Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Epico & Primo beat Goldust & R-Truth to take their spots on Team Raw for Survivor Series last night. Sami Zayn beat Rusev to get the IC title shot Dolph Ziggler offered to the Raw roster.

''False Alarm'' by the Weeknd has been named as the official theme song.

Brian Kendrick vs Kalisto in another inter-brand title match, for the Cruiser gold, will be confirmed on SmackDown tonight. Should Kalisto win the whole cruiserweight division will switch brands and follow the gold to SmackDown.

James Ellsworth will be the mascot of Team SmackDown for the men's elimination team.

Brit debuts:

Noam Dar made his Raw debut in front of his home nation fans last night, but lost a tag match.

Goldberg on TV:

Goldberg will be a guest on 'Jay Leno's Garage' this week.

WWE to address fans:

The Raw and SmackDown management teams will make a statement on the WWE Network next week after Raw, about the behaviour of fans at live events. They are calling it a state of the WWE universe address. WWE have been troubled for some time about fans hijacking shows, and feel they need to tackle the issue.

WWE hoping for election:

WWE star Rhyno is hoping to be elected in Michigan tonight, and WWE Hall Of Famer Donald Trump is waiting on the result of the Presidential election.

Job on the line:

WWE have demanded that Sin Cara undergo anger management classes after the latest in a long line of backstage brawls this week on the UK tour. He has agreed to do so.

HOF'er coming back:

Edge will be on the 900th SmackDown later this month.

Diva uses racism to cover botch:

Lana botched her lines on Raw last night saying she was in America rather than Scotland. Instead of admitting to the error she went on a mildly racist tirade against the Scottish fans. She called them ''Village idiots'' and said Scotland is not worthy of being called a country.

SmackDown tease:

  • What is next for AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose?
  • How will The Miz respond to his Survivor Series snub(s)?
  • Is The Wyatt Family invincible with Randy Orton on their side?
  • How will Survivor Series continue to impact the dynamics on SmackDown LIVE?
  • Can Alexa Bliss capture the SmackDown Women's Championship in Becky Lynch's backyard?

The event taped earlier today in the UK.

Injury SPOILER!!!:

WWE have pulled a member of team SmackDown. They taped an injury angle with Baron Corbin in the UK today. Shane McMahon announced himself as the substitute for the men's team.

Alum in wreck:

Vader was almost killed in an auto wreck today. He rolled his car over twice and was knocked unconscious. He was trapped upside down and out cold for 35 minutes before being rescued. He is pretty banged up, but walked away.


Dixie Carter held a staff and talent meeting today to introduce the new board member from the Fight network, and to try to re-enforce to the employees that they still have a future despite recent tough times.

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