Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Today's News

Alum dead within two years:

WWE legend Vader says he will be dead within two years. Doctors have diagnosed him with congestive heart failure, and he blames his wrestling and American football career for the damage to his body. He is also still recovering from his auto wreck last week.

Mick Foley has started a campaign to get his old rival into the HOF next year before it is too late for him to see it happen.

HBK vs ?:

Seth Rollins is not prepared to sit and watch as Shawn Michaels potential return match goes to someone else. He wants to face HBK at the Royal Rumble next year, and says he is prepared to fight AJ Styles for the match, although he says it should be at WrestleMania, not the Rumble.

Mania change:

WWE are swapping nights next year. The pre WrestleMania NXT special will now be on the Saturday night and the Hall Of Fame ceremony will be on the Friday night before the big show.

WWE star grieving:

Rusev has lost his grand-mother.

Lana talks being banished from Total Diva's:

"A month later I debuted with Rusev at Royal Rumble, and it would have been way too soon for me to come out as the Russian American that I am. We had a great first year doing a lot of Russian patriotic, Vladimir Putin stuff on Raw. I think seeing my American family on Total Divas might have hurt the gimmick or confused the fans a bit. Then season four again they talked about it. I've always wanted to be on the show. I think it's a great show. I think Total Divas has brought the women more mainstream and so many opportunities. However, I've always thought if I'm supposed to be on the show I'll be on the show. It's all about timing."

WWE offer:

WWE are offering three free months, and 5 free PPV events to former subscribers that return to their Network this month. This is having a backward effect, as people are unsubscribing, then re-subscribing to get the free deal.

WWE rule:

Lilian Garcia has revealed why WWE implemented their dress code...

"What happened was, after a while there was the, "oh ok we'll dress casually but nice, we're traveling" and that kind of thing. Then the guys started coming with… cut off shorts, obnoxious comments on t-shirts and stuff and that was when Vince McMahon was like, "that's it. You guys represent this brand of WWE, we call you superstars but you're not dressing as a superstar."…he said, "once you leave the house, you're representing the brand, then through the airport, you know, anywhere you're traveling, wherever, I want you to be dressing up nicely." And you know the guys definitely and the girls, whatever, we were like "what??" because… we kept saying, "alright, I totally get it, and I always look nice."...But like for the females, we dressed in high heels shoes, whatever,and we're driving like 2,300 miles. And I drove by myself a lot...So I'm thinking holy crap, what if something happens to me on the side of the road and I'm dressed like a little, you know."


Daniel Bryan mentioned TNA on the Network last night during a heated promo with Mick Foley.


Tonight is the 900th SmackDown show, here is the tease...

  • What will happen when The Deadman comes home?
  • Can The Rated-R Superstar contain SmackDown LIVE's Survivor Series Team?
  • Will The A-Lister take back the Intercontinental Title?
  • Internal turmoil threatens Survivor Series Women's Team
  • Which SmackDown LIVE tag teams will survive?

The Undertaker, Edge and The Headbangers will be involved. The Raw Survivor Series women's team are also backstage.

Sexiest man:

The Rock has been named as the sexiest man alive.

Styles wins support:

Mickie James has written to Joey Styles offering her support...

''Dear Joey Styles, I want you to know that I love you. In the midst of all this ugliness surrounding you at the moment I think it's important you know that. From me and all your friends who you've helped throughout your career. How so many have forgotten that because they'd prefer to jump on the bandwagon to make themselves relevant is sad to say the least. I've known you for many years & you've always been nothing but respectful & loving to me. I've never seen you be disrespectful to any woman in the business. If anything you've always been so supportive & kind. I thank you for that. It's a shame that a JOKE, whether it be in bad taste or not, has been taken so far out of context. I'm curious as to what the lady involved thought of this whole thing. Because if it had been me, I would've popped because I understand comedic context. Call me old school but had you been a comedian, or an actor in a movie, everyone would've laughed. It's only because everyone is tiptoeing in this politically correct, sponsor endorsed, & way overly sensitive generation that it's been blown way out the water. Last I checked this is the wrestling business. A business where we have cursed, endorsed sexuality to all kinds of extremes, kissed asses, and even murdered on live tv, that a little political joke seems to be the least of offensive things done. I understand we are in a new era but for goodness sake let's not lose our sense of humor, or the sight of why we all fell in love with this business in the 1st place. That is to be a character, that can do and say things they would never do or say in real life. Because it's acting! Also, for all your "Friends" who have jumped on the bandwagon now that you've been "Fired", also a complete joke because you CAN NOT fire an independent contractor, they should be ashamed of themselves. Yes they have a right to their own opinion but we should also remember... people in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones. That means pretty much everyone in this business as it's one of the dirtiest games ever played. That's my 2 cents... and it's worth exactly what you paid for it... but since everyone else seems to feel so important to throw out their public statements then why not. Lastly, I will say this again... I love you, I respect you, and I respect everything you've done for this business that I adore. This too shall pass... Always your Friend, Mickie James-Aldis.''

Sin Cara:

Sin Cara has started his anger management classes, as ordered by WWE, and is working with the SmackDown live tour as he is banished from the Raw tour due to his UK tour fight. He is still working Raw TV's, but is not allowed to travel with the rest of the crew, and must travel alone.

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