Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today's News


Tazz has had his hand surgery today, and is now recovering.

Why Cody won't ask for name back:

Cody Rhodes says he believes WWE would give him his Rhodes name back if he asked, but has decided he won't...

"It's a very simple matter of, if I want to ask for my last name, if I want to ask for Cody Rhodes back to perform under it — I perform under it at non-televised events, it's not secret to the fans that's my last name — but when it comes to television, that's WWE's intellectual property. And I am wholeheartedly sure that if I were to ask them to go by Rhodes, they would have no problem. But I don't mind going by just Cody. I think there's something cool about it."

Why Cena has been moved to Raw:

John Cena has been moved to Raw at Vince McMahon's request. He wants him to pass the torch to Roman Reigns, probably with a long build feud up to next years Mania. It will also give some other top stars the chance to get dream matches against him.

SummerSlam storm out:

Reports that Rusev was so angry with his quick defeat to Randy Orton at SummerSlam that both he and Lana asked to be released from their contracts has been rubbished by the ravishing Russian.


Jim Ross has had to over dub his commentary for 16 matches for the Mae Young classic. He said his first go around was not bad, but the second attempt is better. They focused on providing more background info on the women involved in the second call of the matches.

Corbin's heat:

John Cena is reportedly the reason Baron Corbin's push has been killed. He was angry at Corbin attacking fans, in particular an active serviceman, on Twitter, and made the office know that he felt his behaviour was not appropriate.


WWE have signed a TV deal with Flow in the Caribbean.

Jinder talks race incident:

Jinder Mahal says boos during the Indian national anthem on WWE TV are by a small minority, and people in the country shouldn't be offended...

"It was a very small negative reaction but overall everyone was very happy. I think that's the first time that the Indian National Anthem has ever been sung on such a huge platform. I think everyone was very proud that our culture has been showed. I want to make sure that everything we do is authentic, is the real thing. Very few people are offended by it."

Low Ki:

GFW are refusing to accept Low Ki's request to be released. He quit during this weeks TV's after being told he would not be moved into the GFW title picture, but would stay at X division level.

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