Saturday, August 19, 2017

Today's News

Taker to SummerSlam?:

A fan on a flight from Texas to New York posted a picture of The Undertaker on the same flight.

WWE at Marvel:

Becky Lynch was a guest at Marvel HQ today.

WWE merch:

WWE have teamed up with Foot Locker to release a range of WWE Legends inspired clothing and sneakers.

SummerSlam protest:

A group of anti Donald Trump protesters have been protesting at the venue of this weekends SummerSlam, demanding that the US president be removed from the company's HOF. They cite his reluctance to condemn extremist and racist groups in the country after a high profile rally led to the death of a woman last week, compared with how they reacted to Hulk Hogan's incident of racism. They assert that any offense Hogan caused was far less dangerous than Trump's defending of the extreme right in America, because Trump's words embolden people to do bad things to people they disagree with. They also say they plan to continue their protest throughout the event, adding that they had front row tickets.

WWE officials were trying to remove the protesters, who were attempting to enlist more bodies for the main day of the weekend, Sunday, and destroy their fliers (Photo). However they were informed that the protest was taking place on public land, and they had no authority to do so.

Flair missed first event:

An interview taken before Ric Flair became ill has been released, during which he said he was set to be Macho Man's opponent in the main event of the first ever SummerSlam, back in 1988...

"It's true. I was on my way to work for Vince and wrestle Savage at the Garden. My contract was up and Vince McMahon had been in touch with me. But I decided my best move was to remain in the NWA because I was so attached to my friends in the Four Horsemen. I thanked McMahon for the offer. I just couldn't get myself to leave. I was too attached to my friends down there and too loyal to the NWA. Ultimately, it worked out, and I ended up working for Vince later. I respected Vince so much for asking me, but at that point, I just could not find a way to leave."

Brother Love talks WWE fearing for Show's life:

Brother Love says WWE were not happy with Big Show when he first joined them, because he was lazy and felt all he had to do was be big to be over. He claims Vince was so worried for his life that he relegated him to their developmental group OVW...

"Vince was very concerned that if Show didn't take care of himself, he would die at a young age. He didn't want that to happen. He really wanted this guy to have a career and for him to be healthy because he already has one strike against him. He wasn't doing it and Vince felt like the only way Show would take it seriously is if we sent him back down to OVW. There wasn't any final straw. It was a combination of things and it was the effort over a few weeks with Big Show where we saw he came back not in shape, his cardio was horrible. You would get the lip-service, 'I'm eating healthy. I'm eating chicken breasts and dry pasta and salad and vegetables. I quit smoking.' And then, he'd be out by the truck having a smoke with Krispy Kreme donuts. Vince had just had it and it wasn't one match or one night or anything like that. It was a culmination of Show not being able to perform at the level we were looking for him to perform at."

Holly talks real feuds:

Bob Holly says he recently fronted up to Rene Dupree, after the younger man threatened to kick his a-doub next time they met, and that Dupree walked away without doing so, even though he gave him the chance to take the first shot.

He also addressed Matt Cappotelli...

"The thing is I was just going out there and I was just doing what I normally do all the time. In Matt's defense he didn't know me and how I wrestled and I did not mean to kick him and hit him like I did because it was my boot is what got him. If you watch the film he was just flailing in the corner and it was boot that caught him. Accidents happen in wrestling and I had no intentions of going in and doing that to him whatsoever despite what people at home that sit there and think that I did it on purpose that watch. Me and Matt are cool and I hate what he is going through right now and it is a terrible thing he has to deal with because he is such a nice guy and a good person and I just hate what he is going through."

Strike over:

Tyrus is no longer on strike from GFW. He has been released by the company.

White House wrestling room:

A picture of a White House official watching NJPW on TV in the White House media briefing room is going viral online.


Tonight is the biggest night of the NXT year, Brooklyn 3. The special will be live on the Network. The roster have had a tough day though, they were stuck in the Orlando airport for 13 hours waiting for their flight to NYC due to weather issues. Some arrived as late as 4 o'clock this morning.


Shawn Michaels has announced a speaking tour of the UK for early next year.

WWE ad:

Alexa Bliss and Fandango have taped an ad for Domino's Pizza.

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair has had an external pacemaker fitted, which has helped his heart beat normally, but he is still very sick with an infection, and is in a ''Bad situation''.

D-Bry retired too soon:

Daniel Bryan has shared the contents of a conversation he had with a doctor after he retired on WWE TV, and how he came to understand he did it too soon...

"All of a sudden, one of the doctors that had cleared me calls me and said, 'Bryan, what happened? Like, you ran through all this testing and everything was fine. What happened?' And I told him what had happened. I said, 'they found a lesion on the temporal parietal region of my brain.' And he goes, 'wait, hold up - a lesion?' And I said, 'yeah,' and I don't know what a 'lesion' means to you guys, but a lesion to me means you have a cut, right? Like I have a cut on my brain. And he goes, 'no, a lesion in medical terminology is a very vague thing. It just says something is there, right? Like, we don't know what it is, so we call it a lesion in the temporal parietal region of your brain. My reflexes in the temporal parietal region of my brain are slower than what they would expect, right? So in the report, they put 'lesion on the temporal parietal region of the brain, they're not slower than say your average person, but they're slower than, like, your MMA athletes or people that they test for a lot of this kind of stuff, right? So I just have average reflect time and I'm just like, 'oh no, I don't think they understand I'm just an average person. I'm not a real athlete! There's this thing and it's just like, 'oh no, there has been this huge misunderstanding,' right?"

Cruiser mess:

The Cruiserweight title match on Raw was added on the day, but WWE decided they did not want to go the route they went after, and re-added the match to SummerSlam for a re-do. (Dave Meltzer story).

WWE women:

Becky Lynch says WWE could one day have an all female branded show.

"I don't see why we cannot have an all-woman show with multiple storylines to keep the audience engaged. We have a lot of strong performers in the roster and if handled well, an all-woman show like the Mae Young Classic can be brilliant for the division."

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