Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Chyna crisis:

A bitter feud has sprung up over the remains of Chyna. Her former manager launched a go-fund me campaign to raise funds to have the 25% of her ashes he has in his possession interred in a celebrity resting place where he planned to charge fans to go to see them, problem being he was not supposed to have them. Her mother granted him permission to scatter all but 25% of Joanie's remains in the sea, the 25% was kept by mum. He did not scatter all of the ashes it seems, and alleges he kept some for himself, to use as he saw fit. Chyna's mum blasted the callous act of selling her daughter's remains on the internet and urged her fans not to donate to his campaign...

''As CHYNA's mother and sole beneficiary, technically and legally, I own these ashes that Anthony is talking about. And he has no right to even have them let alone decide how to dispose of them. I allowed him to keep 3/4 of them initially with the understanding and agreement on his part that all 3/4 of them would be scattered in the Pacific ocean. He was NOT supposed to keep any of them back. Obviously that didn't happen. I have had enough dealings with Anthony Anzaldo to know that he could care less about Chyna's fans. His sole interest is in himself, making money off of others, and making himself look good. Beware of giving his campaign any money. Obviously I will be contacting go fund me and an attorney, if I need to, to shut this down. PLEASE don't donate to this Go Fund me. IT IS A SCAM. Anthony was supposed to scatter all of the ashes that he had of my daughter's in the Pacific Ocean. Obviously he lied about that. Technically and legally, any of the ashes he has now belong to me, as my daughter's sole beneficiary. This is nothing more than a scam to get your money from you. I can tell you story after story about Anthony and my dealings with him and how he treated me and my attorneys. STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUY. He is a snake. He never really cared about CHYNA. Only what he could make off her - and now even in her death. I know for a fact that she fired him before her death. Save your money. Donate to a reputable animal rescue which Chyna would love.''

He did not take kindly to her attacking his ambition of collecting $25,000 for the project, and spat venom at Chyna's mother in response...

''This is not a scam. This is very real. This is both for Chyna and her fans. Her Mother, who didn't see her for 30 years, is hateful for reasons beyond me. I will not engage, but I can assure everyone that I have the legal right to do with what I wish with the 1/4 remains that I have a permit to own authorized by the State Of California. 1/2 of her remains were spread in the Pacific Ocean and 1/4 his with her Mother. Those are the facts. Chyna would love to be visited by her fans next to one of her idols, don't let the haters be the gate keepers.''

Chyna's mum then made serious accusations against her manager, including claiming to have an E-Mail from Joanie telling a friend she had fired the manager before the end of her life, that she had the cremation receipt and certificate and there was no permission from the state for him to own any portion of her ashes, a contract between her and the manager regarding Joanie's final arrangements, which she allowed him to take care of, but under strict conditions which were signed by a notary (She claims he broke the agreement) and that he stole and sold Chyna's personal items, including a cello, which was left to her.

She then announced she was making a police report about his actions, which made him sh!t the bed because his next response was to shut down the campaign. He did though again attack mum and says he will keep the ashes and find another way of using them...

"I am going to shut down this page tomorrow and my YouTube post. The negative energy around all of this is ridiculous. I will get the funds privately and put Chyna at the Hollywood Cemetery without all of this, I just thought it would be great if it were done by the fans, but once again "The Wicked Witch Of The East" and all her goodies step in to make noise...funny how she will be laid to rest just a few feet from Judy Garland. What I will say is that I have every legal and moral right to do what I am doing and once again, we put 50% of Chyna's ashes in the Pacific Ocean, 1/4 went to her Mother and 1/4 went to me and that is what is in the urn, I have the permit to prove it. I also listed where all of the funds were going, all costs are verifiable. A few bad apples...."

X-Pac then chimed in with an interesting claim. He says the ashes were scattered into the sea and nothing was left, meaning either he sifted some of the ashes away secretly or is pretending to own ashes he does not possess.

I want your body:

Randy Orton's tattoo artist has filed copyright claims to the art on his body as part of her suing WWE for using the images on their games and TV. She only filed in March, even though she has been after WWE since 2009. Her suit against WWE claims Randy Orton does not own any of the art and had no right to give permission to use the images in media.

Impact SPOILERS!!!:

Austin Aries has regained the World, Su Yung won the Knockouts and DJ Z and Andrew Everett the Tag titles at the tapings last night.


Daniel Bryan vs Big Cass is booked.

Bliss benched:

Alexa missed the recent tour because she has had breast augmentation surgery (According to the Meltzer).

Heyman on tour:

Paul Heyman is going to Saudi. He did not fly out with the rest of the crew yesterday, but will fly out before Friday for the Network special.

NXT promotion:

Percy Watson has joined 205 Live.

SD guest:

Elijah Burke was backstage at SD last night.

Bruno snubbed show:

Bruno Sammartino refused to join the cast of 'Soprano's' because he heard swearing would be featured on the show.


Gronk is not coming to WWE. He is staying in NFL for another year.

New star:

Bobby Lashley has joined the official WWE roster.


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