Saturday, August 26, 2017

Today's News

Mania celeb in $100 million fight:

Floyd Mayweather will box Conor McGregor of UFC in a multi million $ fight tonight. He reportedly will earn over $100,000,000 for the match.


Cass has come through his surgery and is now starting his road to recovery, which will likely be completed after WrestleMania next year.

WWE old boy hopes for new job:

Matt Morgan has announced he will be running for a political office in Florida.

Flair back:

Charlotte is back on the road after a break to be with her ill father.

Sad day for Dana:

Dana Brooke's partner was laid to rest today.

Cody Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes and Stephen Amell have launched a wine business together.

Hero kid thanks Rock:

A 10 year old rescued his 2 year old brother from drowning in Michigan. He then performed CPR to save his life. The boy, when asked how he knew what to do, says watching the Rock film 'San Andreas' taught him the technique. The Rock has been so moved by the story that he has asked the family to fly out to meet him in Vancouver as soon as the youngest member is well enough, so he can shake Jacob's hand.

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