Sunday, April 1, 2018


Happy Easter...

Alexa Bliss talks meeting Vince:

"The first time I met Vince, I had my hair extensions and was painting them pink with hair dye. I'm sitting there in makeup, painting my hair extensions and Vince walks by and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh. Hi.' And he was like, 'Hello' and looks at my hair and asks me what I'm doing and I said, 'I'm painting my hair extensions' and he was really funny about it and said, 'You think I need pink in my hair?' I was like, 'Yeah, that would be awesome.'"

Rock reveals tribute:

''The open calf wrestling boot I wore was an idea for OG wrestler named George Wells. He gave my pops an old pair of his boots in the 80’s. They were in storage and my pops never wore em. I found em and thought it was a dope idea. Plus luckily I have big calves to fill them out.''

Cody's Bullet Club:

Cody Rhodes wants women to join the Bullet Club, and has called on NJPW to start using female talent.


Will Ospreay is benched after spiking his own head on the ring apron working for NJPW last night. He bust himself open.

HHH feared for Bryan:

Triple H says he feared Daniel Bryan would quit WWE. He says he worried his health would be jeopardised by other promotions using him and not caring about the consequences...

"Part of me was so afraid in the period of time when it was all going down that he was going to walk and say 'forget it' and go wrestle for someone else that doesn't care, that doesn't take their health into consideration -- because that's pretty much everywhere else -- and risk his life and his health and his family and his baby and risk all of it. And it's not worth that. We take enough risk every day in what we do. Every day. Luckily we never got there, and luckily things worked out. It's funny, because as Bryan was putting out things like, 'I'm going to do this if they won't let me do that,' he was already working the information. He was already getting those tests done. He was already getting that stuff done. ... Looking back on it, he was already prepping. He was prepping everything about it."

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