Thursday, November 3, 2016

Today's News

HIAC change:

Ric Flair says Charlotte pulled two big spots from her match vs Sasha Banks for fear of hurting her...

"They took two huge spots out of the match, during the match, because they were afraid Sasha was going to get hurt. If the original plan had been, there were two things and I don't want to say what they were, but you can only imagine. One of them involved a moonsault."

Wrestling proves Trump lied:

Donald Trump is making a habit of calling his presidential rival a habitual liar, so will be more than a little embarrassed to have an appearance at WrestleMania come back to haunt him. He claimed never to have met Robert LiButti, who had mafia links to John Gotti, but video of him sitting with the man in question at WrestleMania 4, found on the WWE Network, has proved him to be liberal with the truth on the matter.

Joey Styles recalls backstage row with Kurt Angle:

"So I'm sitting there watching this match, and that's when Raven and his minions crucify the Sandman, à la our lord and savior Jesus Christ, on a wooden cross that the Sandman built himself because he was a carpenter. Raven even put a barbed wire crown around Sandman's head, like a crown of thorns. South Philly was a very Catholic community, and they were sitting in stunned silence—until they started booing. And it was not the good booing, either. It was the 'we don't want you doing this' kind of booing.' I'm speechless, but Kurt Angle turns to me, assuming—maybe because I'm wearing a suit and tie—that I know what's going on, and he starts screaming at me. 'I can't be a part of this, this is disgraceful, this is awful, I don't ever want footage of me being here to ever air!' I look to my left to get help from Paul, and Paul is gone. Paul left me alone with this angry, Olympic gold medalist heavyweight wrestler. I am just getting dressed down by Kurt Angle, nose to nose, right in my face. Paul left, he claimed, to go fix the situation. He damn well also wanted to avoid a screaming Kurt Angle. Then he sends Raven out to apologize for his using his 'religious iconography'—and those were Raven's exact words—and Paul, to this day, claims he knew nothing about it, which I don't believe for a second."

WWE Mexico:

Rusev has been given a live match vs Brock Lesnar on their next Mexico tour.

Euro tour starts:

WWE Raw kicked off the European tour in Germany last night. Former Germany goalkeeper Tim Wiese made his wrestling debut at the show.

Tournament confirmed:

WWE are recruiting female indie stars for their first all female tournament. They will then have three annual events per year, with the Dusty Rhodes and Cruiser Classics.

Baron nominated:

Baron Corbin has been nominated for the 'Most metal' athlete award.

Shawn Michaels:

Shawn Michaels treated the NXT roster and PC staff and students to the cinema last night.

WWE outreach:

Triple H has arranged for a WWE title belt to be sent to the Chicago Cubs, after their win last night.

Rousey to WWE:

Stephanie McMahon is promising to try to talk Ronda Rousey into joining WWE.

TNA future:

The Fight Network are acting as a financial partner of TNA, and have had an exec added to the TNA board of directors. Dixie Carter will remain as the chair of the board, and the promotion have confirmed that Billy Corgan is no longer involved in the promotion.

Corgan responded angrily, claiming they are 48 hours late on paying him the money they owe, and says he is now talking with his legal team to get restitution. The Fight network said they had a solid plan for TNA, and Corgan would be dealt with in due time, and that his public comments were inappropriate. Corgan repsonded pointing out their own press releases, which were done against the judges orders, he says.

Dixie Carter has written to the talent and staff of TNA, telling them the Fight network will make sure they are financially stable, and confirmed they will host a TV taping block from Jan 5-10. She also promised they will continue to create the best wrestling content on the planet.

Jericho makes huge announcement:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy have been added to next years UK Download festival.

Why Taker is coming back:

WWE have brought The Undertaker back for the last SmackDown before Survivor Series, as it is the 900th episode of the show.

Spirit Squad:

WWE have rewarded Spirit Squad for their recent returns to SmackDown with roster profiles on their site. Kenny and Mikey have joined the blue brand's roster, indicating they have signed deals.

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