Friday, November 25, 2016

Today's News

Razor talks WWE ambition:

"What I want to do is bring back managing in the wrestling business. Remember all the cool managers? My son Cody's bigger than me, so I can get away with it in WWE, Vince doesn't like the managers to be too big. But with Cody he's bigger so I can get away with it.''

John Cena:

John Cena has reunited with Nikki Bella after 5 weeks apart. He has been filming his reality show.

SI feature wrestling:

Sports Illustrated have interviewed Million Dollar Man in a Survivor Series special feature. He was asked about the 1989 event, in which he teamed with non-wrestler Zeus...

"That was the first Survivor Series I was ever in and there was a lot of star power. It was obviously a big match and a big moment. When you wrestle as often as we did, you don't remember every match, but I do remember that. I am not taking anything away from the other guys in the match, but I knew Zeus was there for his look. He was a monster, and Warlord and Barbarian were good, but I also knew that, in the truest sense of the word, I was going to have to carry the match for my team. I did that a lot. When I tagged with Andre, and I loved tagging with Andre, but Andre started having some physical issues, so I did all the bouncing around in the ring, and I did it joyfully."


He is incorrect in his memories of the dates, his first Survivor Series was the year before. He was in the main event in 1988.

WWE Network:

UK store Game have started selling WWE Network subscription cards. Three month payment cards will cost £29.97.

Hardy release:

Jeff Hardy has released a new music EP today.

Cruisers slimmed:

WWE have cut the 205 Live show down to 45 minutes per episode.

Cesaro hot with WWE:

Cesaro has openly criticised WWE for leaving him off promotional material for a show in Switzerland, his home nation.

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