Saturday, February 25, 2017

Today's News

WWE star exposed:

WWE announcer Tom Phillips has been outed on social media. A lady he had been in contact with on Instagram has posted some of his private messages to her, after finding out he was engaged to another woman. These included telling her he had an erection thinking about her whilst on a plane, and that he wanted to ''Face f!ck the sh!t out of her.'' Since the messages were posted he has set his social media sites to private, and has not made any comment about the situation.

WWE 50:

WWE have named the fifty greatest tag team names in their history...

  1. The Brainbusters.
  2. Colossal Connection.
  3. Fabulous Freebirds.
  4. Hardliners.
  5. Smokin' Gunns.
  6. Jumping Bomb Angels.
  7. Mega Bucks.
  8. Outsiders.
  9. Rock 'N' Roll Express.
  10. Super Destroyers.
  11. Brothers Of Destruction.
  12. Fire & Ice.
  13. Unholy Alliance.
  14. Minnesota Wrecking Crew.
  15. Southern Justice.
  16. Hart Foundation.
  17. Headbangers.
  18. Skyscrapers.
  19. Boogie Knights.
  20. Faces Of Fear.
  21. Vaudevillains.
  22. Pitbulls.
  23. Demolition.
  24. Sheepherders.
  25. Rhodes Scholars.
  26. Road Warriors.
  27. Two Man Power Trip.
  28. Natural Disasters.
  29. Public Enemy.
  30. Eliminators.
  31. Allied Powers.
  32. Hell No.
  33. Power & Glory.
  34. Money Inc.
  35. Strike Force.
  36. Bad Breed.
  37. Enforcers.
  38. Super Powers.
  39. New Age Outlaws.
  40. Killer Bees.
  41. Young Pistols.
  42. Dream Team.
  43. Hollywood Blonds.
  44. Vicious & Delicious.
  45. Powers Of Pain.
  46. Young Stallions.
  47. Heavenly Bodies.
  48. Midnight Express.
  49. Harlem Heat.
  50. Miracle Violence Connection.

LU debut:

Lucha Underground is now available on Netflix.

New show:

An 8 part wrestling drama called 'Heels' has been commissioned. It tells the story of two rival brothers who fight for supremacy after their father dies, leaving the family run promotion leaderless.

Meanwhile The Rock has started filming his third season of 'Ballers'.

Why WWE won:

Jeff Jarrett has shared his view on how Vince killed WCW...

"Oil and water, if you want to compare the two. Vince McMahon, he's third generation, and his enormous empire, he ran it much like the territories. The buck stopped with him, he made the decisions, that's how a company should be run. Feast or famine, right or wrong, the WWE is driven off his decision making and always has been. WCW was a corporate world. Eric Bischoff, I have a lot of respect for the guy, because he not only survived, but he thrived in a corporate environment that was so difficult to succeed in. Was he the only decision maker? Not at all. It's a corporate entity, and a publicly traded company, so it's really not a knock on Turner and Time Warner and that organisation, but that's the reality. An entertainment property, specifically a wrestling property, you have to have a decision maker. You have to have somebody who sits on top, that is guiding the ship, that makes the decisions. They were polar opposites, and in the end, the WCW money got them in first place for a while, with Eric's leadership and the hot talent, but in the end, Vince destroyed them."

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