Thursday, April 26, 2018



Zack Ryder does not need surgery on his knee injury.

HHH wants the world:

Triple H has unveiled his global localisation plan. He wants to bring the whole world under the WWE developmental banner via NXT off shoots. He told media today he wants to bring back the old territorial system but on a global scale and bring the best wrestling in the world home to WWE. It is a grand plan that WWE toyed with a decade ago but balked at due to the scale of the task, Hunter is adamant it can be done under his leadership.

Saudi UK exclusive:

The GRR will be released on DVD in the UK.

Retirement over:

Rich Swann is taking indie bookings again.

Not likely:

Cody Rhodes says it is ''Unlikely'' that we will see him in a WWE ring again.

HOF'er rejects big money offer:

Shawn Michaels has refused to fly to Saudi for the GRR. He has a commitment with his children that he refused to put aside for the event. His friend X-Pac said WWE were offering big bucks to get him onboad.

Cena is sad:

John Cena made his first public appearance since splitting with Nikki Bella but did not enjoy it...

"I'm not doing well. I love Nicole, and we're not together."


Hornswoggle and Shawn Daivari are in Jeddah with WWE for surprise spots in the Rumble match.

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