Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Today's News

Title vacated:

Daniel Bryan announced that Naomi will not be able to defend her title within 30 days, and therefore must relinquish her gold. She did so last night on SmackDown, and a match between the two other women to have held the belt before her, Becky Lynch and Alexa Bliss was quickly set up, and Bliss became the first two time owner of the belt.

WrestleMania main event still on hold:

AJ Styles and Luke Harper were declared joint winners of last nights battle royal, meaning Bray Wyatt still does not know who his WrestleMania challenger will be.

HOF'er defends Hulk Hogan on WWE TV:

Jimmy Hart defended his friend's racial outbursts on the WWE Network yesterday...

"Absolutely Hogan was under the influence at the time of the comments, but still no excuse, to me, if you really are racist, you have to let it slip more than one time. I mean, if you're really a racist, people have got to see it over and over and over and over and over. The devastating thing to Hulk, more than anything, is what happened with his affiliation with here. That's the thing that has tore him up more than anything. We talk every day or every other day and he watches RAW every Monday night. I'm being honest with you. He watches. He goes, 'they did this' and 'I saw this', 'oh my God, did you see that?' 'Yeah, Hulk, I did.' And I know what he's going through, but sometimes I feel like I want to say, 'Hulk, get over it. You've had a great career. It has been awesome. People still love you. WWE still loves you. They've got to move on and do what's best for business, best for them.'"

Aries promoted:

Austin Aries will be promoted to the main roster's 205 Live expansion when he is cleared from his facial injury.

Top star outed:

Daniel Bryan outed AJ Styles as a flat-earther on Talking Smack last night. This is a group of people who believe the Earth is flat, not round. Apparently a number of celebrities are openly of the same belief.

Rock defends that call:

''I work off instinct, always listen to the people and try to give em something special. Huge positive feedback from WWE Universe. Fun night''

Alum to TNA:

Kevin Sullivan has returned to the TNA creative team.

Old boy returns:

Paul Burchill has returned to wrestling on the indie scene.

Paige movie:

NXT ref Drake Wuertz officiated the post Raw match taped for the Rock produced movie.

NXT return:

Kassius Ohno will have his first match back with WWE tonight. Finn Balor will also be at the taping.

Alexa Bliss:

Alexa Bliss is featured in the second episode of 'My Child Is A WWE Star'.

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