Thursday, November 17, 2016

Today's News


Shane McMahon and Pete Gas were in the front row of NXT last night.

Big Show:

Big Show has dropped below 400lbs for the first time since 1995.

He also talked his retirement date...

"I can do this as long as Vince McMahon tells me to do this. I think I have until like February 2018 left in my contract... I've done everything I can do. I've done my time in the trenches. I've done my 5 days a week, 280 days a year for 20 years. So if I'm on a little bit of a limited schedule now, I'm going to enjoy it."

Shawn Michaels WWE role:

WWE plan to use Shawn Michaels as a finishing school for new stars. NXT stars deemed ready for the main roster would be sent to Shawn for a final bit of guidance from the show-stopper, with the hope of turning stars into superstars, so they can hit the ground running when their chance does come. Shawn would work with no more than 6 talent at a time and would be the one to make the call on when they were ready for the promotion.

Orton delay:

Randy Orton has delayed his paternity leave from WWE to work Survivor Series, but will be going home next weekend, and will stay off the road until the baby is born.

Zack Ryder reveals dream match:

"I would definitely say Edge. When I first got to WWE I got to work under Edge, I was one of the Edge Heads with Curt Hawkins. I got to be in the ring with him, and team with him and wrestle guys like The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair, and we had no business being in that situation but because of him he taught us so much and was always one of my favorite wrestlers as a kid. So definitely Edge vs. Zack Ryder is my dream match."

Seth did not agree with women main eventing HIAC:

"It was an historic moment for the ladies and I was very proud of them, but I'm a competitor and I want to be in the main event every single night. And Kevin and I went out there. We tore the house down and made it really difficult for those ladies to go in after us and follow. But I know, knowing Sasha and Charlotte, they wouldn't have had it any other way."

Survivor Series:

Next years event will be in Houston, Texas.

WWE deal:

WWE have signed a multi year TV deal with Sky Deutschland.

WWE vs Ryback:

WWE have challenged Ryback's attempt at TradeMarking the term ''The Big Guy.''

Paige / Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio and Paige will spend new years in Austria.

Jobber signs deal:

James Ellsworth has told bookers he is no longer available for indie events, indicating that he has signed a deal with WWE.


The Rock debuted in WWE twenty years ago today.

WWE to Kentucky:

WWE are open to hosting shows in Kentucky again after the state repealed their rule about matches being stopped if someone started bleeding.

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