Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Today's News


WWE have released a video of Triple H gushing over the NXT roster at last years WrestleMania, here is a transcript of his praise for the pre event NXT special...

"Wow! I said push the main roster, I said to make it difficult for them, I didn't say make it impossible for them!. Holy cow, thank you guys so much. I could not think of a better way to kick off WrestleMania. It's going to be a tough act to follow, congratulations."

Royal Rumble:

The entrances at the Royal Rumble this year were not equally timed. Some of the big men were given the full two minutes, to allow them time to get to the ring, but most entered at 90 second intervals.

Elimination Chamber:

Shane McMahon has named the six men that will enter the structure at the next SmackDown special. John Cena will defend against AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Baron Corbin, The Miz and Bray Wyatt. AJ Styles has spoken out against it, he feels he should get a singles match for the gold.

Natalya vs Nikki Bella is also booked, as is a tag team turmoil match for the Tag gold. Finally Naomi will be rewarded for pinning Alexa Bliss at the Rumble with a title shot at the show.

WWE on TV:

David Otunga will be on 'Criminal Minds' next week. Kelly Kelly appeared on 'Days Of Our Lives' this week.


Rich Swann has damaged his foot.

Graves talks WWE enforced retirement:

"I understood it and I appreciate it now, but at the time it was definitely frustrating. There was so much stuff that I wanted to accomplish. I felt like that I was so close to being on Raw or Smackdown as a superstar. It was crushing, but the company gave me an opportunity to live out my dream in other aspects and I just took the ball and ran full speed ahead with it and I haven't looked back since."

Foley good news:

Mick Foley has had his health insurance renewed and is now awaiting a date for his hip replacement surgery. He will be out for six weeks, and says he expects his time as Raw GM will be ended when he has the op.

Major injury news:

WWE have announced that Seth Rollins has re-injured his knee. The damage was done during the attack by Samoa Joe on Raw. He is seeing medical people today to determine the severity, but WrestleMania may be in doubt for him.

Rock ad:

The Rock has starred in an ad for Ford.

Owens gets his match:

Kevin Owens will work the SmackDown live event in MSG in March. He will defend the Universal title vs Brock Lesnar.


Netflix have agreed a deal to air past seasons of Lucha Underground.

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