Friday, April 13, 2018


Cena considering future:

John Cena told a movie show that he is considering his wrestling future...

''I'm giving some serious thought to what comes next in my career after wrestling."


Rusev may be considering his future after losing the Undertaker match. He tweeted...

''It will be RusevDay somewhere''

after the news of the bout change broke, shortly after a TMZ interview he did. Some have taken the comment to mean he will take his services elsewhere, which gained traction after he removed all mention of WWE from his Twitter profile. He has seemingly won a supporter in his defense. Undertaker's wife Michelle McCool urged fans (and maybe WWE officials?) not to believe the headline of the TMZ article that cost him the match, and actually watch the footage of what he said. He never said he would crush and retire Taker's ''Old ass'' as claimed by the website.


CM Punk will fight in Chicago on June 9, for his second trip into the octagon.

Lesnar's deal:

Brock Lesnar has not signed a one match deal, but will be gone before SummerSlam. He can, during the deal, talk to UFC about his return to MMA, and sign for a fight, but cannot have the fight for them until he is gone from WWE. He is getting a ''Significant pay rise'' for the length of the deal and has the option to talk to WWE later in the year, if he chooses not to stay with UFC after his next fight. It is speculated that Paul Heyman's deal would end at the same time.

Worst moment in wrestling:

Shane Douglas told Two Man Power Trip that Nicholas is now the worst thing to happen in a wrestling ring, over taking the David Arquette title win...

"My understanding and from the guys in my entourage were saying that the audience kind of died after that match and you could kind of felt the energy leave the room. But we've heard for eighteen years that Vince Russo is the worst thing ever to wrestling because he put the belt on David Arquette. As much as I disagree with that decision that was better than putting a belt on a ten year old kid. My thought as soon as I heard this was what about Cesaro and Sheamus? They've got to go out and do a job to one guy that has a ten year old kid as his sidekick. The only way that could have worked and this may sound terrible but if you think it through it is the only way that could have worked and that is if they had a kid that was a Make-A-Wish kid or a kid that had been sick or something and you bring him in and do something to pop the crowd. It would have still been up-roared by wrestling purists but you would have seen some kind of some light at the end of the tunnel with it. Vince Russo has been vilified for eighteen years over the David Arquette thing and now we have this. But to be fair and let's throw some stuff in there from WrestleMania weekend. There was a show that shall go unnamed where they had The Invisible Man come out and win a battle royal. I go back to Bill Watts and I tell Bill Watts specifically about that and his mouth dropped open when I said it. To me, it reeks of and it seems that nobody has respect for the industry or their own work in the industry anymore. If everything is a spoof and everything is a Saturday Night Live skit where does it end? You mentioned in your lead in that Vince Russo has been vilified in this industry to this day and look at the feedback you guys got off of the interview you had with David Arquette. To me, that is so much more plausible as implausible and that was so much more plausible than having a ten year old kid come out of the audience and win the World Tag Team Titles. It speaks to all of what is wrong with our business today and this is what everybody hears me say in any interview and that this is the difference of sports entertainment to professional wrestling. There is a very stark difference. Nothing against the kid and I am happy that he lived a dream that he will have the rest of his life and remember forever but that is not what WrestleMania is supposed to be about and that is not what the product is supposed to be about. It just underscores to me just how far off the track our industry has gone. After eighteen years of vilification of Vince Russo of that decision we now get this. In light of and at the same time we get The Invisible Man winning battle royals, we get freeze-frames, we get pretend hand grenades and all of this crazy stuff that has nothing to do with wrestling."

Rousey on tour:

Ronda Rousey will work her first international tour for WWE in Europe next month.

Owens departs:

KO has again removed himself from social media after people started targeting his family...

"Social media is an absolute cesspool. The way some people try and ruin people's lives for no apparent reason is genuinely depressing. My Instagram is gone, again and now people are going after my wife too. It's disgusting. Needless to say, I would never do this to my family."

NXT promotion pay off for long feud (SPOILERS!!!):

A creative leak suggests Bray Wyatt will turn on Matt Hardy and bring NXT group Sanity up to the main show as his new followers as the payoff for their angles together, which will continue into the summer, now as partners.

ADR reveals why he no-showed:

...The main event of Impact vs LU...

"I had a family situation that I needed to attend. As you know, my family, my kids are my priority. The situation was involving them and that's why I decided to take care of business and take care of my family situation. And that's all that happened. And that comes to what I was just saying to you. I know people wanted to know absolutely everything. This only concerns my family: my parents, my sister, myself and my kids. And that's the way it's going to stay."

WWE landmark:

WWE have 25 million YouTube subscribers.

Name change?:

WWE have re-applied for the TM of the name of Colin Cassidy, the old NXT name of Big Cass, who is soon to return from injury.

Friends reconcile:

Jimmy Hart says Hulk Hogan and Brutus The Barber reconciled their friendship over Christmas.

Vince picks next top star:

Vince McMahon is pushing for creative to pull the trigger on Baron Corbin's step up to the World title stories. He rates Corbin as the best star on their books that has not yet held one of the top two titles. It should be said that WWE were planning a push at this time last year too, and that never materialised.

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