Saturday, April 21, 2018


Foley reveals 20 year old secret:

"I told Mr. McMahon two of the biggest lies of my life that day. I told him I had been on top of the cell earlier that afternoon, and I told him that I felt completely comfortable up there. Had I gone up there for a walk-through, there would be no twentieth anniversary because I would have realized that getting thrown off was a terrible idea."

Scott Steiner announces worst career moment:

"Going to the WWE in '93. It was the worst mistake I've ever made. He was going to jail, or everybody thought he was going to jail. He thought he was going to jail. It was probably the worst time to be up there, and that was the first glimpse I got of Vince McMahon being a liar."

CM Punk:

CM Punk is on the poster of the UFC show he is booked to fight on in June.


It's only a full year late but ITV will finally tape the first series of World Of Sport next month.

Mania spat leads to match challenge:

Booker T has called Goldberg out fro the Saudi special. He revealed a backstage argument they had at Mania as the reason...

"I had an issue with Goldberg just a couple weeks ago because I was riding my hoverboard at WrestleMania. Goldberg, he was talking about how I wasn't in shape because I was riding the hoverboard. I said, 'Look Goldberg, I work out at the gym. You feel me? I work out on the gym on a regular basis.'"

Rock's good deed:

The Rock is getting huge props for responding to a school girls prom invitation to him. He could not make her dream come true by attending so recorded her a personal message and rented out a movie theatre for her and her school chums to watch his new movie on him.

WWE celeb dies:

News is breaking of the death of one time Raw guest host Verne 'Mini Me' Troyer. He was 49. He played the role of Raw host in 2009 and admitted to being hungry to get another go at it, even teasing getting in the ring next time.

**Verne Troyer**

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