Thursday, August 31, 2017

Today's News

WWE on TV:

John Cena and Shaq will be stars of the next episode of 'Carpool Karaoke'.

GFW champ wants Del Rio banned:

Eli Drake says he is not sure that Alberto Del Rio deserves another chance with GFW...

"I don't know whether we should have him back or not. Now, am I gonna dig too deep into that? Probably not. Everybody knows all the stuff that's gone down, all the controversy, all that stuff. Personally, I think for now we can do without it. But aside from that, who knows what the future holds?"

This is probably kayfabe as a creative leak suggests he will come back in November as a heel P!ssed off that he was banned and stripped for nothing.

Paige / Del Rio support hurricane victims:

Paige and Alberto Del Rio are paying for displaced families affected by the Texas hurricane to rent rooms to stay in until they are able to go back home.


Jack Gallagher was badly bust open on 205 Live last night. His match had to be stopped so medics could patch him up at ringside.

Kane talks Taker's future:

Kane refused to say that the Undertaker is retired, but did concede that he is at the point in his career where he has earned the right to choose if and when he competes again...

"He deserves and I think he'll be able to do what he wants and it's going to be up to him. And in the end, I think it'll be, his decision will be the quality of what it is. And certainly, he has been one of those guys that when you watch him at WrestleMania, it's like, 'golly, does the guy ever age?' And I think that will ultimately be how he feels he will be able to perform will be the deciding factor. I'll tell you this: I'd like to have one more match with him. I'd like to do maybe the Brothers Of Destruction one last time, but that's not something that we're going to do. The guy has had an absolutely phenomenal, legendary career, so I think pretty much everything is icing on the cake and not the cake itself at this point."

Hall Of Fame 2018:

WWE are working on easing tensions with Batista, with a view to inducting him as the headliner, into next years Hall Of Fame. (Which means Taker won't be going in, which might mean he is not retired?).

They may have work to do, as Batista recently mocked his early days with the promotion...

"Only in WWE. When I first came up, I did this character called Deacon Batista, so it was the same last name, but I was working with this guy named D-Von Dudley and he was doing this televangelist preacher type deal where he was collecting money and I held this big, goofy box and I was a security guard of his money box. So ridiculous. It was horrible."


GFW have extended their TV deal with Pop into next year.

Sexy breaks silence:

Sexy Star has spoken of the Rosemary incident for the first time:

"This have been very difficult days for me. Last Saturday, I was in a championship fight; was very hard. I think everything got out of hand. I don't know, I am still confused with the situation. I'd like to remain quiet and when the time is right I will speak on the subject. Men and women want to finish me, make me retire from the sport. I am still here, as I stated in the beginning, I will not stop representing all those women that have been mistreated physically or psychologically. I believe that I have to stronger. If at a moment I went through depression and got out of it, I will also get out of this one. I was doing what I had to do, what the people deserved, to go all in clawing until the end. That's what happened, I submitted her. It appears the girl is injured, I don't know, is not something I am aware off. That's all I can say."

The Shield:

Roman Reigns has dropped a huge hint that the Shield are getting back together, then quickly tried to backtrack...

"Over the next few weeks, we'll be able to see it play out. But the main thing right now is I've been in the title picture for the Raw brand, so I can firmly say neither of those guys would leave that to rejoin The Shield and rekindle that flame."

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