the Hall Of Fame, there's a lot of people who belong in the Hall Of Fame who are not in it. If it turns out that the WWE is going to keep becoming Hall Of Fame that caters to suck-ups and people that are in the company that they owe a favor to who never contributed to the business as wrestlers I question the whole Hall Of Fame itself and I wonder if there will ever be a real Hall Of Fame that caters to just the wrestlers for their contributions. WWF and the rest of the world step up a little bit and start taking care from a historical standpoint the wrestlers that really made the company."

Goldust honoured:

Goldust will join the police force in a Texas town as an honourary deputy soon. He plans to use the role to battle drug use and bullying in the towns youth population.


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