Sunday, August 6, 2017

Today's News

WWE promote GFW:

GFW have aired a video of Curt Hawkins promoting them. The video was actually shot two years ago, but is being presented as if it were recent.

Brandi Rhodes:

Brandi Rhodes quit GFW after they requested a share of her earnings from a non wrestling job she had secured in Atlanta. She refused, and requested her release on the spot.

Best friends forever:

Kevin Owens saved Sami Zayn from a 3 on 1 beat down by Jinder Mahal and the Singh's at a live in Montreal last night.


Breezango are expected to get a push soon after a 'Twin Peaks' parody skit from WWE TV this week went viral.

Foley back to bumping:

Mick Foley took his first bump in 5 years this weekend. Joey Ryan flipped him with his penis of strength move.

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