Sunday, April 15, 2018


McGuinness reveals why he no-showed:

NXT's Nigel McGuinness became a father to Amelia this week, this is why he did not attend the NXT tapings.

Welsh woman returns:

Nixon Newell, who lost her place in the MYC due to a poorly timed serious knee injury last summer, is back. She worked the NXT live tour this weekend.

Taker vs Cena:

Undertaker was not physically able to do a long match at WrestleMania due to his hip replacement, hence the short squash victory he received over John Cena. He and WWE hope he can go longer in Saudi later in the month.

Backstage fight in ROH:

Cody Rhodes meal was killed and trampled during a locker room fight at last nights ROH show. He took the scrap more light heartedly than others, Kazarian said it was unacceptable and Nick Jackson said the behaviour had no place in his locker room. No word on who was involved.

Jinder talks main event push:

"WrestleMania week I saw Road Dogg at the hotel in the hallways. He said, 'Hey Jinder, after WrestleMania, good things are going to happen to you.' I think the plan was that they were going to elevate me a little bit. I thought, cool, I can actually be in a storyline, be in the U.S Championship, the I.C Championship. So, I got drafted to SmackDown, which was a good sign. All along, I wanted to be drafted to SmackDown. Right when I got signed I would see Road Dogg in the hallways and telling him to please draft me to SmackDown because I saw people on SmackDown getting opportunities. I love Raw. Raw has a stigma about it, but us on the blue team have a chip on their shoulder, but they say SmackDown is the land of opportunity, which it really is," Mahal said. "I was at a live event on a Monday Night, and they announced the Six-Pack Challenge match for the Number One Contender's Match. I also see Tweets wondering how Jinder Mahal is in the Number One Contender's Match, he hasn't won a match in a long time. I think Baron Corbin, or Luke Harper was going to go in with Randy Orton. I remember getting my wrists taped and I asked who was going to face Randy Orton. I think Luke Harper was in there. He said to me, 'it's you.' I was taken aback. What? I'm going to work with Randy Orton? Five minutes later I saw Randy, and told him that we were going to work together. So, I had to grow a lot very quickly because to be a main event WWE Superstar is an entirely different ballgame. I always see people wishing they can be in the main event. If you were given that opportunity, would you sink or swim? I had no choice but to swim. I was fortunate enough to have a great relationship with Randy Orton. I believe Randy Orton is one of the greatest of all time. He is so smooth, so flawless."

Alum returns:

Rich Swann made an unannounced return to wrestling for CZW last night. He had retired due to not being able to get booked after losing his WWE job for a DV incident.

WWE star wins award:

Scott Stanford has won an Emmy for his breakfast show in New York.

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