Saturday, November 12, 2016

Today's News

Where is the IC title?:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has revealed he owns the old Intercontinental Championship belt that was used by WWE from the mid eighties until 1998. He says he told Vince he wanted to keep the belt on the night he first won it, the infamous match in which Owen Hart broke his neck at SummerSlam 1997. Partly because of his respect for the gold, but also, he felt it might have been his last match, due to the injury. Vince told him to pay for a copy, but that was not good enough, he wanted the real deal. Eventually, when a new belt was brought in the following year, Vince did present him with the title, which he owns to this day, and says always will...

"I've always considered the Intercontinental Championship belt to be really as important as the World Championship belt. You always want to be the World Championship, but, back in the day, the IC belt was typically the guy who could work his ass off. And it was also kind of a training belt for the World Championship belt. Sometimes guys get World belts and never get an IC belt and vice versa, but there was really a whole lot of pride that came out of the guys that carried this particular belt. I have the Intercontinental Championship that I think Warrior had this belt; Savage had this belt; Curt Hennig probably had this belt. f--k, who else had this belt? I can't even name all the people that had this belt, but this was the belt that everybody had before they started making all the different ones. Man, I wouldn't take anything in the world for this belt because it just means that much to me. It's got so many memories. It means that much to me. Getting dropped on my head and almost getting paralyzed over it. The fact that I was able to get up from that and come back and finish my career as a professional wrestler. And I'll never forget that moment. The belt means a lot to me. I told Vince, I told him, I said, 'hey, man,' I said, 'I want to keep this belt.' He goes, 'you get another one made,' 'but this one is mine' and Vince was cool with it and I'll never sell that belt. Whenever I die, that'll still be mine. I will have put in my will whoever I'm going to give it to, but it is an important belt. It's a very historical belt in the sense of who had it. I wish I had a list of all the guys who actually held this belt in their run and now I have it in my safe. It's just a very special belt."

FAO Mr. Austin... Tito, Savage, Steamboat, Honky, Warrior, Rude, Perfect, Tornado, Bret, Mountie, Piper, Davey Boy, Shawn, Marty, Razor, Diesel, Jarrett, Douglas, Goldust, Ahmed, Mero, HHH, Rock, Owen, Yourself.

TNA split complete:

Fight network have confirmed they will pay (have paid) off Billy Corgan, and that they are now looking at moving forward with the promotion's future without the musician.

ROH sign two Brits:

Marty Scurll and Will Ospreay have signed with ROH.


Sonjay Dutt says he would be an asset to the WWE's cruiserweight division.

NXT baby:

Blake and Sara Lee are having a baby girl.

Luger denies long standing rumour:

Lex Luger says he did not have his WWF World title win at Mania 10 taken away because he bragged about it the night before in a bar...

"False. I've heard that story, totally false. I actually had my family up at a major pay-per-view, my wife and kids she had friends up there, I was never anywhere near a bar I was spending time with my family."

Trump to hire McMahon:

Linda McMahon may be getting rewarded for all the money she put into Donald Trump's election campaign. He is set to offer her a spot in his White House team, probably with the commerce department.

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