Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Naomi, Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss and Carmella have completed SmackDown's women's team, and Natalya, who can't compete after losing a qualifier to Nikki Bella, will coach them. American Alpha and The Uso's have earned the third and fourth spots on the tag team team.

Finally the male team was named in full. Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, AJ Styles and Baron Corbin will represent the blue brand.

WWE accidentally leaked the last Raw star for the men's team will be Sami Zayn on their website today.


Curt Hawkins had his first SmackDown match since coming back last night. He was squashed after a single superkick from Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler makes challenge:

Dolph Ziggler has risked losing the IC title to the rival brand Raw. He issued an open challenge to any Raw star for Survivor Series.

NXT promotion:

Dasha Fuentes has joined the SmackDown presentation team.

TNA star announces retirement:

Davey Richards says next year will be his last year in the ring.


They may be partners at Survivor Series but AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose will commence their feud over the WWE World title at TLC.

WWE old boy calls out CM Punk:

Kid Kash says CM Punk embarrassed himself and wrestling in his failed MMA attempt...

"How arrogant is that. You just simply quit an amazing job. It's an amazing job. You make a lot of money. Your merchandise sales are incredible. You travel the world. On top of that, you're one of the main headliners and you're crying about it. I'm sorry, buddy. That's just an ego shooting out, one for the ages. Damn, he's the same weight that I am. How bad would I love to knock his ass out? I've never liked him. I've known the guy for at least 15 years, probably, and he's been such an arrogant asshole. He was handed so much sh*t. He never earned a f*cking thing. I'm kind of amazed that he had the camp that he had for two years and went down that quick and with no defense whatsoever. I would be there with bells on it. I would love to fight that f*cker, I really would. ... He would be in for a very rude awakening. That f*cker couldn't beat my meat; he couldn't."

WWE Alum to MMA:

Josh Mathews has signed for Valor MMA as an announcer. His first fight call will be Kid Kash's bout.

Styles vs Car:

AJ Styles was locked out of his car after last night's TV's. The local fire department helped him out.

Perkins mad at women?:

TJ Perkins has refuted rumours that he was mad about the women main eventing HIAC because it should be the men's slot.

NXT plane pull:

Team NXT will pull a plane in Florida again this year.

Epic feud finally ends:

Hulk Hogan is finally able to start to re-build his career. He has come to a settlement with the owner of Gawker to finally end four years of litigation over his leaked sex tape.


The Undertaker will return as a SmackDown star on the last TV before Survivor Series.

1 comment:

  1. But Orton is not gonna be at Survivor Series is he?ain't he been given time off?can't believe what happened with Hawkins.he lost on Main Event last week as well.back to be a jobber?no thank you..I'd have stayed away.I'd love to see Kash beat Punks ass as much as I hate Kash as well.fuck Perkins he is just mad he will never main event a PPV.
