Friday, November 11, 2016

Today's News

Lest We Forget...

Finn Balor recalls worst injury:

''I got a kick in the shin and I remember after the match going "Damn. Did I get kicked in the shin?" and I couldn't remember, Balor said (props to Screen Greek for the transcription). Things happen in a match and the shin was sore. I went to bed woke up the next and shin was worse. I showed it to the doctor and he said it was just a bad bang. Went to the trainer's room, taped it all up. The trainer actually taped it up. The doctor saw it and the trainer saw it. Came back after the match and the masseuse was taking the tape off and I go "Man. This doesn't feel normal. It's really sore." He just said "Nah, its nothing, just a kick. You'll be fine tomorrow." I wake up the next day and I'm at the dojo and put my feet out of the bed and couldn't put them on the floor. I think man this is some weird kick aftereffect I'm getting. Strong stuff. So I'm downstairs in the Dojo and Fale walks in and I'm in shorts thinking "Man. My shin. What the hell has happened to my shin?" and Fale goes "Oh man. You need to go to the hospital right away. I had that exact same thing in Mexico." He's one of the very few people who spoke English in New Japan at the time, so he talks to one of the young Japanese boys and told them to take me to the hospital. There's' communication going on between the young boy and all these doctors and then this doctor is someone from somewhere that can speak English and he says: "Okay this is what has happened. You've got a very serious infection in your leg. It's eating into your bone. If you had waited one more day we would have had to amputate your leg." So I get checked into the hospital, I end up staying there for 10 days. This was before iPhones and before Skype, so I couldn't even get in touch with my family. It was really a weird time. People kind of go 'oh you just got injured' when really I was fighting in the hospital to save my leg. That was probably the worst injury but at the same time, it wasn't a lot to deal with because I got better in 10 days and was back wrestling in a couple weeks. That was a really crazy injury.''

WWE star pulled from tour:

Roman Reigns has been pulled from the Euro tour. No reason has been given, but the Meltzer says it is not a wellness fail. One site say he has a family emergency, but there is no conformation of that.

Heat on Banks:

Vince McMahon is blaming Sasha Banks for the ending of Hell In A Cell not going over, not his decision to have Charlotte win the gold back.

Jesse Ventura names GOAT:

"For some reason, Tito and I's style blended perfect. And Tito knew me and knew how I needed to work. And he was so wonderful. He and I, we had cases where the would announcer say 10 minutes are gone and we hadn't touched, and yet the people had been up and down, out of their seats three times and we hadn't touched. And Tito would allow me to be me. And then, his timing was phenomenal. When it was time for him, he trusted me and knew I would give it to him because I knew that you've got to give the babyface his due. They've got to beat you up at some point, so you can be a coward!"

WWE reprieved:

The families of Doink The Clown and Mabel have failed in their legal actions against WWE. They accused WWE of being responsible for their wrongful and early deaths.

Nash slapped down:

Triple H has stepped in to correct Kevin Nash's statement of yesterday. He says Matt (Albert) Bloom is still the head of the WWE PC, not Shawn Michaels.

Euro tour notes:

Baron Corbin, who has been written out of Survivor Series with injury, is still working the Euro tour, and WWE are celebrating 25 years since their first visit to Spain today.

Deal done:

Billy Corgan has come to terms on his repayment by TNA. The Fight network will reimburse the money TNA owe him.

Triple H on Mickie James:

Triple H says Mickie James was not brought in to NXT - Toronto as a last minute change (She was) and was his personal choice for the match (She wasn't, Regal made the approach)...

"I've seen the rumors out there about other people being attempted to be grabbed. She is very skilled and can handle it. I felt like Mickie and Asuka would tear it up.I want to re-inforce that Mickie was not the consolation prize for us in anyway. She is the person that we went at."

The reason for the change was Trish Stratus announcing her second pregnancy.

Hogan is talking:

Hulk Hogan has been working with WWE for two weeks on Network material in New York, and is in talks about his return, according to PWI.

Brie baby / back in 2017:

Brie Bella says she will give birth in April and wants to be back in a WWE ring by SummerSlam 4 months later.

Renee reveals how ankle injury happened:

WWE have released a photo album of photo shoot blunders, one of which was Renee Young trying Roman Reigns superman punch, she later revealed that that is how she almost broke her ankle earlier this summer. She did the move in heels and did not nail the landing.

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