Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today's News

NXT star leaves:

Kassius Ohno returned to NXT last night to end the NXT career of Elias Samson, who lost a loser leaves town match to the former Chris Hero.


Billie Kay was led to the back in pain and in tears after an injury at the hands of Ember Moon last night at NXT.

NXT takeover:

William Regal has booked a triple threat match for Orlando's pre WrestleMania special. Authors Of Pain will defend vs DIY and The Revival.

New star:

Heidi Lovelace debuted as Ruby Riot for WWE NXT last night.

Injury returns:

Shinsuke Nakamura and Finn Balor returned to action last night. Nakamura wrestled and Finn interrupted a post match attack on him. This likely won't air on NXT TV.

TE debut:

Patrick of the last series of Tough Enough will debut for NXT next week.

Montreal screwjob... the movie:

The infamous Montreal screwjob is getting a movie. A porn movie. 'The Montreal F!ckjob' will recreate the match, but women playing Bret and Shawn, and a guy playing Vince, will be having a different kind of sloppy finish.

Ryback blasts WWE over Kidd:

"WWE should make sure, 100%, that not only is he taken care of for the rest of his life, and I mean well beyond taken care of, they should bend over backwards time and time again for him because they took away… this guy loved wrestling, not just as much… on another level, and what they took away from him, and, by the way, and to take as f--king long as they did to f--king apologize, I'll personally say it right here on the podcast: f--k you, Vince, and f--k you, Kevin, for not being f--king men and not f--king apologizing to this human being that you ruined. And Vince, you are a f--king piece of s--t, I'm going to say it right here, for everything that you did that night to go out there and f--king create that circumstance. And you should hate yourself when you look in the mirror, and there are no excuse for it. 'Oh, we were scared of a lawsuit'. f--k you, guys. You guys should be f--king shut down. Tyson's a great, great human being. He has given them everything. And Mark Carrano, I hope to God Mark Carrano is fired for the stupid decisions he made that night. That is one thing that would make me personally because I hate that guy so much for being such a piece of s--t that I would like to see Mark Carrano gone."


WWE have announced they will include their UK talent on the next UK tour.


Naomi has damaged her left knee and is benched for two months.

Roster changes coming:

A round of brand drafts is planned for post WrestleMania.

WWE dragged into school controversy:

A 14 year old Florida boy was found to have a list of his school colleagues that he wanted to shoot and kill in his possession. His family say it was inspired by his watching of WWE, and Chris Jericho in particular.

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