Monday, August 28, 2017

Today's News

Mania celeb gets wed:

Ronda Rousey has gotten married.

Rosemary responds:

Rosemary has responded to the ugly incident she was victim of at AAA over the weekend...

"Let me make this perfectly clear: if you take liberties with someone's body when they are giving it to you and trusting you to keep them safe, you are not tough. You are an asshole. And you don't belong in this business. Sexy Star decided to do just that this weekend at TripleMania. And while I have remained quiet on social media until I was more calm to address the situation, I have now being informed that she is telling people that it is a work. You are all now being informed that Sexy Star is a liar. She was a liar in the locker room when she was forced to apologize and instead cooked up some bulls--t excuse that she 'didn't know' and she is a liar now. You know if you are torquing on someone's arm. You know an armbar is a real and dangerous hold. The only reason your face is not broken right now is because a little voice inside my head as I lay on the apron kept repeating, 'Don't go to Mexican prison.' (thanks Demon). However, turning to positives, the outreach from the wrestling community has been incredible. I'm overwhelmed with how much love I feel right now from friends, fans, and people I have yet to meet in this amazing business. We are a family and we protect our own. If you violate that, you are not welcome here. I also want to thank the AAA locker room. Multiple people came up to me saying how sorry and disgusted they were. Thank you Hamada and Shani, who also had to deal with bulls--t from Star during that match. Thank you, Vampiro, for professionally trying to calm a volatile situation, though, as you know, once the excuses started pouring out of Sexy Star's mouth in lieu of an apology, it was over. Thank you to the amazing GFW locker room, both present that night and not. I have so much support from everyone, and talent, crew and office have all reached out to show me that."

Promotions are rushing to distance themselves from Sexy Star, with many withdrawing bookings for the Mexican lady.

Enzo heat:

Enzo is in more heat. He has angered fellow workers for gloating about his celebrity friends and spamming his social media feed with pictures of him with a shopping list of celebs at the Mayweather fight.

X-Pac talks WWE regrets:

''An example of what a dumbass I was. Shane McMahon comes up to me, 'yeah, we're going to have just the Red Hot Chili Peppers do your theme music.' I'm like, 'no, I want Uncle Kracker.' I mean, come on, man, another one, it was Vince and Shane, 'we're thinking of having you work Jericho at 'Mania for the I.C. belt.' I'm like, 'no, I want to finish my program with Kane, which was already way on its last legs, but 'no, I want to do this.' So I mean, do that give you an example?"

Raw tease:

  • Banks faces Bliss in anticipated return bout
  • Can John Cena and Roman Reigns coexist on the same brand?
  • Enzo Amore joins the Cruiserweights
  • Is Braun Strowman our next Universal Champion?
  • Rollins & Ambrose hold their own as Raw Tag Team Champions

Sid trashes WWE stars:

He does not like KO's weight or the fact he wears a shirt in the ring...

"I see people like Kevin Owens and this Nakamura guy and these other people like this. I see that and I'm going, 'Business has got to be bad. Or they're at a point where they don't care, that's the only thing I know."

HHH reveals why MYC was named after Mae Young:

"So there were a lot of decisions and a lot of names thrown around, and there was a team that went through all that stuff. At the end of the day, we were looking for something that kinda symbolized the transition. And while I think a lot of people would say, like, you know, 'Why didn't you name it The Moolah Classic?', or 'Why didn't you name it after some other female?' To me, Mae was the one person that, when you look at it, Mae Young started at the very beginning of her life. Got into a men's-only business and against all conceivable odds stayed in that business and competed much like Moolah did or all these other people. But Mae was one of the only ones that was able to really transition into the modern day. Mae was able to transition into the entertainment component of the Attitude Era in a way that if you look at the Attitude Era and you look at Mae Young, you can look at Moolah standing next to her. But Moolah was just kinda there in the straight man or straight woman in the equation. Mae was the one that was like, 'I don't care. I'll do it.' You know, she was half the time suggesting stuff that we're like, 'Oh God. Mae, we can't do that.' You know?"

No Mercy:

John Cena vs Roman Reigns is planned for the next Raw special.

Book MIA:

The hurricane in Texas has cost WWE an announcer for tonight. Booker T cannot travel due to the storm. Jerry Lawler will step in.

WWE in rehab:

Mike Kanellis has started rehab from a prescription drug addiction.

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