Thursday, April 12, 2018


New talent:

War Raiders, Hanson & Rowe have joined the NXT roster.

Heat on Liv:

Liv Morgan posted the NXT run sheet to her Instagram last night. She had posted a selfie backstage at the NXT tapings and the running order for the night was on the wall behind her, on it was match results, who booked each segment and other SPOILERS!!! for the shows which air on tape delay (Hence, I won't share it here).

Y2J reveals reason for Mania song choice:

"Vince does not like the American national anthem, nope. He feels that 'America The Beautiful' is the epitome of American songs. That's why for every WrestleMania, it's 'America The Beautiful'."

Racist abuse:

Naomi has been targeted with vile racial abuse on social media since winning the WrestleMania battle royal. She called one particular slimeball out today.

Mania main changed:

Roman Reigns was booked to win the Universal title at WrestleMania until Brock agreed to sign a new deal, at a higher rate of pay. He told WWE he would stay on the pre Mania Raw, but refused to sign it until Mania day, when he did the result change was relayed to Reigns.

NXT no show:

Nigel McGuinness missed last nights NXT tapings, no reason is known as yet.

LU lose 2:

Angelico and Jack Evans have parted ways with Lucha Underground. They have been involved in some of the tapings for the new series, so will still appear for a while.

Fan incident:

A video of Mojo Rawley delivering Flair chops to drunk fans in a NOLA bar has made it's way onto the internet. The video had the fan using very offensive and homophobic language to goad Mojo into hitting him. Mojo seemed to take the incident in fun, he was laughing throughout, but did give him what he asked for. WWE have not yet commented.

Rusev punished?:

Rusev has lost his match vs Undertaker, seemingly as a result of telling TMZ the dead man is past his prime. Chris Jericho will wrestle him in Saudi instead.

Rey Rumbling again:

Rey Mysterio agreed to work the Greatest Royal Rumble whilst at WrestleMania.

HOF health scare:

WWE are helping health officials get in touch with fans at the HOF ceremony after a British fan fell ill with measles the day after attending the event. The fan is very unwell, and is believed to still be in hospital as of this writing.

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