Thursday, April 19, 2018


Wrestling on TV:

'Glow' will be back on Netflix on June 29.

Jessie Godderz has landed a role on a new Amazon show.

Realest G goes incognito:

Enzo Amore has wiped his Instagram of posts, bar one tweet talking about the importance of privacy.

ROH fight:

More has emerged on the recent locker room fight in ROH. An extra sat in Christopher Daniels seat and when asked to move mouthed off, Flip Gordon dealt with his show of dis-respect in short order.


NWA legend Paul Jones has passed aged 75.

Old boy's new job:

Colin Delaney has opened a comic book coffee shop and cereal bar in New York.

Gail Kim calls Steph out:

"WWE always thinks in a business mindset. For them, they are thinking, 'ok this woman's revolution is becoming hot, Ronda Rousey, this 'Me Too' movement'; so of course to be honest I'm going to say this, because I've said it on Twitter, Stephanie could have been fighting for us a long time ago. She was there every single time I worked there and she had zero interest in fighting for the women back then. So, for them, everything is business motivated. So, them having this women's revolution, and it's from the fans as well… the fans did demand it through social media and Vince heard it and made it happen. And I think finally the girls are getting treated the way they want to get treated."

Beer King:

The King Jerry Lawler has had a beer named after him, despite him being a tee-totaller.

Bella split denial:

A friend of the Bella sisters says Brie is ready to ''Kill'' John Cena for the split with her sister, Brie says that is ''False''...

"On one level, Brie wants to kill him, sure. No one should be allowed to hurt her sister like this. But honestly, on another level, there's relief. "Nikki was bending over backward to accommodate this guy and everyone, especially Brie, was worried that she was sacrificing way, way too much — most of all, motherhood. She will be such an amazing mom someday, and she loves Brie's baby so much. So of course that's what Brie wanted for Nikki. To have to hear her trying to convince herself and everyone else that she would be fine just giving it up, it was so hard. Brie never bought it. There's some relief that at least Nikki can go forward and find someone who will really give her everything she's dreamed of. Because that guy isn't John. Never was."

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