Sunday, February 5, 2017

Today's News

No interest:

Kenny Omega says he has 0% interest in joining NXT...

"I know NXT is kind of like the indie darling promotion of the WWE; however, I have, maybe, next to 0% interest in going to NXT, to be honest. I'm just saying it does not jive with the goals I have in mind for myself or my [professional wrestling] career to go to NXT. As great as a guy like Bobby Roode is or Samoa Joe or Shinsuke Nakamura, I could go my entire career from this point on not wrestle those guys, and not feel like I missed something. And I don't mean disrespect to them. I just feel that I'm on borrowed time. My style is very physical and I push myself very hard and to the limit all the time to try and change wrestling and give people a reason to subscribe to a New Japan World or WWE Network and I know what we do isn't always cool, so I want to give you all a reason to find it cool again. And it's tough on me, so I want to make sure when I do these high risk matches and when I push myself beyond my boundaries that there is a point. And doing that in NXT, for me, would seem like a little bit of a waste."

He also talked about his heat with Jim Cornette...

"Anytime he tries to make an argument about me, he brings up this story, which is a lie about how I emailed a picture of my broken ankle to ROH, no-showed a show, and, in place of that show, wrestled in Japan. That's not true. What is true is that I emailed a picture of some diseased ankle that I thought was funny. But the truth was my ankle really was hurt, but I thought it would be funny if I sent a picture of it being way worse just because the booker at the time was Delirious and I thought we were kind of boys that way. And yes, I was in Japan when I mailed the picture. And when he says that he read on the results that I had worked somewhere, well, it's a half-truth. I did do something and it wasn't wrestling a match. It was limping up on stage to collect my Match Of The Year trophy. So Jim Cornette uses that always in his arguments about me. And then he spouts off nonsense just to get attention, direct hits and views to himself."

Luger talks drug use in wrestling:

"It was used, in both football and in wrestling, earlier on, and in my career. It was very prevalent then and looking back on it, we all always wished there was a level playing field, but it was kind of like 'work hard, play hard' if the rest of the guys are taking it, you didn't want the guys to have an edge."

Legend blasts HOF:

Sabu has rounded upon the WWE Hall Of Fame...

"It's such a fake Hall of Fame. I'd only do it because I need the money. I don't know if I would mother--- everyone or if I would take it graciously, but I don't consider it a real Hall of Fame. It's not like the Baseball Hall of Fame or the Football Hall of Fame. They let anybody in it, anybody who could draw money. The real wrestling Hall of Fames are in Iowa and Amsterdam, New York. They look for donations because they're so broke, but they have s--- from the 1800s. Vince's Hall of Fame only has s--- from Vince's company. If you didn't work for his company, you're not in the Hall of Fame. That's nothing to do with how good you are, it only matters who owned them."

It should be noted that WWE have started inducting pioneers from the 1800's in the new legacy wing, which was launched last year.

Booker starts campaigning:

Booker T appeared on TV in Houston this weekend, and revealed why he thinks he should be mayor...

"Levity, more than anything, I don't go into this thinking that I know everything. I'm not a politician. In our city, it's law that we can't even feed the homeless. I just feel like, ya know, instead of having a law like that, we should have a law to figure out how we're going to feed the homeless. Over the next three years, you're going to see this is not a publicity stunt. This is real, this is not about me, this is about, like I said, the young people and the city of Houston."

WWE killing gimmicks:

Shane Douglas says WWE are killing characters in wrestling...

"I knew my character. These kids don't know their character. It's a script to them, they read off a page. I never did any of that."

Cody Rhodes reveals why he does not watch WWE:

"I mean, unless somebody asks me specific to watch - a lot of my buddies, we're in one massive group text so there's a lot of griping and chatting about gossip, feels like I'm still in the locker room half the time and I miss that - but right now it's not really for me. It wasn't really for me the last few years I was there. Not that I don't love WWE, I had such fun there. I met my wife there. Just the product being PG and being so watered down with such super talented guys on it, it almost makes me mad to watch it. So, I avoid."


Goldberg has announced his first post WWE gigs will be in the UK. He is working a three night speaking tour this summer.

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