Saturday, November 5, 2016

Today's News

Daniel Bryan reveals HOF inductor:

Daniel Bryan has named the man he would like to enshrine him into the WWE Hall Of Fame, should he be lucky enough to be inducted...

"William Regal. He's been my mentor since I was 19-years-old, he has helped me more than just about anybody. So him, and my second choice would be Kane. Kane and I are close and if it wasn't for my tag team with Kane than I would have never gotten that Wrestlemania moment because that's what really endeared me to the fans was Kane and my interaction."

Senior TNA staffer quits:

TNA's lead writer, Dave Lagana, has quit the promotion.


WWE have announced their next trip across the pond will be in May, and will be a seven day, six city tour.

Santino Marella reveals backstage spat with Cody Rhodes:

"Cody was young and brash and we were jawjacking back and forth. He called me fat. And I said yeah maybe I am fat but I could lose this weight and if I do I'll have a bodybuilding contest and beat you. Everyone was egging us on so we set the date for the Wrestlemania 25 afterparty. Months and months of preparation and I went from 230 pounds to 203 pounds. I did my hour of cardio every day, I got a posing instructor and professional tights. Kid Rock was hanging out and jamming with the bands. When they called for Muscle Mania (what it was called), Kid Rock said "okay I'm out of here," and he left the stage. I won. I basically used competition to bring out the best in me."

WWE visit Premiership:

Dolph Ziggler and Becky Lynch were guest announcers for Manchester City's game against my home town club Middlesbrough in the Premiership today. The match ended in a 1-1 draw.

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