Sunday, November 13, 2016

Today's News

Cody talks getting DX'ed:

"I have really good road stories, so many of them are inappropriate. There was one the other day in the UK at an event called Inside The Ropes, I was telling these stories and I was like 'I hope nobody reveals these stories.' I always tell this one, I was so excited about working Triple H and Shawn Michaels -- they're just the best. DX is doing their return reunion tour in the UK, and me and Teddy were the main event, it was just a big prominent moment. I remember Hunter told me -- and we had this banner that hangs over the regular pipe and drape, 'come out and rip it down, disrespect DX so people will boo' and I said that was great. I didn't know it was a rib, I came out, grabbed the banner, pulled it out and (pop). The only thing supporting it was a two by four and it hit me in the back of the head and I'm covered in this green speckle paint. I get in the ring and Hunter and Shawn just laughed at me the whole match. I always thought 'oh it was an accident' but no it was a very intentional rib and I fell for it. But that's the road, ya know?"

Styles fired:

Joey Styles has been fired by indy league Evolve after making a Donald Trump joke to a female interviewer. He said she looked so good at their show last night that if the next President were there he would have grabbed her by the pussy. He stopped himself before saying the final word, but his boss Gabe Sapolsky was furious.

The new web streaming site FloSlam also apologised for airing the remark.


Paige was at an indie show this weekend. She was introduced to fans, and then sat in the front row to watch. Her partner Alberto Del Rio worked the event.

Otunga on TV:

David Otunga has landed a role on a prime time show. He has started working on it this week.

Diva sues WWE:

Ashley Massaro has joined the list of former stars suing WWE. She claims she was sexually assaulted whilst on WWE duty in Kuwait. She says she was attacked at a US base in the country in 2006 whilst visiting American troops. She claims she reported the incident to WWE doctors, who passed their findings, which she says supported her claims, onto the office, who demanded it be buried. She has also joined the concussion suit against the WWE, along with the family of Balls Mahoney.

WWE stars son attacked:

Goldust's trans-gender step-son was attacked by three men in a hate crime incident last night.

Summer Rae:

Summer Rae has decided to share personal news. She has privately been dealing with an undisclosed illness, but the support on social media from fans has helped her decide to share why she is not on TV. She says 9 years of athletic competition has taken it's toll on her body, and she needs time to heal.

Triple H:

Triple H was at MSG watching UFC last night.

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