Monday, October 31, 2016

Today's News

Hell In A Cell:


  1. Sin Cara, Cedric Alexander & Lince Dorado bt Ariya Daivari, Drew Gulak & Tony Nese (Pre).
  2. Roman Reigns bt Rusev.
  3. Bayley bt Dana Brooke.
  4. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson bt Big Cass & Enzo Amore.
  5. Kevin Owens bt Seth Rollins.
  6. Brian Kendrick bt TJ Perkins to win the Cruiserweight title.
  7. Sheamus & Cesaro bt Big E. & Xavier Woods.
  8. Charlotte bt Sasha Banks to regain the Raw Women's gold.


  • Former WWE star Chris Nowinski was in the front row.

Top star out of PPV:

John Cena has been pulled from Survivor Series. His reality TV show cannot release him for the weekend, as WWE hoped.


Goldberg has confirmed WWE only offered him one match, and says he is treating it as his last, although is open to doing more. He also talked about his mixed emotions about returning to WWE...

"Granted, there is a little bit of me that always wanted to come back and do my thing, but that really pales in comparison to the reason I've chosen to do it. I mean, I'm taking a huge risk. Well, first of all, I have to live up to the standard of my last match, which shouldn't be too difficult. There's a lot to take into consideration, dude. Am I going to be able to do it physically? Am I going to be big enough? Am I going to be strong enough? Am I going to break something, pull something, tear something? Am I going to be able to do the things that I used to do? I mean, the list is a million things long. But, hey, dude, I don't have a problem with obstacles."

Tense interview legit?:

Booker T told Brian Kendrick that he is too old to be champion, has seen the best days of his career, and demeaned himself in asking TJ Perkins to give him the gold before HIAC. Kendrick gave as good as he got telling Booker he was never the performer he is and couldn't hang with him on his worst day. There are rumours of a real dislike of each other being to blame for the interview, but it seemed kayfabe to me.

McMahon gets his way:

People that think Vince McMahon backed down to allow the women to main event last night's HIAC are wrong. He allowed the match to go last, but only after demanding the result be changed. Sasha was booked to go over, but Vince wants to see the gold around Bayley's waist, and demanded they step up her planned programme for the gold, by putting it back on Charlotte for the third time.

TNA Alum says it is time they went away:

Alex Silva says it is about time TNA went out of business. He follows Jim Ross and JJ Dillon who compared the company's situation to the dying days of WCW.

Alum in wreck:

Brooklyn Brawler was in a serious auto wreck last night. He said he was almost killed.

Raw tease:

Tonight is Halloween Raw, and a trick or treat street fight is planned.

  • Should Cesaro & Sheamus get a rematch?
  • Expect Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon to start building teams
  • Will Charlotte be charitable enough to grant Sasha Banks her rematch?
  • Who will step up to challenge Brian Kendrick?
  • Goldberg will address the latest developments in his dream rivalry with Lesnar

WWE wedding:

Edge & Beth Phoenix were married over the weekend. Christian, Natalya and Tyson Kidd attended. The wedding was on Edge's 43rd birthday.

Legends Mania challenge:

Booker T says one match would tempt him back into the ring. He asked Goldust and R-Truth to team with him at Mania 33 for a shot at the New Day.

Eva Marie:

Eva Marie is free to return to WWE after finishing her movie this week.

Outspoken in the UK:

Dolph Ziggler says WWE were wrong not to put his retirement match on last at No Mercy, talking to a Britsh newspaper...

"I didn't make that remark because I'm a fan of myself and thought this should be the main event - by the way if you're a superstar that's how people should think anyway every day - as a businessman and someone who loves the business and loves watching wrestling and enjoying the show, the emotion that was set up for months and years into that match, that's what made it the main event, no matter where you put it on the show. If anyone wants to argue with me, go to town."


Paige is contemplating doing a weekly video diary with Alberto Del Rio on YouTube.


Billy Corgan has lost his court case against TNA, meaning Dixie Carter is free to make the decisions as she sees fit. The judge has demanded Corgan be repaid all money he put into the company, but that is likely the end of his interest in taking the promotion over. One current star wasted no time in slamming his bosses. Mike Bennett said it is back to the bad days of before.

NXT injury:

Austin Aries will have surgery on his damaged face this week. He will be benched until the new year.

1 comment:

  1. Damn that's did his face get that bad?Bennett and a ton of others that have real talent wanna get the hell out of TNA now.
